CSC209H Worksheet: Select
Consider the man page of an imaginary system call office_hours. Type ps_set is a defined type, similar to type fd_set that we use with select.
PS_CLR, PS_ISSET, PS_SET, PS_ZERO, office_hours
void PS_CLR(int ps, ps_set *psset);
int PS_ISSET(int ps, ps_set *psset);
void PS_SET(int ps, ps_set *psset);
void PS_ZERO(ps_set *psset);
int officehours(ps_set *prof, struct timeval window);
office_hours() examines the schedules for the professors in the
professor set prof to see which have office hours scheduled within the
given window from the current time. office_hours() replaces the
professor set with the subset of professors who have office hours
in the given window.
office_hours() returns the number of professors from the ps_set
who have office hours in the window, or -1 if an error occurs.
If office_hours() returns with an error, the descriptor sets will be
unmodified and the global variable errno will be set to indicate the error.
Suppose that (like file descriptors), professors are represented by small integers and there are professors defined as follows:
#define MICHELLE 1
#define ANDREW 2
#define JEN 3
#define ALAN 4
… (there are more)
You are only interested in office hours held by Jen or Michelle in the next 5 hours. Finish the program on the other side of this page, so that it calls office_hours and then prints either the message “Jen has office hours” or the message “Michelle has office hours” or both messages as appropriate.
Demonstrate that you know how to properly check for errors on a system call by writing the code to give the conventional behaviour if office_hours fails.
CSC209H Worksheet: Select
int main() {
// set up the second argument to office_hours
// (this is done for you and you do not need to set any other fields)
struct timeval window;
window.interval = 5 * 60;
// set up first argument to office_hours
// call office_hours (use window as the second parameter)
// print the appropriate message(s)