CS计算机代考程序代写 Java cache assembly computer architecture mips 1/6/2021 COIS-2300H-A: Computer Organization (2021WI – Peterborough Campus)

1/6/2021 COIS-2300H-A: Computer Organization (2021WI – Peterborough Campus)
COIS-2300H-A: Computer Organization 2021WI – Peterborough Campus
Instructor: Brian Srivastava
Email Address: bsrivastava@trentu.ca Phone Number: 705-748-1011 x7092 Office: OC 230
Office Hours: TBA
Meeting Times:
There are weekly prerecorded lectures students will be expected to watch.
In addition, there will be a scheduled weekly one hour Laboratory/Workshop period. The Laboratory/Workshops will involve a video meeting and/or chat with COIS staff member (via either Microsoft Teams or Zoom) to help you complete your lab. Labs are scheduled for Wednesdays 09:00- 09:50, 10:00-10;50, 11:00 to 11:50 and Thursdays 15:00-15:50, 16:00-16:50. Students are to attend the lab time for the section in which they are enrolled. Students will be expected to view the weekly lecture before their lab as the material for the lab comes from he lecture and any corresponding lecture notes.
Students should confirm relevant times from the official timetable.
Academic Administrative Assistant: Bonnie MacKinnon Email Address: cois@trentu.ca
Phone Number: 7802 Office: OC 102.6
Computer organisation is the discussion of microprocessor design and architecture. Core concepts include instruction sets, execution model, logic units, memory and busses. Students will discuss learn about the design of microprocessors, and how to do assembly programming.
Learning Outcomes:
Students should be able to design a basic microprocessor and understand common instruction set architectures such as x86, or ARM. Students will be expected to both design these components at an architectural level, as well as program in an assembly language.
Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (2013), The original version of this book is:
Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) 5th Edition by by David A. Patterson (Author), John L. Hennessy
Which is otherwise identical except for the title change.
Assessments, Assignments and Tests:
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1/6/2021 COIS-2300H-A: Computer Organization (2021WI – Peterborough Campus)
Each assignment will have a small written component, short answer math problems, and/or an assembly programming in MIPS problems. Assignments are to be done individually.
Students will require access to a computer which can run Java programs to do the assignments, that means Windows, MacOS (including the new M1 macbooks), or Linux, but a Chromebook may not work. Specifically we will be using MARS from https://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/MARS/download.htm which runs on a Java Virtual Machine (the Java Runtime environment or JRE). Other courses may require the Java Software Developer Kit (SDK) which includes the JRE.
The Laboratory/Workshop component involves programming and component design. Student are encouraged to actively discuss the exercises with other students and staff during lab times. Students are not required to attend their scheduled lab times (i.e. attendance in the labs is not graded), so students can complete the lab exercises either during lab or on their own time. To receive marks for completed labs, the labs must be shown (via screen sharing) to one of the staff during lab times, or there submitted to the appropriate Dropbox on the course Blackboard site. Completing the lab exercises is key to learning the programming skills and tools required for the assignments.
The midterm will be a take home exam, and students will be given 48 hours to complete it. It will contain short answer, math problems, and assembly programming. The midterm should take approximately 2 hours to complete.
The final exam will also be take-home with the 48 hour window to be announced in advance. The final exam will contain material from the entire course and should take approximately 3 hours to complete.
Note that assignments, labs, and tests will be submitted through Blackboard. If you are unable to submit through the Blackboard system you will need to contact the IT help desk at 705-748-1010.
Type of Assignment, Weighting, Due Date
Labs: 10% total, There are 10 labs over 12 weeks, with two sessions for students to catch up or get help. Assignment 1: 10% Jan 29th
Assignment 2: 10% Feb 22nd
Midterm: 20% Feb 26th/27th (online)
Assignment 3: 10% March 19th Assignment 4: 10% April 5th Final Exam: 30% date TBA
Grade Total by Withdrawal Date:
Students will have at least one assignment, the midterm, and approximately 6 labs totally 36% of the final grade marked before the withdrawal date. The final date to withdraw from this course without penalty is March 15th.
Proposed Lecture and Lab Topics (some topics span multiple weeks)
1. Introduction, Lab: Intro To MIPS
2. Assembly Programming (introduction), Lab: MIPS development environs, 3. Arithmetic for computers, Labs: first MIPS program, mips programming 4. Logical Design of a Processor, Lab: Procedure calls, recursion
5. Memory Hierarchy (cache), Labs: Arithmetic, arithmetic in assembly.
6. Midterm
7. Storage (RAM and Disk) ,
8. Multi-core processors,
9. Review
Course Guidelines:
10% per business day (i.e. any time on Saturday, Sunday or Monday will all be considered one day: 10% late). Assignments will not be accepted if they are more than one week late. Extensions are possible if there is an emergency, or through arrangement with the instructor in advance. Due dates may be adjusted if there are technical problems with Blackboard or labs providing support for the course.
Departmental Policies:
Email Accounts
Labs: Compiling to ASM, Decompiling code. Lab: Profiling, Tracing
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1/6/2021 COIS-2300H-A: Computer Organization (2021WI – Peterborough Campus)
The Trent e-mail account is considered the official e-mail account and will be the only e-mail account used to communicate with students for academic and administrative purposes. Students are responsible for ensuring that they monitor and maintain their Trent e-mail account and to ensure that e-mail is accessed, read, and acted upon in a timely fashion. Students should be aware that e-mails from non-Trent accounts will not be considered official.
Guidelines on Missed Tests, Exams, Assignments and Absenteeism
Students are required to be available for all midterm and final tests and exams that are scheduled by the instructor or the registrar’s office and listed in your course syllabus. Vacation, job-related, or any other travel plans are not excuses for missing tests or exams.
Students are also responsible for completing all course requirements on the dates specified on their syllabus. Specific accommodations can be negotiated for students registered with SAS, but it is the responsibility of the student to make these arrangements ahead of time.
Sometimes legitimate, extenuating circumstances arise beyond a student’s control, which prevent them from meeting course requirements. In such cases modified deadlines or other arrangements may be granted. Adjustments to assignment submission dates and deferrals of tests and final examinations are not automatic. It is the student’s responsibility to email their instructor immediately if they are unable to fulfill academic requirements.
Normally a doctor’s note or supporting documentation is not required. However, when a student’s success in the course or program is in jeopardy as determined by the instructor, documentation may be requested.
Depending on your program, either the instructor or the chair/director will decide on alternative arrangements. Unresolved disputes will be decided by the dean.
University Policies:
Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying from failure on an assignment to expulsion from the University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to educate yourself – unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trent’s Academic Integrity website to learn more: www.trentu.ca/academicintegrity.
Access to Instruction
It is Trent University’s intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a disability and documentation from a regulated health care practitioner and feels that they may need accommodations to succeed in a course, the student should contact the Student Accessibility Services Office (SAS) at the respective campus as soon as possible.
Sharing and Distribution of Course Content
Students in this class should be aware that classroom activities (lecture, seminars, labs, etc.) may be recorded for teaching and learning purposes.
Any students with concerns about being recorded in a classroom context should speak with their professor. If a student shares or distributes course content in any way that breaches copyright legislation, privacy legislation, and/or this policy, the student will be subject to disciplinary actions under the Student Charter of Rights and Responsibilities or the relevant Academic Integrity Policy, at a minimum, and may be subject to legal
consequences that are outside of the responsibility of the university. More details on sharing of course content are described in the policy found
here: https://www.trentu.ca/artsci/sites/trentu.ca.artsci/files/documents/Policy%20on%20Sharing%20and%20Distribution%20of%20Course%20Conten 08-14.pdf
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