Selection of more advanced FP topics¶
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
#require “fp”
1. Labelled & optional arguments¶
1.1 Labelled arguments¶
In OCaml, you can label the arguments to your functions, using ~:
let map x ~f =
let rec iter accu still_to_be_processed =
match still_to_be_processed with
| [] -> List.rev accu
| hd :: tl -> iter (f hd :: accu) tl
Labelled arguments allow you to swap the order in which arguments are passed to the function. Thus, instead of:
[ 2; 3; 4 ] |> fun x -> map x ~f:(fun x -> x + 1)
you can write:
[ 2; 3; 4 ] |> map ~f:(fun x -> x + 1)
You don’t have to use a function’s labels, but OCaml will warn you if you omit them:
map [ 2; 3; 4 ] (fun x -> x + 1)
Labelled arguments greatly facilitate the use of partial evaluation:
let f ~a ~b c = a + b – c
let g = f ~b:3
Without labelled arguments, we would need to do the following instead:
let f a b c = a + b – c
let g = (fun a c -> f a 3 c)
1.2 Optional arguments¶
Consider the following function, where the first argument a is an int option:
let maybe_add a x =
match a with
| Some y -> x + y
| None -> x
OCaml lets you write this instead:
let maybe_add ?a x =
match a with
| Some y -> x + y
| None -> x
such that a is now officially an optional argument that can be omitted altogether:
maybe_add 3
If you want to specify the value of an optional parameter, use ~ with the appropriate label:
maybe_add ~a:5 3
Optional arguments can also be given a default value, in which case they are no longer options inside the body of the function:
let add_three_or_something_else ?(a = 3) x = a + x
add_three_or_something_else 6
add_three_or_something_else ~a:0 6
2. Dealing with errors¶
OCaml lets you define your own exceptions, which may carry some payload:
exception Invalid_name of string
The example below will be based on a simplified version of the president type used in an earlier lecture:
type simple_president = { name : string }
This is how an exception can be “raised”:
let add_president ~list p =
(* if name is invalid, raise an exception *)
if String.length < 2 then raise (Invalid_name else p :: list
let us_pres = [ { name = "Biden" } ]
let us_pres = add_president ~list:us_pres { name = "O" }
Notice how raising an exception immediately aborts your program. The point of exceptions is that they can be caught at runtime, to modify the flow of execution of your program:
let add_many_presidents ~list x =
List.fold x ~init:list ~f:(fun accu p ->
try add_president ~list:accu p with
| Invalid_name s ->
Fp.Utils.print_msg Printf.(sprintf “Warning: %s invalid so not added!” s);
let us_pres = [ { name = “Biden” } ] in
add_many_presidents ~list:us_pres [ { name = “O” }; { name = “Obama” } ]
3. Software architecture in FP: the module system¶
OCaml has a brilliant module system that allows you to structure your codebase. Modules are essentially units that pack types and functions, and provide a namespace for those.
A distinction is made between module “implementations” (struct … end) and module types or “signatures” (sig … end):
module type President_T = sig
type t = { last_name : string }
exception Invalid_name of Base.string
val of_name : string -> t
val name : t -> string
val add : list:t list -> t -> t list
A particular implementation of this signature would be, for example:
module President : President_T
(* type-annotating here to show you the type of this module *) = struct
type t = { last_name : string }
exception Invalid_name of string
let valid_name n = String.length n > 1
let name p = p.last_name
let of_name n = if valid_name n then { last_name = n } else raise (Invalid_name n)
let add ~list p = p :: list
Types and values inside a module can be accessed using the Module_name.something notation. For example:
let obama = President.of_name “Obama”
Module signatures allow you to restrict the things you want to expose to the user of your library. For example, we might want to “hide” the concrete definition of the t record type, to prevent the user from by-passing the function of_name and thus creating invalid presidents. Indeed, the way P is defined above, the user could do this:
let invalid = President.{ last_name = “_” }
To prevent this, we can make President.t an abstract type:
module type President_safe_T = sig
(* notice that we have removed the record type definition !
this makes t a so-called abstract type *)
exception Invalid_name of Base.string
val of_name : string -> t
val name : t -> string
val add : list:t list -> t -> t list
We can now restrict our President module to this type:
module President_safe : President_safe_T = President
let o = President_safe.{ last_name = “”}
The above fails, because President_safe_T does not expose the concrete implementation of the record type. So the user has only ONE option for creating values of type President_safe.t, and that is to use the function of_name provided by this module, in which the validity of the name is checked automatically:
let o = President_safe.of_name “_”
This ensures that nobody can create invalid presidents.
4. Memoization & dynamic programming¶
let rec fib = function
then raise (Invalid_argument “must be positive”)
else fib (a – 1) + fib (a – 2)
List.init 8 ~f:fib
let timeit f x =
let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let result = f x in
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
result, t1 -. t0
let times = List.init 36 ~f:(timeit fib) |> ~f:snd
This scales horrendously (i.e. exponentially):
In the following, we will show that there is a general strategy for speeding up functions that otherwise perform a lot of redundant calculations. This strategy relies on caching (i.e. memorizing for later re-use) function evaluations, using so-called hash tables. Let’s begin by learning how to use hash tables in OCaml.
Hashtables in OCaml¶
(* using Stdlib because Base might have shadowed the Stdlib.Hashtbl module… *)
let h = Stdlib.Hashtbl.create 1000
At this point, h is polymorphic. But its type will be fully determined upon first use: if we use it to store a string value using an int key, OCaml will immediately know that h has type (int * string) Hashtbl.t.
Stdlib.Hashtbl.add h 0 “cambridge”
Stdlib.Hashtbl.find h 0
OCaml raises a Not_found exception if we look up a key that has never been used:
Stdlib.Hashtbl.find h 18
Generic memoization function:¶
Now let’s write our generic memoization function:
val memoize: (‘a -> ‘b) -> ‘a -> ‘b
let memoize ?(size = 1000) f =
let h = Stdlib.Hashtbl.create size in
try Stdlib.Hashtbl.find h x with
| Stdlib.Not_found ->
let y = f x in
Stdlib.Hashtbl.add h x y;
let fib_mem = memoize fib
Now try evaluting the following line multiple times. You will see that the first one is slow, and every subsequent call is lightning fast:
timeit fib_mem 37 |> snd
The problem, however, is that even though we have now memoized fib 37, our recursive function fib is UNABLE to make use of this to evaluate fib 38 in a faster way.
To memoize recursive functions properly, we make use of the following trick:
rewrite our recursive function by adding an extra parameter f, which is a function assumed to already know how to perform the “tail call”. So, if your original function waslet rec f x = (* [… some expression containing
a tail call (f z) … ] *)
you rewrite it this way:let f_norec f_tail x = (* [ … the same expression where you use
f_tail z instead of f z … ] *)
write a generic memoize_rec function (see below)
construct memoize_rec f_norec : this is a fully memoized version of your original recursive f function!
let fib_norec fib_tail = function
then raise (Invalid_argument “must be positive”)
else fib_tail (a – 1) + fib_tail (a – 2)
let memoize_rec f_norec =
(* create a pointer to a generic ‘a -> ‘b function *)
let fref = ref (fun _ -> raise Stdlib.Not_found) in
(* memoize the f_norec function *)
let f = memoize (fun x -> f_norec !fref x) in
(* put the memoized function inside the box *)
fref := f;
(* return f *)
let fib = memoize_rec fib_norec
This new fib function is now able to cache every single call it makes to itself! In particular, observe the following:
timeit fib 100 |> snd
timeit fib 99 |> snd
Not only was the evaluation of fib 100 much faster than before, but now you can tell that fib 99 has been cached as part of evaluating fib 100, and is therefore even faster.
5. Laziness¶
(if time permits)
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