CS计算机代考程序代写 Java /**

* RDDL: Graphical Visualisation for Traffic Model
* @author Tan Nguyen (tan1889@gmail.com)
* @version 6-May-2011

package rddl.viz.trfctm;

import rddl.viz.StateViz;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class TrfGridDisplay extends JPanel {

static final int MAX_CARS_PER_CELL = 200; // Max cars/cell otherwise = charge & discharge cell

static final int CELL_WH = 30; // W x H of cell in px
static final int ARROW_WIDTH = 9; // arrow width in pixel
static final Color ARROW_COLOR1 = new Color(0, 240, 255);
static final Color ARROW_COLOR2 = new Color(0, 190, 255);

static final int CAR_W = 6; // W of square to draw car
static final int CAR_H = 5; // H of square to draw car
static final int CAR_ROWS_PER_CELL = (CELL_WH -2) / CAR_H;
static final int CAR_COLS_PER_CELL = (CELL_WH – ARROW_WIDTH -2) / CAR_W;

private int nRows, nCols;
public int NRows() { return nRows; }
public int NCols() { return nCols; }

public enum Direction {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT};
public enum Signal{ALL_RED, NORTH_SOUTH, WEST_EAST};

private Cell[][] cell;
private Signal[][] signal;
private JFrame frame;

// constructor
public TrfGridDisplay(int cols, int rows) {
nRows = rows;
nCols = cols;
cell = new Cell[nCols][nRows];
signal = new Signal[nCols][nRows];
frame = new JFrame(“Traffic Visualisation”);
frame.setSize((nCols + 2) * CELL_WH, (nRows + 2) * CELL_WH);

public class Cell {
double _nCars, _maxCars;
Direction _direction;
int _arrowStyle;

public Cell(double nCars, double maxCars,
Direction direction, int arrowStyle) {
_nCars = nCars;
_maxCars = maxCars;
if (_nCars < 0) _nCars = 0; if (_maxCars < 1) _maxCars = 1; _direction = direction; _arrowStyle = arrowStyle; } public void setNewValues(double nCars, double maxCars, Direction direction, int arrowStyle) { _nCars = nCars; _maxCars = maxCars; if (_nCars < 0) _nCars = 0; if (_maxCars < 1) _maxCars = 1; _direction = direction; _arrowStyle = arrowStyle; } public int getNCars() { int n = (int) Math.round(_nCars); return n; } public int getMaxCars() { return (int) Math.round(_maxCars); } public Direction getDirection() { return _direction; } public int switchArrow() { return _arrowStyle; } public Color fillColor() { // charge & discharge cells if (_maxCars > MAX_CARS_PER_CELL) return new Color(0, 180, 0);
// other cells -> linear interpolation white -> red
int newGB = 255 – 255 * getNCars()/getMaxCars();
if (newGB < 0) newGB = 0; if (newGB > 255) newGB = 255;
return new Color(255, newGB, newGB);

public Color arrowColor() {
if (_maxCars > MAX_CARS_PER_CELL || _nCars < 1 || _arrowStyle == -1) return fillColor(); else if (_arrowStyle == 1) return ARROW_COLOR1; else return ARROW_COLOR2; } } // set values of cell i, j to update viz public void setCell(int i, int j, double nCars, double maxCars, char directionChar, int arrowStyle) { Direction direction; switch (directionChar) { case 'R': direction = TrfGridDisplay.Direction.RIGHT; break; case 'U': direction = TrfGridDisplay.Direction.UP; break; case 'D': direction = TrfGridDisplay.Direction.DOWN; break; default: direction = TrfGridDisplay.Direction.LEFT; } if (cell[i][j] == null) cell[i][j] = new Cell(nCars, maxCars, direction, arrowStyle); else cell[i][j].setNewValues(nCars, maxCars, direction, arrowStyle); } // set values of signal i, j to update viz public void setSignal(int i, int j, String signalStr) { if (signalStr == "@ALL-RED" || signalStr == "@ALL-RED2") signal[i][j] = Signal.ALL_RED; else if (signalStr == "@WEST-EAST") signal[i][j] = Signal.WEST_EAST; else if (signalStr == "@NORTH-SOUTH") signal[i][j] = Signal.NORTH_SOUTH; } // draw cell i,j on the window public void drawCell(int i, int j, Graphics g) { if (cell[i][j] == null) return; Direction direction = cell[i][j].getDirection(); // draw the cell int x = i * CELL_WH + CELL_WH; int y = j * CELL_WH + CELL_WH; // fill cell with color g.setColor(cell[i][j].fillColor()); g.fillRect(x, y, CELL_WH, CELL_WH); // fill arrow with color Polygon arrowPol = getArrowPolygon(i, j, direction); g.setColor(cell[i][j].arrowColor()); g.fillPolygon(arrowPol); // fill cell borders g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.drawRect(x, y, CELL_WH, CELL_WH); // draw cars in the cell if (cell[i][j].getMaxCars() < MAX_CARS_PER_CELL) { g.setColor(Color.BLUE); int nCars = CAR_COLS_PER_CELL * CAR_ROWS_PER_CELL; if (nCars > cell[i][j].getNCars()) nCars = cell[i][j].getNCars();
int carRows = nCars / CAR_COLS_PER_CELL;
if (nCars % CAR_COLS_PER_CELL >0) carRows++;

while (nCars > 0) {
int c = nCars % CAR_COLS_PER_CELL;
int r = nCars / CAR_COLS_PER_CELL;
int offsetY = (CELL_WH – carRows * CAR_H)/2 + 1;

if (direction == Direction.LEFT){
c = CAR_COLS_PER_CELL – c – 1;
offsetX = 2 + (CELL_WH – ARROW_WIDTH – CAR_COLS_PER_CELL * CAR_W) / 2;
} else if (direction == Direction.DOWN){
int tmp = r; r = c; c = tmp;
tmp = offsetY; offsetY = offsetX; offsetX=tmp;
} else if (direction == Direction.UP){
int tmp = r; r = CAR_COLS_PER_CELL – c -1; c = tmp;
tmp = offsetY; offsetY = offsetX – ARROW_WIDTH + 3; offsetX=tmp;

if (direction == Direction.RIGHT || direction == Direction.LEFT)
g.drawRect(x + offsetX + c * CAR_W + (CAR_W -3)/2,
y + offsetY + r * CAR_H + (CAR_H-2)/2, 3, 1);
g.drawRect(x + offsetX + c * CAR_H + (CAR_H -2)/2,
y + offsetY + r * CAR_W + (CAR_W-3)/2, 1, 3);

public Polygon getArrowPolygon(int i, int j, Direction direction) {
int xpoints[] = {0, ARROW_WIDTH, 0};
int ypoints[] = {0, CELL_WH/2, CELL_WH};
if (direction == Direction.UP){
int[] tmp = xpoints;
xpoints = ypoints;
ypoints = tmp;
for (int k=0; k<3; k++) ypoints[k] = CELL_WH - ypoints[k]; } else if (direction == Direction.DOWN){ int[] tmp = xpoints; xpoints = ypoints; ypoints = tmp; } else if (direction == Direction.LEFT){ for (int k=0; k<3; k++) xpoints[k] = CELL_WH - xpoints[k]; } for (int k=0; k<3; k++) { xpoints[k] = i * CELL_WH + CELL_WH + xpoints[k]; ypoints[k] = j * CELL_WH + CELL_WH + ypoints[k]; } return new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3); } // draw signal i,j on the window public void drawSignal(int i, int j, Graphics g) { if (signal[i][j] == null) return; int x = i * CELL_WH + CELL_WH; int y = j * CELL_WH + CELL_WH; int ms = 5; // space from square margin to symbol // fill cell with color g.setColor(Color.GRAY); g.fillRect(x, y, CELL_WH, CELL_WH); // draw cell borders g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.drawRect(x, y, CELL_WH, CELL_WH); // draw the signal symbol if (signal[i][j] == Signal.ALL_RED) { g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.fillOval(x + ms, y + ms, CELL_WH - 2*ms, CELL_WH - 2*ms); } else if (signal[i][j] == Signal.WEST_EAST) { int xpoints[] = {x + ms, x + CELL_WH/2, x + CELL_WH/2, x + CELL_WH - ms, x + CELL_WH/2, x + CELL_WH/2, x + ms}; int ypoints[] = {y + CELL_WH/3, y + CELL_WH/3, y + ms, y + CELL_WH/2, y + CELL_WH - ms, y + 2*CELL_WH/3, y + 2*CELL_WH/3}; g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillPolygon(new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 7)); } else if (signal[i][j] == Signal.NORTH_SOUTH) { int xpoints[] = {x + CELL_WH/3, x + CELL_WH/3, x + ms, x + CELL_WH/2, x + CELL_WH - ms, x + 2*CELL_WH/3, x + 2*CELL_WH/3}; int ypoints[] = {y + ms, y + CELL_WH/2, y + CELL_WH/2, y + CELL_WH - ms, y + CELL_WH/2, y + CELL_WH/2, y + ms}; g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillPolygon(new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 7)); } } public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ for (int i=0; i < nCols; i++) { for (int j=0; j < nRows; j++) { if (cell[i][j] != null) drawCell(i, j, g); if (signal[i][j] != null) drawSignal(i, j, g); } } } public void close() { frame.dispose(); } // some tests public static void main(String[] args) { TrfGridDisplay panel = new TrfGridDisplay(20, 15); panel.setCell(0, 9, 9100, 9999, 'R', 1); panel.setCell(1, 9, 30, 30, 'R', 0); panel.setCell(2, 9, 7, 20, 'R', 1); panel.setCell(3, 9, 2, 20, 'R', 0); panel.setCell(3, 10, 20, 20, 'L', 1); panel.setCell(4, 8, 5, 20, 'U', 0); panel.setCell(4, 7, 30, 30, 'U', 1); panel.setCell(4, 10, 10, 20, 'D', 0); panel.setSignal(5, 5, "@ALL-RED"); panel.setSignal(6, 6, "@WEST-EAST"); panel.setSignal(7, 7, "@NORTH-SOUTH"); } }