package rddl.competition.generators;
* A generator for instances of a fully observable reconaissance domain.
* @author Tom Walsh
* @version 2/18/11
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class ReconMDPGen {
// parameters are number of elevators, number of floors, starting floor of
// each elevator,
// arrival parameter on each floor, horizon and discount
//protected final int outliersLow = 0;
//protected final int outliersHigh = 0;
protected int size;
protected int maxObjects;
protected float damageProbMax;
protected float maxHazardDensity;
protected float lifeDensity;
protected String output_dir;
protected String instance_name;
protected int hor;
protected float dis;
protected int id;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 9)
ReconMDPGen efg = new ReconMDPGen(args);
String content = efg.generate(true);
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(
new FileOutputStream(efg.output_dir + File.separator + efg.instance_name + “.rddl”));
public static void usage() {
System.err.println(“Usage: output-dir instance-name size maxObjects damageProbMax maxHazardDensity lifeDensity horizon discount”);
System.err.println(“Example: files/testcomp/rddl recon-2 4 5 0.9 0.5 0.7 100 0.9”);
public ReconMDPGen(String[] args) {
// int els, int floors, int[]starts, float [] arrs, float pen, int
// hor, float dis, int id){
output_dir = args[0];
if (output_dir.endsWith(“/”) || output_dir.endsWith(“\\”))
output_dir = output_dir.substring(0, output_dir.length() – 1);
instance_name = args[1];
id = 0;
try {
size = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
maxObjects = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
damageProbMax = Float.parseFloat(args[4]);
maxHazardDensity = Float.parseFloat(args[5]);
lifeDensity = Float.parseFloat(args[6]);
hor = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
dis = Float.parseFloat(args[8]);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println(“Error in onr of the inputs”);
public String generate(boolean mdp) {
Random ran = new Random();
int numObjects = Math.max(2, maxObjects); //Math.max(2, ran.nextInt(maxObjects +1));
int numHazards = Math.max(1, ran.nextInt((int) (size * size * maxHazardDensity)));
while(size * size – 1 – numHazards – numObjects < 0)
if (numHazards < 1)
numHazards = 1;
//System.out.println("Num hazards: " + numHazards);
//System.err.println(numObjects + " " + numHazards);
String s = "";
s += "non-fluents nf_" + instance_name
+ " {\n\tdomain = recon_mdp; \n\tobjects { \n";
s += "\t\tx_pos : {";
for (int e = 0; e < size; e++) {
s += "x" + e;
if (e < size - 1)
s += ",";
s += "};\n\t\ty_pos : {";
for (int e = 0; e < size; e++) {
s += "y" + e;
if (e < size - 1)
s += ",";
s += "};\n\t\tobj : {";
for (int e = 0; e < numObjects; e++) {
s += "o" + e;
if (e < numObjects - 1)
s += ",";
s += "};\n\t\tagent : {a1};\n\t\ttool : {l1,w1,p1};\n";
s += "\n\t}; \n\tnon-fluents {\n";
for(int x = 0; x < size; x++){
s += "\t\tADJACENT-LEFT(x" + x + ", x" + Math.max(0, x-1) + ");\n";
s += "\t\tADJACENT-DOWN(y" + x + ", y" + Math.max(0, x-1) + ");\n";
s += "\t\tADJACENT-RIGHT(x" + x + ", x" + Math.min(size-1, x+1) + ");\n";
s += "\t\tADJACENT-UP(y" + x + ", y" + Math.min(size-1, x+1) + ");\n";
s+= "\t\tWATER_TOOL(w1);\n\t\tLIFE_TOOL(l1);\n\t\tCAMERA_TOOL(p1);\n";
//s+= "\t\tDETECT_PROB(w1) = " + (ran.nextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.85f)+";\n";
//s+= "\t\tDETECT_PROB(l1) = " + (ran.nextFloat() * 0.25f+ 0.75f) +";\n";
//s+= "\t\tDETECT_PROB_DAMAGED(w1) = " + ran.nextFloat() * 0.7f +";\n";
//s+= "\t\tDETECT_PROB_DAMAGED(l1) = " + ran.nextFloat() * 0.6f +";\n";
int [] filled = new int[size * size];
for(int x = 0; x < filled.length; x++)
filled[x] = 0;
int baseLoc = ran.nextInt(size * size);
s+= "\t\tBASE(x" + baseLoc % size + ",y" + baseLoc / size+ ");\n";
filled[baseLoc] = 1;;
int loc;
int life =0;
for(int o = 0; o < numObjects;o++){
int tries = 0;
loc = ran.nextInt(size * size);
}while(filled[loc] == 1 && ++tries < 100);
s+= "\t\tobjAt(o" + o +",x" + loc % size + ",y" + loc / size + ");\n";
filled[loc] =1;
if(ran.nextFloat()< lifeDensity || life < 1){
if (!mdp) {
s+= "\t\tHAS_WATER(o" + o + ");\n";
s+= "\t\tHAS_LIFE(o" + o + ");\n";
//System.err.println(numObjects + " " + life);
else if(ran.nextFloat()< 0.7){
if (!mdp)
s+= "\t\tHAS_WATER(o" + o + ");\n";
for(int x = 0; x < filled.length; x++)
filled[x] = 0;// allowing hazards on objects
filled[baseLoc] =1;
for(int o = 0; o < numHazards;o++){
int tries = 0;
loc = ran.nextInt(size * size);
}while(filled[loc] == 1 && ++tries < 100);
s+= "\t\tHAZARD(x" + loc % size + ",y" + loc / size + ");\n";
filled[loc] =1;
s += "\t\tDAMAGE_PROB(w1) = " + (ran.nextFloat()* (damageProbMax -0.25f) + 0.25f) + ";\n";
s += "\t\tDAMAGE_PROB(l1) = " + (ran.nextFloat()* (damageProbMax -0.25f) + 0.25f) + ";\n";
s += "\t\tGOOD_PIC_WEIGHT = " + (ran.nextFloat()*0.9f + 0.1f) + ";\n";
s += "\t\tBAD_PIC_WEIGHT = " + (ran.nextFloat()*0.9f + 0.1f) + ";\n";
s += "\t};\n}\ninstance " + instance_name + " { \n\tdomain = recon_mdp; \n ";
s += "\tnon-fluents = nf_" + instance_name + ";\n\tinit-state { \n";
s += "\t\tagentAt(a1,x" + baseLoc % size + ",y" + baseLoc/size + ");\n";
s += "\t};\n\tmax-nondef-actions = " + 1 + ";\n";
s += "\thorizon = " + hor + ";\n";
s += "\tdiscount = " + dis + ";\n} \n";
return s;