CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL finance Week 6: Lecture Recap

Week 6: Lecture Recap
CSC 343 Winter 2021
Michael Liut CSC343, Winter 2018 University of Toronto

Table of Contents
Minimum and Maximum
Michael Liut 2 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

There are two rules you must follow when aggregating:
1 Aggregation functions can be used in both the SELECT and HAVING clauses (the HAVING clause will be discussed at another time).
Aggregation functions cannot be used in a WHERE clause.
RECALL: Aggregation is a column procedure, not a row operation!
Michael Liut 3 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Aggregation Overview
Function Syntax
COUNT( [ALL |DISTINCT] expression )
AVG( [ALL | DISTINCT] expression )
SUM( [ALL | DISTINCT] expression )
Function Usage
The number of (distinct) non-NULL values in a column/expression.
The number of selected rows.
The average of the (distinct) values in a numeric column/expression.
The total of the (distinct) values in a numeric column/expression.
The largest value in a column/expression.
The smallest value in a column/ expression.
Michael Liut https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/functions-aggregate.html 4 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Count(*) will count all of the rows in a table.
Count(columnName) will count a specified column.
Rows containing NULL (unknown) values are omitted. An empty or zero value is not to be confused with NULL.
Michael Liut 5 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Count() returns a single scalar value.
e.g. let¡¯s say a manager of a company needs to know the number of employees that work within the organization, count(*) can produce this information.
Let¡¯s say that the HR department has a table of all ¡°employee[s]¡±.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee;
COUNT(*) ——– 8
Michael Liut 6 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

The result is ¡°8¡±, a single scalar value.
Notice that the result table column heading, in this case ¡°COUNT(*)¡± for example, is not the most meaningful name.
The output column name can be made more meaningful through query manipulation.
This is accomplished by using the ¡°as¡± keyword.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS numOfEmps FROM employee;
numOfEmps ———- 8
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee;
COUNT(*) ——– 8
Michael Liut 7 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

AVG(columnName) returns the average for that column.
e.g. let¡¯s say a manager of a company needs to know the average salary of their employees.
SELECT AVG(empSalary)
AS Average_Employee_Salary
FROM employee;
Average_Employee_Salary ———————— $79,575
Michael Liut 8 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

SUM(columnName) returns the computed total summation for that column.
e.g. let¡¯s say a manager of a company needs to know the total salary of their employees.
SELECT SUM(empSalary)
AS Total_Employee_Salary
FROM employee;
Total_Employee_Salary ———————- $1,875,750
Michael Liut 9 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Who or when would use SUM in a query?
e.g. let¡¯s say that you are a finance officer for the Faculty of Engineering and that your responsibility is to prepare budgets and expense reports for various departments. You were tasked with computing are required to specify what each department¡¯s salary expense is.
SELECT SUM(empSalary)
AS Total_CS_Employee_Salary FROM employee
WHERE empDept = ¡®CS¡¯;
Total_CS_Employee_Salary ————————– $550,000
Michael Liut 10 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Minimum and Maximum
The MIN function will return the smallest value stored in the search
The MAX function will return the largest value stored in the search
Unlike AVG and SUM, MIN and MAX work with both numeric and
character data.
e.g. let¡¯s say that you you want to know who from your employee table comes first alphabetically by last name and who comes last.
Michael Liut 11 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Minimum and Maximum
e.g. let¡¯s say that you you want to know who from your employee table comes first alphabetically by last name and who comes last.
MIN will return the employee row that comes first alphabetical (aka is
the smallest).
MAX will return the employee row that comes last alphabetical (aka is
the largest).
SELECT MIN(empSurname), MAX(empSurname) FROM employee;
Michael Liut 12 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Minimum and Maximum
The same idea can be said if we look at a numeric value.
e.g. let¡¯s say that you you want to know who from your employee table has the largest and smallest salary.
SELECT MIN(empSalary),MAX(empSalary) AS Least_Paid, Most_Paid
FROM employee;
Least_Paid ———– $41,512
Most_Paid ——————
Michael Liut 13 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Aggregation functions are more powerful when utilized with the GROUP BY clause.
In fact, the GROUP BY clause is rarely used without an aggregation
I know what you¡¯re going to ask, ¡°when would it be used without an
The schema construction that must be in existence for you to use this would have to be extremely poor, so poorly constructed that any results would likely lead to a confusing or misleading results table.
We will talk about the ORDER BY clause shortly!
Michael Liut 14 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

If any aggregation is used, then each element of the SELECT list must be:
aggregated; or
an attribute on the GROUP BY list.
The name of the attribute used in GROUP BY does not have to be listed in the SELECT clause.
However, it must be a column from one of the tables in the FROM clause.
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Michael Liut 15 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

e.g. let¡¯s say you want to know what department numbers each employee you have belongs to.
For simplicity, remember the following:
AS Department_Count FROM employee
GROUP BY empDeptNum;
Department_Count —————– 1
if you have column names and aggregate functions in SELECT, then you must have a GROUP BY clause; and
the column names in SELECT must match the column names listed in GROUP BY.
Michael Liut 16 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Grouping with WHERE
The WHERE clause eliminates rows prior to being grouped.
Why is this important?
It cuts down on unnecessary computation time.
Less computations == less money and resources spent.
Let¡¯s look at a query that produces the average number of hours an employee works per week, where the employee¡¯s SIN is greater than 999-500-000.
Michael Liut 17 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Grouping with WHERE
Let¡¯s look at a query that produces the average number of hours an employee works per week, where the employee¡¯s SIN is greater than 999-500-000.
AVG(workHours) AS Average_Hours_Worked FROM employee
WHERE empSIN > 999500000
SIN Average_Hours_Worked ——— ——————– 999666666 39.5
999887777 40.5
999888888 41.5
Michael Liut 18 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Grouping with HAVING
The HAVING clause is used for aggregate functions. Much like the WHERE clause is used for column names and expressions.
HAVING and WHERE in technicality do the same thing, just at different times.
i.e. both filter rows from inclusion in a result table based on some condition.
The WHERE clause filters rows BEFORE the grouping action. The HAVING clause filters rows AFTER the grouping action.
1 2
Michael Liut 19 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto

Grouping with HAVING
Let¡¯s look at the ordering example, this time using GROUP BY and HAVING.
SELECT empDeptNum AS Department, AVG(empSalary) as Average_Salary
FROM employee
GROUP BY empDeptNum
HAVING AVG(empSalary) < 90000; Department Average_Salary ---------- -------------- 1 $79,575 7 $83,400 Michael Liut 20 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Ordering The ORDER BY clause allows you to specify how rows in a result table are sorted. PostgreSQL¡¯s default is ascending order (smallest to largest). SELECT empDeptNum AS Department, AVG(empSalary) AS Average_Salary FROM employee GROUP BY empDeptNum ORDER BY AVG(empSalary); Department Average_Salary ---------- -------------- 1 7 3 $79,575 $83,400 $93,660 Michael Liut 21 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Grouping with WHERE and HAVING Let¡¯s look at the combination of the two clauses. SELECT empDeptNum AS Department, AVG(empSalary) as Average_Salary FROM employee WHERE empDeptNum <> 1
GROUP BY empDeptNum
HAVING AVG(empSalary) < 90000; Department Average_Salary ---------- -------------- 7 $83,400 Michael Liut 22 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto SQL step-by-step Conceptually, SQL performs the following steps for the query: 1 TheWHEREclausefilterstheempDeptNumnotequalto1. 2 TheGROUPBYclausecollectstheremainingrowsintooneormore groups for each unique empDeptNum. 3 Theaggregatefunctioncalculatestheaveragesalaryforeach empDeptNum grouping. 4 TheHAVINGclausefilterstherowsfromtheresulttablewhichfailto meet the condition (i.e. the average salary is less than $90,000). SELECT empDeptNum AS Department, AVG(empSalary) as Average_Salary FROM employee WHERE empDeptNum <> 1
GROUP BY empDeptNum
HAVING AVG(empSalary) < 90000; Michael Liut 23 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Task (Week 4 Extension!) Write a single statement to do the following: ¡ñ Return how many aliases citizen 4 has and name the column ¡°Strange Nicknames¡± ¡ñ Return the average weight of Superheroes who are older than 50. ¡ñ Return the most vicious (in terms of people killed) Villain. ¡ñ For all citizens with 2 or more nicknames, show me their cid, and how many nicknames they have. ¡ñ Show the names of all the ExtraordinaryCitizen next to their total PowerGrid points Note: You will have to have a clean/empty version of the tables from Lecture¡¯s Week 4 to do this. Use the sample solution DDL posted on the class site to create the tables for consistency in the solution. Michael Liut 24 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Hmm.. ¡ñ Show the names of the ExtraordinaryCitizen with the most PowerGrid points ¡ñ I can¡¯t do this, the DDL design doesn¡¯t allow me to do it! ¡ñ Let¡¯s consider the concept of joins. Michael Liut 25 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Cross product course_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 course_id BIO-301 BIO-301 BIO-301 CS-190 title Genetics Genetics Genetics dept_name Biology Biology Biology credits 4 4 4 course_id BIO-301 CS-190 CS-347 course_id BIO-301 CS-190 CS-347 prereq_id BIO-101 CS-101 CS-101 prereq_id BIO-101 CS-101 CS-101 CS-190 Note: Taken froCmS-l1e9ct0ure slides Game Design Game Design Game Design Comp Sci Comp Sci Comp Sci 4 4 4 BIO-301 CS-190 CS-347 BIO-101 CS-101 CS-101 Michael Liut 26 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Left outer join course_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-315 Robotics Comp Sci 3 course_id prereq_id BIO-301 BIO-101 CS-190 CS-101 CS-347 CS-101 course_id title dept_name credits prereq_id BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 BIO-101 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-101 CS-315 Robotics Comp Sci 3 NULL Michael Liut Note: Taken from lecture slides 27 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Right outer join course_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-315 Robotics Comp Sci 3 course_id prereq_id BIO-301 BIO-101 CS-190 CS-101 CS-347 CS-101 course_id prereq_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 BIO-101 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 CS-101 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-347 CS-101 NULL NULL NULL Michael Liut Note: Taken from lecture slides 28 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Full outer join course_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-315 Robotics Comp Sci 3 course_id prereq_id BIO-301 BIO-101 CS-190 CS-101 CS-347 CS-101 course_id BIO-301 CS-190 CS-315 title Genetics Game Design dept_name Biology Comp Sci credits 4 4 prereq_id BIO-101 CS-101 NULL CS-347 Robotics NULL Comp Sci NULL 3 NULL CS-101 Michael Liut Note: Taken from lecture slides 29 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Inner join course_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-315 Robotics Comp Sci 3 course_id prereq_id BIO-301 BIO-101 CS-190 CS-101 CS-347 CS-101 course_id title dept_name credits prereq_id BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 BIO-101 CS-190 Game Design Comp Sci 4 CS-101 Michael Liut Note: Taken from lecture slides 30 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Let¡¯s try it again ¡ñ Show the names of all the ExtraordinaryCitizen next to their total PowerGrid points Michael Liut 31 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Example SELECT cid, Intelligence + EnergyProjection + Durability + Strength + Speed + FightingSkills AS SumPoints FROM PowerGrid; That gets us the cid and the point sum for each citizen, but how do we get the Names of each of those citizens? Michael Liut 32 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Example SELECT Name, SumPoints FROM ExtraordinaryCitizen EC INNER JOIN (SELECT cid, Intelligence + EnergyProjection + Durability + Strength + Speed + FightingSkills AS SumPoints FROM PowerGrid) SumPgTable ON SumPgTable.cid = EC.cid; Michael Liut 33 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Additional Trigger Exercise Create a trigger that will automatically check when inserting a new villain. If this villain is in prison and kills 0 people with an age older than 100, release the new villain from the prison (i.e., set imprisonment to false). Michael Liut 34 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto Solution CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION show_mercy() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $show_mercy_trigger$ BEGIN IF (NEW.Imprisonment = true) AND (NEW.PeopleKilled = 0) AND (NEW.vid IN (SELECT cid FROM ExtraordinaryCitizen WHERE age > 100))
THEN NEW.Imprisonment = false; END IF;
$show_mercy_trigger$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;
Michael Liut 35 CSC343, Winter 2021 University of Toronto