CS计算机代考程序代写 gui Assignment: 11

Assignment: 11
Due: Language level: Files to submit:
Wednesday, April 14th at 11:45 pm Eastern Time Intermediate Student with lambda
ontario.rkt rl.rkt
• Join the discussion for the answers to frequently asked questions.
• Unless stated otherwise, all policies from the previous assignment carry forward. • This assignment covers material up to the end of Module 16.
• The only built-in functions and special forms you may use are listed below. If a built-in function or special form is not in the following list, you may not use it:
* + – … / < <= = > >= abs add1 and append boolean? ceiling char<=? char=? char>? char? check-expect check-within cond cons cons? define define-struct eighth else empty? equal? even? exp expt fifth filter first floor foldl foldr
fourth integer? lambda length list list->string list-ref list? local map max member? min not number->string number? odd? or quotient range remainder rest second
seventh sixth sqr sqrt string->list string-append string-length string-ref string<=? string=? string>? string? sub1 substring symbol=? symbol? third zero?
• Remember that basic tests are meant as sanity checks only; by design, passing them should not be taken as any indication that your code is correct, only that it has the right form.
• Unless the question specifically says otherwise, you are always permitted to write helper functions to perform any task. You may use any constants or functions from any part of a question in any other part.
• For any inexact tests, use a tolerance of 0.0001.
1. Pathing [50%]. Place your solutions to all parts of this problem in ontario.rkt Whenever we were using graphs so far, we attached values to vertices (vertex names in the form of a Sym) but we never gave
edges values. By doing so, however, we can increase the usefulness of graphs significantly.
;; A Node is a Sym
;; A Map is a (listof (list Node (listof Neighbour)))
CS 135 Winter 2021 Hackman, Morland
;; ;; A ;;
requires: Map is directed and acyclic
Neighbour is a (list Node Nat) where the number indicates the
travel time (in minutes) to the neighbour.
1.1. . Forexample,considerthemapofSouthernOntarioshownbelow.Thevaluesoneachedgeindicate travel times (in minutes) between nodes. With its help you could calculate your estimated travel time between different cities.
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 1

30 30
30 45
35 80
Write a function travel-time. This function consumes an origin and a destination in the form of two Sym as well as a Map. It then produces the travel time between origin and destination; if no path exists, it produces false. travel-time requires that both origin and destination are on the map. (If there are multiple paths between the origin and destination, any correct travel time is acceptable.)
(define southern-ontario
(list (list ‘Brantford (list (list ‘Hamilton 30)))
(list ‘Cambridge (list (list ‘Brantford 30) (list ‘Hamilton 45) (list ‘London 70) (list ‘TO 80)))
(list ‘Guelph (list (list ‘Cambridge 30) (list ‘TO 80)))
(list ‘Hamilton empty)
(list ‘London (list (list ‘Brantford 70)))
(list ‘KW (list (list ‘Cambridge 30) (list ‘Guelph 35) (list ‘Stratford 40))) (list ‘Stratford (list (list ‘London 50)))
(list ‘TO (list (list ‘Hamilton 60)))))
(check-expect (travel-time ‘Guelph ‘Hamilton southern-ontario) 90)
; travel time for ‘(Guelph Cambridge Brantford Hamilton)
1.2. . Dependingontheimplementationdetailsfortravel-time,thefunctionmightnothaveproduced the shortest possible travel time between origin and destination. We want to write a function that calculates the travel times for all valid paths. For now, however, we will not concern ourselves with the travel times but will concern ourselves with considering every path.
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 2

Write a function all-paths, that produces all valid paths between a source and a destination. all-paths consumes an origin and a destination in the form of two Sym as well as a Map. It then producesalistofallpossiblepathsbetweenoriginanddestinationasa(listof (listof Sym)). all-paths requires that both origin and destination are on the map. (If there are multiple paths between the origin and destination, the order of these paths does not matter.)
(all-paths ‘Guelph ‘Hamilton southern-ontario)
(list (list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘Brantford ‘Hamilton)
(list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘Hamilton)
(list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘London ‘Brantford ‘Hamilton) (list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘TO ‘Hamilton)
(list ‘Guelph ‘TO ‘Hamilton)))
(check-expect (all-paths ‘Stratford ‘Guelph southern-ontario) empty) ••••
1.3. . Nowthatwehavemasteredmap-traversal,wecanproducemorecomplexdata.
Write a function all-travel-times. It consumes an origin and a destination in the form of two Sym as well as a Map. It then produces a list of all possible paths between origin and destination as well as theirtraveltimeasa(listof (list Nat (listof Sym))).Asbefore,all-travel-timesrequires that both origin and destination are on the map. (If there are multiple paths between the origin and destination, the order of these paths does not matter.)
(all-travel-times ‘Guelph ‘Hamilton southern-ontario)
(list (list 90 (list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘Brantford ‘Hamilton))
(list 75 (list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘Hamilton))
(list 200 (list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘London ‘Brantford ‘Hamilton)) (list 170 (list ‘Guelph ‘Cambridge ‘TO ‘Hamilton))
(list 140 (list ‘Guelph ‘TO ‘Hamilton))))
(check-expect (all-travel-times ‘Stratford ‘Guelph southern-ontario) empty)
2. Escaping a Maze [50%]. Place your solutions to all parts of this problem in rl.rkt
Reinforcement learning is a style of machine learning that mimics the way in which animals can learn through positive (or negative) reinforcement. The driving concept behind reinforcement learning is simple
— an entity wants to repeat behaviour that it found beneficial, and avoid behaviour that it found penalizing or wasteful. For this question you will implement a reinforcement-learning agent that can solve a wide variety of problems when configured properly, which we will use to solve a maze. This question is rather involved and has some important particular specifications you must follow in order for the auto-marking scripts to work correctly, so follow instructions carefully or you will be unable to receive correctness marks!
Here are the major ideas behind reinforcement learning at a high level and how they correspond to our assignment:
• An agent is the program that is trying to learn how to solve a problem. In our program the agent represents the person trying to escape the maze.
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 3
Exercise Exercise

• A state is the current situation the agent finds itself in. In our program the state is whatever position theagentiscurrentlylocatedat,representedbyalistoftwoNat’s(list Nat Nat).
• An action is something the agent can “choose” to “do” when in a given state. In our program the actions will be to move North, East, South, or West.
• A reward is a numeric value the agent receives, which they are programmed to maximize. In our program the agent will receive a reward of 1 when reaching the goal of the maze and a reward of 0 at all other times.
• A Value Function is a function that maps from State-Action pairs and produces a numeric value that represents how much the agent should “value” taking a particular action in a particular state. The “value” represents how likely that action is to lead to reward based on the agent’s previous experiences. In our program the value function will be a piece of data with the following data definition:
;; An Action Map (ActionMap) is a:
;; (list (list ‘north Num)
;; (list ‘east Num)
;; (list ‘south Num)
;; (list ‘west Num))
;; A State is a:
;; (list Nat Nat)
;; A Value Function (ValFn) is a:
;; (listof State ActionMap)
Note: this is a dictionary of States, where the value of each State is a dictionary that maps our actions to a corresponding value.
• An episode is a single instance of an agent taking a series of actions ending when it ultimately achieves its goal. Not all reinforcement learning problems are episodic. In our program an episode ends when the agent escapes the maze.
We will use the following data definition for a Maze which we will use as the problem our agent must solve: ;; A Maze is a (listof Str)
;; Requires: each Str be the same length, and contains only #\X, #\O, or #\G.
;; For example,
(define small-maze (list “OXOGOO” “OXOXOG”
The #\X characters in the Maze represent walls which our agent cannot walk through, the #\O characters in the Maze represents open spaces which our Agent may walk into, and the #\G characters in the Maze represents goal square upon reaching which the agent receives a reward of 1 and the episode is complete. We specify States of our maze with an x and y coordinate, however our top left square is coordinate (0, 0) and our bottom right coordinate is (w − 1, h − 1) where w is the width of the maze and h is the hieght of the maze. That is, the maze above can be represented by the following picture:
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 4

Note how the y-axis starts at 0 at the top and increases as we go down.
As this is a lot to take in we break the problem up into many small problems.
In order to make this possible, and to provide visualization of your agent, you are provided with the file rl-support.rkt. Download this file, and put it in the same directory as your solution. (Do not submit rl-support.rkt.)
At the top of the rl.rkt file that you created, write the following: (require “rl-support.rkt”)
You do not need to understand the contents of the file
Our functions will use “pseudo-random” numbers, which is to say fake randomness. In order to control this randomness so that test cases may be accurate you must follow our set of instructions exactly. For the sake of writing your own test cases we provide the function set-randomness that will be used to pre-set the randomness before generating numbers. set-randomness takes a single Nat as a parameter which we will call the seed.
2.1. TheRewardFunction.
Write the function reward that consumes a Maze and a State and produces the reward value of that State in the given maze. The reward should be 1 if the State corresponds to a goal state (#\G), and 0
otherwise. For example,
(check-expect (reward small-maze (list 0 0)) 0) (check-expect (reward small-maze (list 3 0)) 1) (check-expect (reward small-maze (list 1 2)) 0)
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 5

2.2. MovingaSpace.
Write the function move that consumes a Maze, a Sym, and a State and produces a State. The State consumed represents the current location, and the Sym consumed must be one of
‘north, ‘east, ‘south,or’west.TheproducedStateshouldbetheresultofmovingfromone position in the consumed direction. If there is a wall in the consumed direction, or moving in the consumed direction would take you out of the boundaries of the Maze then the produced State should be the original State consumed. For example,
(check-expect (move small-maze ‘east (list 0 0)) (list 0 0)) (check-expect (move small-maze ‘south (list 4 1)) (list 4 2)) (check-expect (move small-maze ‘east (list 5 2)) (list 5 2)) (check-expect (move small-maze ‘west (list 5 2)) (list 4 2))
2.3. ProducingourStates. Ouragentwillultimatelymakedecisionsbasedonthevaluefunctionwe define for them, and as such initializing it is very important! We will be initializing our value function with very small negative numbers, so that initially the Agent views every state as slightly negative — this is because they want to escape as quickly as possible and do not know anything about their environment yet so any movement that doesn’t lead to escape is a waste of time!
This question will require you to follow a precise specification of how to use the provided functions, or else you will not be able to receive correctness marks.
Writethemaze-statesthatconsumesaMazeandproducesa(listof State)thatisalistofeach state in the Maze. Your produced list must order the States first on their y position, and second on their x position. That is a State (list x y) comes before a State (list p q) if (< y q), or if (= y q) then if (< x p). For example, (check-expect (maze-states small-maze) (list (list 0 0) (list 1 0) (list (list 0 1) (list 1 1) (list (list 0 2) (list 1 2) (list Note the ordering of the States. 2 0) (list 3 0) (list 4 0) (list 5 0) 2 1) (list 3 1) (list 4 1) (list 5 1) 2 2) (list 3 2) (list 4 2) (list 5 2))) CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 6 Exercise Exercise •••• 2.4. Initializingourvaluefunction. Write the function init-value-fn that consumes a Maze and produces a ValFn. Because the ValFn is initialized randomly you must follow an important set of instructions to use the functions init-state, set-randomness, and check-init which are provided in rl-support.rkt. init-state consumes a Stateandproducesthecorresponding(list State ActionMap).Youmustapplytheinit-state function to each state exactly once, and each application of init-state must be done to the States in the order they would appear if produced with maze-states. Additionally, your produced ValFn must be ordered the same way based on the State keys. Your test cases for init-value-fn must look a little different due to the pseudo-randomness. Each check-expect must first locally define a constant named random to the value produced by an application of set-randomness applied to a Nat seed, then you should apply the provided check-init function with the arguments of (1) the result of applying your init-value-fn to your Maze and (2) the same Nat seed that was used to define random. check-init will produce true if your init-value-fn was correct, so the second argument supplied to your check-expect should be true. For example, (check-expect (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (check-init (init-value-fn small-maze) 42)) true) (check-expect (local [(define random (set-randomness 17))] (check-init (init-value-fn small-maze) 17)) true) Note: this check-expect is comparing the Bool produced to true, so if you fail a test case you will only be told it is because true wasn’t false, which isn’t particularly useful for finding out any errors you made. As such you should use the output of the provided first-n-inits function, which consumes two Nats n and seed where n is how many values to produce and seed which should match the seed natural used in the test case. This will generate the first n ActionMaps that should appear in yoursolution.Forexample,(first-n-inits 2 42)wouldbealistoftwoActionMaps,thefirstof whichshouldcorrespondtotheActionMapforState(list 0 0),andthesecondofwhichshould correspondtotheActionMapforState(list 1 0)(asthoseshouldbethefirsttwoStateswhich have their value produced). •••• 2.5. ChoosingourNextMove. Wemustprovideadecisionpolicyforhowouragentchoosesitsnext action. The decision policy we will follow is the epsilon-greedy policy. The behaviour of the epsilon- greedy policy is that our agent will always take the action that they believe to have the highest value (act greedily), except for a small percentage of the time the agent will choose to “explore” and take a random action out of those available. The percent chance to explore is called the epsilon value, hence the name epsilon-greedy policy. Again, since this function requires randomness you must take care to ensure your implementation follows the specification for how to use the provided helper functions should-explore? and random-action. You will also need the following definition of the list actions for use with random-action. (define actions (list 'north 'east 'south 'west)) CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 7 Exercise Write the function next-action that consumes a Maze, State, a ValFn, and a Num and produces the Sym of the next direction the agent would like to move. The State represents the current State the agent is in, and the Num represents the epsilon value. Your function must first apply should-explore? exactly once to the consumed epsilon value. If the application of should-explore? is true then your function should apply the function random-action to the provided actions list exactly once and produce the value that the application produces. If should-explore? produced false then you should not have applied random-action at all, instead you should produce the action that has the highest value for the current State. For example, (next-action tiny-maze (list 0 0) tiny-value-fn 0.05) ⇒ 'north if (should-explore? 0.05) produces false or (random-action actions) if it produces true The above produces 'north if it doesn’t choose to explore because 'north is the action because in tiny-value-fn defined below it is the action with the highest corresponding value in the ActionMap forState(list 0 0).Duetotherandomnessyourtestcasesagainwillneedtotakeaspecialform: (define tiny-maze (list "OG")) (define tiny-value-fn (list (list (list 0 0) (list (list 'north 0.03) (list 'east 0.02) (list 'south 0.01) (list 'west 0.00))) (list (list 1 0) (list (list 'north 0.03) (list 'east 0.015) (list 'south 0.017) (list 'west 0.033))))) (check-expect (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (next-action tiny-maze (list 0 0) tiny-value-fn 0.05)) (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (cond [(should-explore? 0.05) (random-action actions)] [else 'north]))) Note: you could alternatively evaluate the second local expression manually and substitute it manually in the check-expect, that is: (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (cond [(should-explore? 0.05) (random-action actions)] [else 'north])) ⇒ 'north ;; If you evalute the above expression and find it produces 'north then you can simply write the check-expect (check-expect (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (next-action tiny-maze (list 0 0) tiny-value-fn 0.05)) 'north) Note: that each expression still must be wrapped in the local that defines random with the same seed value, or you cannot ensure they are corresponding values. •••• 2.6. UpdatingtheValueFunction. Oneofthemostimportantthingswemustdefineforouragentishow it decides to value actions. Each time our agent takes an action and sees the result, it should update the CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 8 Exercise value of taking that action in the given State. The process for determining the new value of an action A in a given State S is as follows: 1. Pull the current value of taking action A in State S from the current ValFn. Let us call this value Current-Value 2. Determine the new state S-new that is the result of taking action A in State S using your function move 3. Determine the reward value, r, for entering S-new using your function reward 4. Produce the value of the most highly-valued action in S-new. That is, search the current ValFn for S-new and pull the highest value of the ActionMap for S-new. Let us call this value Future-Estimate 5. Calculate the new value for taking action A in State S as: Current-Value + 0.0125*(r + 0.9*Future-Estimate - Current-Value) Write the function new-value that consumes a Maze, a State, a ValFn, and a Sym reprsenting an action, and produces the new value of the given State-action pair as per the procedure above. Your test cases should use check-within. For example, (check-within (new-value tiny-maze (list 0 0) tiny-value-fn 'east) 0.03262125 0.0001) Note how the calculated value was given by the calculation: 0.02 + 0.0125(1 + 0.9 · 0.033 − 0.02) Make sure you understand how the above values were calculated given the definitions of tiny-maze and tiny-value-fn above. •••• 2.7. Baby’s First Steps. We have almost completely defined a reinforcement-learning agent! All that is left is to put together the pieces we’ve written to execute a single step of our agent’s “life”. We will now be using your function next-action which used our provided functions. Again to account for the randomness we must follow a very specific set of instructions about how much to use the function next-action. CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 9 Exercise Write the function take-step that consumes a Maze, State, ValFn and a Num and produces a (list State ValFn).TheStateconsumedrepresentstheStatetheagentiscurrentlyin.TheNum consumed is the epsilon value for the epsilon-greedy policy we follow for selecting actions. The State in the produced list is the new State the agent is in after choosing and taking a single action. The ValFn in the produced list is the result of updating the consumed ValFn so that the action we chose to take in the consumed State is updated with the value calculated with our new-value function. In order to manage the randomness your function take-step must call your function next-action exactly once to determine the action to take and call none of the other functions we’ve provided you. Again, due to randomness we must write special test cases. Additionally, since our ValFn contains inexact numbers you should use check-within. For example, (check-within (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (take-step tiny-maze (list 0 0) tiny-value-fn 0.05)) (list (list 0 0) (list (list (list 0 0) (list (list 'north 0.0299625) (list 'east 0.02) (list 'south 0.01) (list 'west 0.00))) (list (list 1 0) (list (list 'north 0.03) (list 'east 0.015) (list 'south 0.017) (list 'west 0.033))))) 0.0001) Note: the expected value for this test case was produced by first evaluating the expression: (local [(define random (set-randomness 42))] (next-action tiny-maze (list 0 0) tiny-value-fn 0.05)) Taking note of the fact that it produced 'north and then manually calculating what the new State and ValFn should be. You should write your test cases in a similar way. The value 42 can be any number, but should be the same for this test case and for your expression. •••• 2.8. TheyGrowUpSoFast. Thispartiscompletelyoptionalandjustforfun!Sothatyoucansee your beautiful reinforcement-learning agent in action we have provided a couple functions. First the function below: ;; run-n-episodes: (Step-Fn as Defined above) Nat (list Nat Nat) Maze ValFn Num -> (list ValFn (listof Nat))
(define (run-n-episodes step-fn n initial-state maze val-fn epsilon))
This function takes as its parameters your take-step function, a number of episodes you’d like to run, the state that your agent should begin at each episode, the Maze your agent should be stuck in, a value function for that Maze (likely the one generated with init-value-fn), and an epsilon value (we suggest starting with 0.05). The function then runs your agent through a number of episodes equal to the value you passed in for n. Once all episodes have been ran the function produces a pair where the first value is the new value function your agent has learned, and the second value is a list of the number of steps your agent took to find the goal each episode. If you have configured your agent properly then the number of steps should get smaller on average each episode (on average because random chance has an affect on this, depending on how much your agent decides to explore). After enough episodes your agent should
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 10

generally escape the maze in the minimum number of steps, save for occasionally going a bit slower when they decide to explore.
The second function provided to you is:
;; run-graphic-maze: (Step-Fn as Defined above) (list Nat Nat) Maze ValFn Num -> GUI
(define (run-graphic-maze step-fn initial-state maze val-fn epsilon))
This function behaves similar to run-n-episodes but instead it produces a graphical display for you to watch your agent attempt to escape the maze. On the graphical display you will have to press the “Play” button to begin your agents journey. Unlike run-n-episodes, run-graphic-maze continually runs episodes until you close the display.
Since watching very early episodes of your agent learning a maze can be boring, and the graphical display will run slower than Racket can run without display graphics, we suggest the value function you provide to run-graphic-maze is one that you’ve already produced using run-n-episodes like so:
(define q-small (first (run-n-episodes take-step 3 (list 0 0) small-maze (init-value-fn small-maze) 0.05)))
Additional Notes. In the function new-value we used two values, 0.0125 and 0.9. These two values should actually be parameters of our agent named the learning rate and discount factor respectively. To make it easier to describe the procedure of calculating the new value we gave you these values as predetermined, these values we’ve selected are not necessarily the best values you could use! If you want to have some fun after you’re done the assignment, we suggest playing around with these values (as well as the value you use for epsilon) to find a more optimal solution that helps your agent learn the maze in as few episodes as possible.
CS 135 Winter 2021 Assignment 11 11