{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Mar18 where
— Note: this starts from the Mar16 file and then MODIFIES it
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Function as Func (fix)
— useful for the implementation below
if’ :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
if’ b x y = if b then x else y
Learning objectives:
\item Typed Finally Tagless — adding more features
\item compositionality of languages
\item traversals
class IntSy (rep :: * -> *) where
int :: Integer -> rep Integer — introduce
add :: rep Integer -> rep Integer -> rep Integer — computation rules
sub :: rep Integer -> rep Integer -> rep Integer
mul :: rep Integer -> rep Integer -> rep Integer
class BoolSy rep where
bool :: Bool -> rep Bool
if_ :: rep Bool -> rep a -> rep a -> rep a
and_ :: rep Bool -> rep Bool -> rep Bool
or_ :: rep Bool -> rep Bool -> rep Bool
not_ :: rep Bool -> rep Bool
class OrderSy rep where
leq :: rep Integer -> rep Integer -> rep Bool
class PairSy rep where
pair :: rep a -> rep b -> rep (a , b) — (,) lifted
fst_ :: rep (a, b) -> rep a
snd_ :: rep (a, b) -> rep b
class SumSy rep where
left :: rep a -> rep (Either a b)
right :: rep b -> rep (Either a b)
either_ :: rep (a -> c) -> rep (b -> c) -> rep (Either a b) -> rep c
class FunctionSy rep where
app :: rep (a -> b) -> (rep a -> rep b) — ($) lifted
lam :: (rep a -> rep b) -> rep (a -> b) — \ lifted
class FixSy rep where
fix_ :: (rep (a -> b) -> rep (a -> b)) -> rep (a -> b)
class EqSy rep where
eq :: Eq a => rep a -> rep a -> rep Bool
Augment the |R| instance with new features:
newtype R a = R {unR :: a}
instance Functor R where
— fmap f x = R $ f $ unR x
fmap f = R . f . unR
instance Applicative R where
pure = R
f <*> x = R $ (unR f) (unR x)
instance IntSy R where
int = pure
add = liftA2 (+)
sub = liftA2 (-)
mul = liftA2 (*)
instance BoolSy R where
bool = pure
and_ = liftA2 (&&)
or_ = liftA2 (||)
if_ = liftA3 (if’) — elimination rule for Bool
not_ = fmap not
instance OrderSy R where
leq = liftA2 (<=)
instance PairSy R where
pair = liftA2 (,) -- introduction rule
fst_ = fmap fst -- elimination rule
snd_ = fmap snd -- elimination rule
instance SumSy R where
left = fmap Left -- introduction rule
right = fmap Right -- introduction rule
either_ = liftA3 either -- elimination rule
instance FunctionSy R where
app = liftA2 ($) -- elimination rule
-- the "follow the types version":
-- lam f = R $ \x -> unR $ f (R x)
— first put compositions on the rhs
— lam f = R $ \x -> unR . f . R $ x
— eta contract
lam f = pure (unR . f . R) — introduction rule
instance FixSy R where
fix_ f = R $ Func.fix (unR . f . R)
instance EqSy R where
eq = liftA2 (==)
fst_ is also
fst_ x = R (fst $ unR x)
fst_ x = R . fst . unR $ x
fst_ = R . fst . unR
fst_ = fmap fst
max’ :: (BoolSy rep, OrderSy rep) => rep Integer -> rep Integer -> rep Integer
max’ x y = if_ (leq x y) y x
max” :: (FunctionSy rep, BoolSy rep, OrderSy rep) =>
rep (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
max” = lam (\x -> lam (\y -> max’ x y))
swap :: (FunctionSy rep, PairSy rep) => rep ((a, b) -> (b, a))
swap = lam (\x -> pair (snd_ x) (fst_ x))
fact :: (FixSy rep, FunctionSy rep, BoolSy rep, IntSy rep, OrderSy rep) =>
rep (Integer -> Integer)
fact = fix_ (\self ->
lam (\n ->
if_ (leq n (int 1))
(int 1)
(mul n (app self (add n (int (-1)))))))
And an interpreter for size:
newtype Sz a = Sz {unSz :: Int}
instance Functor Sz where
fmap _ x = Sz $ 1 + unSz x
instance Applicative Sz where
pure = const $ Sz 1
f <*> x = Sz $ unSz f + unSz x
instance IntSy Sz where
int = pure
add = liftA2 (+)
sub = liftA2 (-)
mul = liftA2 (*)
instance BoolSy Sz where
bool = pure
and_ = liftA2 (&&)
or_ = liftA2 (||)
not_ = fmap not
if_ = liftA3 (if’)
instance OrderSy Sz where
leq = liftA2 (<=)
instance FunctionSy Sz where
app = liftA2 ($)
lam f = Sz $ 1 + (unSz . f . Sz $ 0)
instance PairSy Sz where
pair = liftA2 ((,))
fst_ = fmap fst
snd_ = fmap snd
instance FixSy Sz where
fix_ f = Sz $ unSz (f (Sz 0)) + 1
itest :: Integer
itest = unR $ app fact (int 5)
stest :: Int
stest = unSz fact