Programming in C++
Operator Overloading, Friend Functions, the “Big Three”
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Operator Overloading 1
Operator overloading enables the C++ operators to work with objects of user-defined classes.
Overloading cannot create new operators and cannot change the precedence, associativity or arity (i.e. how many operands it has) of an operator.
The four operators ., .*, :: and …?…:… cannot be overloaded.
The use of << and >> for output and input is an example of operator overloading; when used with primitive types these operators denote bit-shifting but they have been overloaded to mean input or output when the first operand is a stream object.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading 2
When the compiler sees an expression of the form e1#e2 where # is a binary operator and at least one of e1 and e2 is an expression denoting an object, it will try to treat the expression as either e1.operator#(e2) or operator#(e1,e2).
Hence, if we wished to give a meaning to t+7 where t is an object of the Time class developed in part 3 we would have to write a function called operator+ either as a member of the class (with a single integer argument) or as a two-argument function with global scope.
The value of an overloaded operator is the value returned by the operator# function.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading 3
If we need to overload any of the operators (), [] and -> or any assignment operator for use with a class, the function must be written as a member of the class.
Note that if we overload an operator such as + so that its first argument can be an object of a particular class this does not give a meaning to the corresponding assignment operator (in this case +=); if we wished to give a meaning to t += 7 we would have to write a function operator+= as a member of the Time class.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading 4
When the compiler sees an expression of the form e# or #e where # where is a unary operator and e is an expression denoting an object, it will try to treat the expression as either e.operator#() or operator#(e).
If we wish to overload either of the ++ or –- operators for use with objects of a class some method is needed to distinguish between the prefix and postfix versions.
The compiler will try to treat ++t as either t.operator++() or operator++(t), but will try to treat t++ as either t.operator++(0) or operator++(t, 0). Hence to overload the postfix version we need to write a function with an extra int argument. This argument is just a dummy to allow the compiler
to make the distinction.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 1
To give examples of the writing of functions to perform operator overloading we shall provide +, += and ++ operators for ourtimeclass. (Wecouldalsoprovide-,-=and–-operators; the code would be similar.)
The value of t+n where n is a non-negative integer should be a time n seconds after the time held in t; t+=n should increment the time stored in t by n seconds and t++ and ++t should increment the time stored in t by one second. We want these to behave in the same way as the ++ operators for integers so the value of t++ should be the old value of t and the value of ++t should be the new value of t.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 2
The operator+ function must take a parameter of type unsigned int and return either an object of type Time or a reference to such an object. Since it is unsafe to return a reference to a local variable we return an object rather than a reference. The function must not change the contents of the object to which it is applied so it should be defined as a constant member function.
The value of the += operator should be a reference to the object that has been assigned to in order to allow it to be used as part of a larger expression such as (t += 7).printStandard() or myt = t += 7). Hence the operator+= function should return a reference to an object of type Time.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 3
Since the value of ++t is the value of t after the increment the prefix version of operator++ can simply return a reference to the object to which is has been applied, avoiding the need for copying. However the value of t++ is the old value of t so we must save a copy of the time in a local variable in the postfix version of the function before incrementing and, since it is unsafe to return a reference to a local variable, we must return a copy of this saved object.
We should hence add to the public part of the class declaration (in the .h file) the lines
Time operator+(unsigned int) const;
Time& operator+=(unsigned int);
Time& operator++(); // prefix version
Time operator++(int); // postfix version
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 4
To avoid duplication of code we should write the code to add to times (which may involve updating hours, minutes and seconds) in one of the functions operator+ and operator+= and then make use of the newly-defined operator to implement the other three functions.
The += operator can be written directly without performing any copying, whereas a copy of the object being returned is made by the + operator (since it returns a value rather than a reference). Implementing the += operator using + would hence introduce unnecessary copying, so we choose to implement += directly and use it in the implementation of + and the two versions of ++. (Implementing the other operators using ++ would be unreasonably inefficient if the argument was large.)
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 5
Here is the complete operator+= function.
Time& Time::operator+=(unsigned int n)
{ sec += n;
if (sec >= 60) { min += sec/60;
sec %= 60;
if (min >= 60)
{ hour = (hour + min/60)%24;
min %= 60; }
return *this;
Recall that the value of this is a pointer to the object to which the function has been applied; we need to return a reference to the object so we have to use *this.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 6
In the operator+ function we need to make a copy of the object to which the time has been applied, increment this using += and then return it.
We could make a copy using.
Time tCopy = *this;
However this would result in the no-argument constructor being used to initialise an object and the immediate overwriting of the default values using assignment. To be more efficient we should create a copy using
Time tCopy(*this);
This invokes a copy constructor to initialise the new object to be a copy of an existing one.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Operator Overloading – an Example 7
Here is the code for the operator+ function and the two versions of operator++.
Time Time::operator+(unsigned int n) const { Time tCopy(*this);
tCopy += n;
return tCopy;
Time& Time::operator++() { *this += 1;
return *this;
// prefix version
Time Time::operator++(int n) // postfix version { Time tCopy(*this);
*this += 1;
return tCopy;
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Friend Functions 1
To allow the user to output times using expressions such as cout<
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Constant References 1
Assume that the following three statements appear in separate parts of a program.
const int months = 12;
int &a = months;
This cannot be allowed since it enables the value of a constant to be changed. The fact that the three statements appear in different parts of a program (and possibly in different files) means that the compiler cannot check at the point of the assignment a = 13 whether the data item to which a refers is a constant so the second line has to be forbidden. Hence only a constant reference may refer to a constant data item so we need
const int &a = months;
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Constant References 2
A constant reference may refer to a non-constant data item so the following code is allowed.
int x = 99;
const int &a = x;
If this code does appear in a program we are not allowed to change the contents of the data item by using the reference, so although x = 101; would be allowed a = 101; would not.
[ It is necessary to allow constant references to non-constant data items so that when a function has a constant reference as a parameter we can supply a reference to a non-constant data item as an argument in a call to that function. ]
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Constant References 3
If a function returns a non-constant reference a call to that function may be used as the left-hand operand of an assignment, e.g.
f(a) = 99;
To prevent a statement such as
s.regNo() = 123;
being used to change the value of an attribute of a constant object, a constant member function is not allowed to return a non-constant reference to the object to which it is applied or any of the members of that object. (It may of course return a non- constant reference to another data item.)
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
The “Big Three” 1
All classes must have a copy constructor, an assignment operator and a destructor. These three functions are often referred to as the “big three”.
If the programmer fails to provide any of these functions for a class the compiler will generate a default version. (Note that although the compiler will not generate a default no-argument constructor if the programmer has provided any constructors it will always provide a default copy constructor if the programmer has not provided one.)
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
The “Big Three” 2
The assignment operator for a class X is a public member function declared as X& operator=(const X&). It is called implicitly whenever a programmer uses an assignment of the form x = e, where x refers to an object of the class and e is an expression whose value is an object of the class.
Note that is permissible to write other operator= functions with different argument types. If one or more such functions are written but the assignment operator is not, the compiler will still generate a default assignment operator.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
The “Big Three” 3
A destructor for a class X must be a public member function called ~X. It must have no arguments and has no return type.
The destructor of a class is applied to any object immediately before its lifetime expires, i.e. at the end of a block or function for a local variable, at the end of the program for a global variable and when the memory space for a dynamically-created object is returned to the heap using the delete (or delete []) operator.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
The “Big Three” 4
The copy constructor for the class takes as an argument another object of the class and is invoked implicitly in all circumstances where a copy of a class object is needed other than by assignment. These include the passing of non-reference arguments to functions and the returning of non-reference results from functions as well as any initialisation of an object using an argument of the same type (as used on slide 12).
The argument to a copy constructor must be a reference; otherwise we would have to use the copy constructor to create an object to be passed as an argument to the copy constructor. It must not change the contents of the object that is being copied so the copy constructor for a class X should be declared as X(const X&).
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
The “Big Three” 5
The default copy constructor generated by the compiler will use the copy constructors for any members of the class which are objects of other classes and initialise all other members using simple copying.
The default assignment operator will just perform assignments to all the members.
The default destructor will invoke the destructors for any members of the class which are objects of other classes and do nothing else.
In many cases, including our Time class, the default behaviour is what is wanted so the programmer does not need to write his own versions.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
The “Big Three” 6
It is almost always the case that if it is necessary to provide a non-default version of one of the “big three” for a class it will be necessary to provide non-default versions of the others as well.
The most usual circumstances in which non-default versions are required are when one of the members of the class is a pointer. The copy of the pointer will point to the same data item as the original pointer. This is sometimes referred to as shallow copying; in many cases deep copying is required, i.e. the pointer in the copy should point to a copy of the data item to which the pointer in the original object pointed.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Example – an Array Class 1
The standard library provides a class for arrays with range- checking. This is called vector and allows for arrays of objects of any type.
To illustrate the use of the “big three” we shall show how to write a similar, but simpler class, which just supports arrays of int. This is based on an example from Deitel & Deitel.
The private data members of the class will be a pointer to the first element of a dynamically-allocated array and the length of the array. When we make a copy of an Array object we need to create a copy of the dynamic array so the default copy constructor and assignment operator are not appropriate.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Example – an Array Class 2
Note that to allow the use of a[i] in different contexts we need to provide two versions of the operator[] function.
If a is a constant array we need to allow the use of expressions such as x = a[i]. The only functions that can be applied to constant objects are constant member functions so we need to supply a constant member function. This cannot return a non- constant reference to a member of the object to which it is applied so it must return a constant reference or a copy of the member; we choose to return a copy.
To allow the operator to be used in an assignment expression such as a[i] = 3 when a is not a constant array we also need a version that returns a non-constant reference.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Example – an Array Class 3
// Array.h
#ifndef _ARRAY_H_
#define _ARRAY_H_
using namespace std;
class Array { public:
Array(int = 10);
Array(const Array&); // copy constructor ~Array(); // destructor
const Array& operator=(const Array&);
// continued on next slide
// size; default argument
// assignment operator
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Example – an Array Class 4
// Array.h continued
// public members of class Array continued
int getSize() const;
int& operator[](int);
int operator[](int) const;
int *ptr; // pointer to first element
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream&,
const Array&);
friend istream &operator>>(istream&, Array&); // will not be robust
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
Example – an Array Class 5
The assignment operator should return a reference to the object to which it is applied (for the same reasons as the += operator we saw in slides 7-10). Deitel & Deitel chose to return a constant reference in order to prevent attempts to use expressions such as (a1 = a2) = a3.
It would be possible to add more member functions; Deitel & Deitel also provided operator== and operator!= functions which checked whether two arrays had the same contents.
01/11/2019 CE221 Part 4
// Array.cpp
Example – an Array Class 6
#include “Array.h”
using namespace std;
Array::Array(int arrSize)
{ size = arrSize>0 ? arrSize : 10;
ptr = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i
{ for (int i = 0; i
return in; }
ostream& <<(ostream &out, const Array &a)
// displays 4 items per line in fixed-width fields { int i;
for (i = 0; i