module Jan14 where
Learning objectives (planned):
\item fold (generalize in later lectures)
Folding right and left.
Context: a list, a binary function ‘f’ and a starting value ‘s’.
\lstinline|l = [a1, a2, a3, …, an]|
\item fold-right: a1 `f` (a2 `f` (a3 `f` …. (an `f` s)))
\item fold-left: ((((((s `f` a1) `f` a2) … `f` an))))
— foldr in Haskell
fold_right :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
fold_right f s [] = s
fold_right f s (x:xs) = x `f` (fold_right f s xs)
SUPER IMPORTANT: \textbf{The only thing you can do with a function is call it!}