#define C_B 0x0000 /* This cell is an obstacle/boundary cell */
#define B_N 0x0001 /* This obstacle cell has a fluid cell to the north */
#define B_S 0x0002 /* This obstacle cell has a fluid cell to the south */
#define B_W 0x0004 /* This obstacle cell has a fluid cell to the west */
#define B_E 0x0008 /* This obstacle cell has a fluid cell to the east */
#define B_NW (B_N | B_W)
#define B_SW (B_S | B_W)
#define B_NE (B_N | B_E)
#define B_SE (B_S | B_E)
#define B_NSEW (B_N | B_S | B_E | B_W)
#define C_F 0x0010 /* This cell is a fluid cell */
/* Macros for poisson(), denoting whether there is an obstacle cell
* adjacent to some direction
#define eps_E ((flag[i+1][j] & C_F)?1:0)
#define eps_W ((flag[i-1][j] & C_F)?1:0)
#define eps_N ((flag[i][j+1] & C_F)?1:0)
#define eps_S ((flag[i][j-1] & C_F)?1:0)