CS计算机代考程序代写 assembly assembler Java COMPSCI 210 S1 – Assignment 01

COMPSCI 210 S1 – Assignment 01
Computer Science
COMPSCI 210 S1, 2021
Assignment ONE
Due: 09:30 pm Wednesday 21st April 2021 Worth: 6% of the final mark
This assignment is to be done using LC-3 simulator. You can download the JAVA version of the LC-3 simulator from Canvas or http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~milom/cse240-Fall05/handouts/lc3guide.html
You can use the simulator to compile and test the program.
Section 1: Running the Simulator (0.5 marks)
You can execute the simulator (‘LC3sim.jar’). We need to first load some software. The first piece of software we should load is, naturally, an operating system. The LC-3 operating system is very basic: it handles simple I/O operations and is responsible for starting other programs. Download the LC-3 OS (‘LC3os.asm’) from Canvas (or from the given link) and you can understand what the operating system does.
The LC-3 machine doesn’t understand assembly directly; we first have to ‘assemble’ the assembly code into machine language (it is an ‘.obj’ file containing binary data). The LC-3 simulator has a built-in assembler, accessible (as is the case for most of its functionality) via the Command Line text box. To assemble the operating system, type as lc3os.asm at the command line and hit enter. Make sure that the OS file is in the same directory as the ‘.jar’ file; the as command also understands relative and absolute paths if the OS is in a different directory. Output from the assembly process is displayed in the Command Line Output Pane. After assembling the OS, you should notice that 2 new files, ‘lc3os.obj’ and ‘lc3os.sym’, have been created. The ‘.obj’ file is the machine language encoding of the assembly language file, and the ‘.sym’ file is a text file that holds symbol (or label) information so the simulator can display your symbols. Recall that symbols are really just a convenience for silly humans; the machine language encoding knows only about offsets.
Now we can load the ‘lc3os.obj’ file into the simulator, either via the command load lc3os.obj or by going to the File menu and selecting Open ‘.obj’ file. Notice that the contents of the memory change when the OS is loaded. Now assemble and load the solution file for Problem 0 (Q0.asm) into the simulator. The memory has changed again, but you may not notice since the relevant memory addresses (starting at x3000) aren’t visible unless you’ve scrolled the screen. User-level programs (i.e., non-OS code) start, by convention, at x3000. If you type the command list x3000 the memory view will jump to x3000 and you can see the assembly instructions of your program.
To actually run code, you can use the 4 control buttons at the top of the simulator, or type commands into the command line interface (the command names are the same as the buttons). Note that the PC register is set to x0200, which is the entry point to the operating system by convention. You can set the value in the registers. Example: You can set the value of R2, either by double-clicking it in the Registers section, or via the command set R2 (value). Now, run the code by hitting the continue button. You can find more details of operations from [1].
In section 1, execute the program file (Q0.asm). This program will take two input operands and output the AND results of those inputs. You first assemble all the files: ‘lc3os.asm’, ‘data0.asm’ and ‘Q0.asm’. Then, you execute the following commands: load lc3os.obj, load data0.obj and load Q0.obj to load the corresponding machine code files. Click ‘Continue’ to run the program. You can see the results from the display at the bottom-left.

COMPSCI 210 S1 – Assignment 01
; A subroutine to AND the values from R2 and R3 (R2 AND R3). The result is saved at R3.
; A subroutine to subtract the value of R3 from R2 (R2 – R3). The result is saved at R3.
; A subroutine to multiply the value from R3 and R2 (R2 * R3). The result is saved at R3.
; ………….
; A subroutine to OR the values from R2 and R3 (R2 OR R3). The result is saved at R3.
; A subroutine to add the values from R2 and R3 (R2 + R3). The result is saved at R3.
is saved at R3.
; A subroutine to calculate the value from R2 to the power of the value from R3 (R2 ^ R3). The result
Go through the program of the sample file (Q0.asm), the output will display the result of AND operations of every two input values (after the ‘&’ character) from the “data0.asm”. The first character of the data file is used to identify which operation is going to be executed. You can save the program as the file Q1.asm. Next, you are going to revise the highlighted area of the program to finish the whole assignment. The output of executing Q0 with data file data0 is shown below.
009&009=009 009&008=008 008&007=000 007&006=006 006&005=004 005&004=004 004&003=000 003&002=002 000&001=000 009&000=000 001&001=001
WARNING: We will use the JAVA simulator for marking. In particular, you should make sure that your answer will produce ONLY the exact output expected. The markers simply make an exact comparison with the expected output. If you have any debug printouts or other code which produces some unexpected output, the markers will give you zero marks. If your files cannot be compiled successfully or they cannot be executed after compilation, the markers will also give you zero marks.

Section 2: OR Operation (0.5 marks)
You now complete the subroutine “MyOR“. It is a subroutine to “OR” the values from R2 and R3 (R2 OR R3). The result is saved at R3. You can check Lecture 5 and 6 for more information.
For example (data from ‘data1.asm’): 009|001=009
007|003=007 006|005=007 005|004=005 004|003=007 003|002=003 001|000=001 009|000=009 001|001=001
Section 3: Addition (0.5 marks)
You now complete the subroutine “MyADD“. It is a subroutine to add the values from R2 and R3 (R2 + R3). The result is saved at R3. You can check Lecture 5 and 6 for more information.
For example (data from ‘data2.asm’): 009+001=010
007+003=010 006+005=011 005+004=009 004+003=007 003+002=005 001+000=001 009+000=009 001+001=002
Section 4: Subtraction (0.5 marks)
You now complete the subroutine “MySUB“. It is a subroutine to subtract the value of R3 from R2 (R2 – R3). The result is saved at R3. You can check Lecture 5 and 6 for more information.
For example (data from ‘data3.asm’): 009-001=008
007-003=004 006-005=001 005-004=001 004-003=001 003-002=001 001-000=001 009-000=009 001-001=000
COMPSCI 210 S1 – Assignment 01

Section 5: Multiplication (2 marks)
You now complete the subroutine “MyMULT“. It is a subroutine to multiply the value from R3 and R2 (R2 * R3). The result is saved at R3. You can check Lecture 12 for more information.
For example (data from ‘data4.asm’): 009*001=009
007*003=021 006*005=030 005*004=020 004*003=012 003*002=006 001*000=000 009*000=000 001*001=001
Section 6: Power Function (2 marks)
You now complete the subroutine “MyPOW“. It is a subroutine to calculate the value from R2 to the power of the value from R3 (R2 ^ R3). The result is saved at R3. You can check Lecture 13 and 14 for more information.
For example (data from ‘data5.asm’): 009^001=009
007^003=343 006^003=216 005^004=625 004^003=064 003^002=009 001^000=001 009^000=001 001^001=001
You can make the following assumptions:
1. All input value should be between 00010 – 00910.
2. The results of all output should be between 00010 – 99910.
3. All inputs and outputs should be positive.
4. There should not be any invalid inputs from the input data file.
COMPSCI 210 S1 – Assignment 01

You may electronically submit your assignment through Canvas submission system at any time from the first submission date up until the final date. You can make more than one submission. However, every submission that you make replaces your previous submission. Only your very latest submission will be marked. Please double check that your submitted file can compile and execute properly with the given data files on the LC3 simulator (java version).
Please include your name and upi in the file you submit.
No marks will be awarded if your program does not compile and run. You are to electronically submit the following file:
1. Q1.asm
Late Submission
 5% penalty if submitted on 22 April 2021
 10% penalty if submitted on 23 April 2021  15% penalty if submitted on 24 April 2021  20 % penalty if submitted on 25 April 2021
No more submission will be allowed after that period.
Any work you submit must be your work and your work alone. To share assignment solutions and source code is not permitted under our academic integrity policy. Violation of this will result in your assignment submission attracting no marks, and you will face disciplinary actions in addition.
[1] http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~milom/cse240-Fall05/handouts/lc3guide.html
COMPSCI 210 S1 – Assignment 01