COMP 2406 – Fall 2020
Movie Database Project
Movie Database Project Background
The goal of this project will be to create a web application similar to the Internet Movie Database. Your application will maintain a database of movie information, including things like the movie title, release year, writers, actors, etc. Your site will support regular users, who will be capable of browsing all of the information on the site and adding movie reviews. You will also need to support contributing users, who will be able to add new people/movies. The site will also offer movie recommendations based on a user’s data. Within this document, the term ‘people’ is used to refer to people that are part of a movie (actor, writer, director, etc.), while the term ‘user’ refers to a user of your application. The following sections will outline the minimum requirements of the movie database project. You are encouraged to ask questions to clarify the requirements and constraints of the project.
Provided Data and Assumptions
The provided project zip file contains several files with initial movie data retrieved from The Open Movie Database. Each of these files contain data with the same format, which you can use to initialize the data for your project. The only difference is the number of movies contained in the file (10, 100, 1000, 2500). It is advisable to use a smaller file for your initial development. Your final submission will be required to work with the 2500 movie dataset. For the purposes of this project, you can assume that actor/director/writer names are unique. If movie X lists “Norman Cates” as an actor and movie Y lists “Norman Cates” as a director, you can assume these refer to the same person.
Technology Constraints
The server code for your project must use Node.js. All client resources required by your project must be served by your server. Your client must work well within an up-to-date Chrome browser, which is what will be used to evaluate your project’s frontend. Your project’s data must be stored using a local MongoDB database (i.e., you cannot use the Atlas cloud database service). Your final submission must be able to be completely installed using the command npm install. Only approved modules may be used. You may assume any modules mentioned in the lectures or notes are allowed. If you are unsure if something is allowed or would like to see if something could be allowed,
COMP 2406 – Fall 2020
Movie Database Project
you should ask for clarification before proceeding. Any additional software, modules, frameworks, etc. you use must be able to be installed using your NPM install script.
User Accounts
The application must provide a way for users to create new accounts by specifying a username and password. Your account creation page must only require a username and password (i.e., no email, confirm password, etc.) and should not have any security constraints such as requiring passwords to contain special characters (these are good things to add in a real application but make grading hundreds of projects a hassle). Within your application, usernames must be unique. A user should be able to log in and out of the system using their username and password. Within a single browser instance, only a single user should be able to be logged in at one time (i.e., user A and user B cannot log in to the system within the same browser window). All newly created accounts should be considered regular users until the user manually upgrades themselves to a contributing user.
When a user is logged in, they should be able to view and manage information about their account. The application must provide a way for the user to:
1. Changebetweena‘regular’useraccountanda‘contributing’useraccount.If a user changes account types, it should only affect their ability to carry out an action in the future. That is, anything created by a user while they have a contributing user account should remain unaffected if the user switches back to a regular account.
2. Viewandmanagethepeopletheyfollow.Theusershouldbeabletonavigate to the personal page of any person they have followed. The user should be able to stop following any person that they have followed.
3. Viewandmanagetheotheruserstheyfollow.Theusershouldbeableto navigate to the user page of any user they have followed. The user should be able to stop following any user that they have followed.
4. Viewthelistofmoviesthattheyhavewatched(i.e.,theuser’s‘watchlist’)and remove any movies from this list. See the Viewing Movies section for specification of adding movies to the watch list.
5. Viewrecommendedmovies.Theserecommendationsshouldbemadebased on what information your web application knows about the user, such as what movies they have reviewed or what people/users they have followed. You do not need to worry about the overall quality of your recommendation but should be able to provide justification for the design of your algorithm (e.g., similar genres, actors, etc.).
COMP 2406 – Fall 2020
Movie Database Project
6. Viewanynotificationsthattheyhavereceivedaboutpeopleorusersthatthey have followed.
7. Searchformoviesbytitle,actorname,and/orgenrekeyword,atminimum. Additional types of search can also be included. The user must be able to navigate to the movie page for any of the movie’s contained in the search results. By default, the search results should show only 10 movie results and pagination must be supported (i.e., next/previous buttons to navigate through remaining search results).
Viewing Movies
When viewing a specific movie, a user must be able to:
1. Seethebasicmovieinformation,including:thetitle,releaseyear,average
review rating, runtime, and plot.
2. Seeeachofthegenrekeywordsforthemovieandallowtheusertonavigate
to search results that contain movies with the same genre keyword.
3. Seethedirector,writer,andactorsthemoviehas,andbeabletonavigate
directly to each person’s page.
8. Seealistofsimilarmoviestothisoneandallowtheusertonavigatetothe
page for any of those movies. You do not need to worry about the overall quality of your similarity measure but should be able to provide justification for the design of your algorithm (e.g., similar genres, actors, etc.).
9. Addthemovietotheir‘watchedlist’.Thislistwillbeviewablefromtheuser’s profile. The user’s profile must support allowing the user to remove the movie from the watched list. You may also allow them to do so from the movie page.
4. Seemoviereviewsthathavebeenaddedforthemovie.
5. Addabasicreviewbyspecifyingascoreoutof10.
6. Addafullreviewbyspecifyingascoreoutof10,abriefsummary,andafull
review text.
Viewing People (directors, writers, actors)
When viewing the page for a particular person, the user must be able to:
1. Seeahistoryofallofthisperson’swork.Eachmovieentrymustallowthe
user to navigate to that movie’s page.
2. Thehistoryoftheperson’sworkshouldbeseparatedintocategoriesfor
directed, written, and acted in. If the user has not directed, wrote, or acted in a movie (e.g., they have not acted in a movie), then that category should not be shown on the page.
COMP 2406 – Fall 2020
Movie Database Project
3. Seealistoffrequentcollaboratorsofthisperson.Forthepurposesofthis project, the list of frequent collaborators should be the top 5 people the person has worked with the most according to the data stored within your application.
4. Choosetofollowthisperson.Ifauserfollowsaperson,theusershould receive a notification any time a new movie that includes this person is added to the database.
Viewing Other Users
When viewing the page for another user, the current user must be able to:
1. Seealistofallofthereviewsthisuserhasmadeandbeabletoreadeach
full review.
2. Seealistofallofthepeoplethisuserhasfollowedandbeabletonavigateto
each person’s page.
3. Seetheuser’s‘watchlist’andnavigatetoanyofthemovieslisted.
4. Choosetofollowthisuser.IfauserXfollowsauserY,userXshouldreceive
a notification any time user Y creates a new review.
Contributing Users
If a user’s account type is set to be a contributing user, the user should be able to do everything a regular user can do and also:
1. Navigatetoan“AddPerson”pageandaddanewpersontothedatabaseby specifying their name. If the name already exists, the user should not be able to add the new person.
2. Navigatetoan“AddMovie”pageandaddanewmoviebyspecifyingthetitle, release year, runtime, plot, genre keywords, and at least one writer, director, and actor. The entire movie creation process must be done on a single page. The page must give the user a way to dynamically search for people within the database to add to the movie (e.g., using AJAX). The user should not be required to type in the full name of the person, but instead should be able to add the person as a writer, director, or actor directly from the search results.
Project Report
You will also be required to submit a project report with your final submission that must include:
1. Detailedstepsexplaininghowtoinstall,initialize,andrunyourdatabaseand server. You must include a database initialization script with your submission that
COMP 2406 – Fall 2020
Movie Database Project
will create a new MongoDB database from the provided movie data JSON files. This will ensure that a database with the data structure required by your project can be created during the grading process. If you have not used MongoDB, you should include any file resources your server requires to start and load the movie/user/etc. data.
2. Discussionandcritiqueofyouroveralldesign.Seethe‘OverallDesignand Implementation Quality’ section of the marking scheme for ideas on what to include in your analysis. You should also consider some of the key concerns of web application development that we have discussed in the class, such as scalability, latency, etc.
3. Descriptionofyourmovierecommendationalgorithm.
4. Descriptionofyoursimilarmoviealgorithm.