CS计算机代考程序代写 cuda 18-646: How To Write Fast Code II (Spring 2021)

18-646: How To Write Fast Code II (Spring 2021)
Mini-Project 1 – Multicore Programming
Due: Monday, April 12th at 11:59PM EST
The goal of this project is to use your understanding of parallel computing resources in a manycore processor to optimize two fully functional applications. The applications are Matrix Multiple and K- Means Clustering.
For a functional description of the applications, please refer to:
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_Multiplication • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-Means
The code optimization techniques you may want to consider are explained in Lectures 8, 9 and 10.

18-646: How To Write Fast Code II (Spring 2021)
Grading Criteria
• 30% – Correctness
o matrix_mul/cuda/matrix_mul.cu – The provided code is implemented for power
of 2 input matrix sizes only. Create a version that works for any matrix up to 2048×2048
in size.
o kmeans/cuda_kmeans.cu – The provided code does not work for two of the provided
data sets (kmeans03.dat and kmeans04.dat). Create a version of kmeans that works for all four data sets. Hint: check the “compute_delta” function and arguments
• 30% – Performance
o matrix_mul/cuda/matrix_mul.cu – Achieve an average of at least 200GFLOPs
of throughput across the 10 testcases in matrix_mul_03.dat
o kmeans/omp_kmeans.cu – Achieve at least a 2x speed up compared to the provided
code (SUM of all tests)
• 30% – Write up – For each performance optimization explored, describe clearly: o How the speed up works
o What is the expected speed up?
o What is the observed speed up?
o An explanation of any difference between the expected and observed speed ups
• 10% – Code quality – Good coding practices and well commented code
Guidelines for the write up:
Minimum of one 8.5×11 page write-up for each optimization. The write up should include:
• Optimization goal:
o Hardware resources being optimized towards? (GPU memory? Shared memory?) o What is the specification of the hardware you are optimizing for?
• Optimization process:
o Data considerations
o Parallelization considerations
• Optimization results:
o Performance before optimization o Performance after optimization
The three teams with the fastest implementations will present the techniques they attempted in a 10- minute presentation during the project review session.

Mini-Project 1 – Setup
Step 1: Download the initial version of the code
18-646: How To Write Fast Code II (Spring 2021)
$ cd ~/
$ cp /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/course/18/646/MP2/18646_MP2.tar.gz ~/ $ tar xzvf 18646_MP2.tar.gz
$ tree 18646_MP2
├── kmeans
│ ├── cuda_io.cu
│ ├── cuda_kmeans.cu
│ ├── cuda_main.cu
│ ├── cuda_wtime.cu
│ ├── kmeans.h
│ ├── Makefile
└── matrix_mul
<<== To optimize (K-Means) ├── cuda │ ├── Makefile │ ├── matrix_mul.cu │ ├── matrix_mul.h │ └── tests.cpp ├── matrix_mul_03.dat └── tests └── testutil.h 4 directories, 12 files <<== To optimize (Matrix Multiply) Step 2: Compile the code, by running “make” in the appropriate project directory. Set up the CUDA Environment as described in Homework 2 (Task 2) Compile the provided matrix_multiply code: $ cd ~/18646_MP2/matrix_mul/cuda $ make $ ./matrix_mul -i ../matrix_mul_03.dat -o Test Case 1 Test Case 2 Test Case 3 ... 0.00644 Gflop/s 0.01286 Gflop/s 0.41478 Gflop/s 18-646: How To Write Fast Code II (Spring 2021) Compile the provided K-Means code: $ cd ~/18646_MP2/kmeans $ make $ ./cuda_main -i ~/18646_MP1/data/kmeans02.dat -n 64 -o Writing coordinates of K=64 cluster centers to file ... Writing membership of N=7089 data objects to file ... Input file: numObjs numCoords numClusters threshold Loop iterations = 73 I/O time = 0.0113 sec Computation timing = 0.6274 sec ~/18646_MP1/data/kmeans02.dat = 7089 = 4 = 64 = 0.0010 Step 3: Optimize your code • For the project “matrix_mul”, please apply your optimization only to the file matrix_mul/cuda/matrix_mul.cu. • For the project “kmeans”, only make changes to the file kmeans/cuda_kmeans.cu. Note: DO NOT change the function interface. Any changes in the interface could result in your work not working in our test infrastructure and you will receive no credit. Step 4: Submit your optimized code ( matrix_mul.cu and cuda_kmeans.cu ) and project write up to gradescope Submit your optimized version of matrix_mul.cu to the Matrix Multiply programming assignment on gradescope: https://www.gradescope.com/courses/241050/assignments/1102345 Submit your optimized version of cuda_kmeans.cu to the K-Means programming assignment on gradescope: https://www.gradescope.com/courses/241050/assignments/1102348 Submit your team project writeup to: https://www.gradescope.com/courses/241050/assignments/1102352