Abstraction 1/47
Abstraction is the process of finding similarities or common aspects, and forgetting unimportant differences.
Example: writing a function.
The differences in parameter values are forgotten, and the similarity is captured in the function body.
We have seen many similarities between functions, and captured them in function templates.
Abstraction 2/47
We already worked with map, foldr, foldl, and filter. So what’s new in this module?
Now that we have experience with recursion, we can look at these functions in a different way. We can see them as “abstractions” that capture similarities between code we could write recursively. All these things require that we understand how functions are first class values.
> Example: Eating apples 3/47
Consider two similar functions, eat-apples and keep-odds. (define (eat-apples lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[(not (symbol=? (first lst) ‘apple))
(cons (first lst) (eat-apples (rest lst)))] [else (eat-apples (rest lst))]))
> Example: Keeping odd numbers 4/47
Consider two similar functions, eat-apples and keep-odds. (define (keep-odds lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty] [(odd? (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (keep-odds (rest lst)))] [else (keep-odds (rest lst))]))
> Example: Abstracting out differences 5/47
What these two functions have in common is their general structure.
Where they differ is in the specific predicate used to decide whether an item is removed from the answer or not.
Because functions are first class values, we can write one function to do both these tasks because we can supply the predicate to be used as an argument to that function.
The built-in function filter, of course, is exactly what we seek. How can we write our own?
> Abstracting keep-odds to my-filter 6/47
(define (keep-odds lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[(odd? (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (keep-odds (rest lst)))]
[else (keep-odds (rest lst))]))
(define (my-filter pred? lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty] [(pred? (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (my-filter pred? (rest lst)))] [else (my-filter pred? (rest lst))]))
» Tracing my-filter 7/47
(define (my-filter pred? lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty] [(pred? (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (my-filter pred? (rest lst)))] [else (my-filter pred? (rest lst))]))
(my-filter even? (list 0 1 2 3 4))
⇒ (cond [(empty? (list 0 1 2 3 4)) empty]
[(even? (first (list 0 1 2 3 4))) (cons (first (list 0 1 2 3 4))
(my-filter even? (rest (list 0 1 2 3 4))))] [else (my-filter even? (rest (list 0 1 2 3 4)))]))
⇒ (cons 0 (my-filter even? (list 1 2 3 4))) ⇒ (cons 0 (my-filter even? (list 2 3 4))) ⇒∗(cons 0 (cons 2 (cons 4 empty)))
» filter 8/47
my-filter performs the same actions as the built-in function filter.
filter handles the general operation of selectively keeping items on a list.
even even even even even ?????
Functions such as filter that consume a (listof X) and a function to generalize it are called abstract list functions at the University of Waterloo.
The class of functions that either consume or produce functions is called higher order functions. Higher order functions include filter, map, foldr, etc., and also functions that produce functions, such as make-adder.
map 9/47
Recall: map consumes a function and a list, and transforms items in the list with the function. (map sqr (list 2 3 5 7 11)) ⇒ (list 4 9 25 49 121)
(map add1 (list 2 3 5 7 11)) ⇒ (list 3 4 6 8 12)
Here are two functions that each do something “map-like”. (define (sqr-each lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[else (cons (sqr (first lst)) (sqr-each (rest lst)))]))
(define (add1-each lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[else (cons (add1 (first lst)) (add1-each (rest lst)))]))
Abstract out the differences between sqr-each and add1-each to write a function my-map
that consumes a function and a (listof Any), and behaves like map. (my-map sqr (list 2 3 5 7 11)) ⇒ (list 4 9 25 49 121)
(my-map add1 (list 2 3 5 7 11)) ⇒ (list 3 4 6 8 12)
> Advantages of functional abstraction 10/47
Functional abstraction is the process of creating abstract functions such as filter. Advantages include:
1 Reducing code size.
2 Avoiding cut-and-paste.
3 Fixing bugs in one place instead of many.
4 Improving one functional abstraction improves many applications.
We will do more of this in the next lecture module.
Example: character transformation in strings 11/47
Suppose during a computation, we want to specify some action to be performed one or more times in the future.
Before knowing about lambda, we might build a data structure to hold a description of that action, and a helper function to consume that data structure and perform the action.
Now, we can just describe the computation clearly using lambda.
> Example: character transformation in strings 12/47
We’d like a function, transform, that transforms one string into another according to a set of rules that are specified when it is applied.
In one application, we might want to change every instance of ‘a’ to a ‘b’. In another, we
might transform lowercase characters to the equivalent uppercase character and digits to ‘*’.
(check-expect (transform “abracadabra” …) “bbrbcbdbbrb”) (check-expect (transform “Testing 1-2-3” …) “TESTING *-*-*”)
We use … to indicate that we still need to supply some arguments.
> Example: inspiration 13/47
We could imagine transform containing a cond: (cond [(char=? ch #\a) #\b]
[(char-lower-case? ch) (char-upcase ch)] [(char-numeric? ch) #\*]
But this fails for a number of reasons:
The rules are “hard-coded”; we want to supply them when tranform is applied. A lower case ‘a’ would always be transformed to ‘b’; never to ‘B’.
But the idea is inspiring…
> Example: core idea 14/47
Suppose we supplied transform with a list of question/answer pairs: ;; A TransformSpec is one of:
;; * empty
;; * (cons (list Question Answer) TransformSpec)
Like cond, we could work our way through the TransformSpec with each character. If the Question produces true, then apply the Answer to the character. If the Question produces false, go on to the next Question/Answer pair.
What are the types for Question and Answer?
> Example: core idea 15/47
Functions as first class values can help us. Both Question and Answer are functions that consume a Char.
Question produces a Bool and Answer produces a Char. This completes our data definition,
;; A Question is a (Char -> Bool)
;; An Answer is a (Char -> Char)
And a completed example:
(check-expect (transform “Testing 1-2-3”
(list (list char-lower-case? char-upcase)
“TESTING *-*-*”)
(list char-numeric? (lambda (ch) #\*))))
> Transform: developing the code (1/3) 16/47
transform consumes a string and produces a string but we need to operate on characters.
This suggests a wrapper function:
;; A TransformSpec is one of:
;; * empty
;; * (cons (list Question Answer) TransformSpec)
;; (transform s spec) transforms the string s according to the given ;; specification.
;; transform: Str TransformSpec -> Str
(define (transform s spec)
(list->string (trans-loc (string->list s) spec)))
> Transform: developing the code (2/3) 17/47
;; trans-loc (listof Char) TransformSpec -> (listof Char)
(check-expect (trans-loc (list #\a #\9)
(list (list char-lower-case? char-upcase)))
(list #\A #\9)) (define (trans-loc loc spec) (cond [(empty? loc) empty]
[(cons? loc) (cons (trans-char (first loc) spec) (trans-loc (rest loc) spec))]))
(define (trans-char ch spec) (cond [(empty? spec) ch]
[((first (first spec)) ch) ((second (first spec)) ch)] [else (trans-char ch (rest spec))]))
> Transform: developing the code (3/3) 18/47
(check-expect (transform “Testing 1-2-3”
(list (list char-lower-case? char-upcase)
(list char-numeric? (lambda (ch) #\*))))
“TESTING *-*-*”) (check-expect (transform “abracadabra”
(list (list (lambda (ch) (char=? ch #\a)) (lambda (ch) #\b))))
The repeated lambda expressions suggest some utility functions: (define (is-char? c1) (lambda (c2) (char=? c1 c2)))
(define (always c1) (lambda (c2) c1))
Abstracting map 19/47
Here are two simple list functions:
(define (negate-list lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[else (cons (- (first lst))
(negate-list (rest lst)))]))
(define (compute-taxes payroll) (cond [(empty? payroll) empty]
[else (cons (sr->tr (first payroll)) (compute-taxes (rest payroll)))]))
> Abstracting another set of examples 20/47
We look for a difference that can’t be explained by renaming (it being what is applied to the first item of a list) and make that a parameter.
(define (negate-list (cond [(empty? lst)
lst) empty]
(define (compute-taxes payroll) (cond [(empty? payroll) empty]
(cons ( – (first lst))
(rest lst)))]))
(cons ( sr->tr (first payroll))
(rest payroll)))]))
(define (my-map f lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty]
(cons ( f (first lst))
(my-map f (rest lst)))]))
> Tracing my-map 21/47
(define (my-map f lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[else (cons (f (first lst))
(my-map f (rest lst)))]))
(my-map sqr (list 3 6 5))
⇒ (cons 9 (my-map sqr (list 6 5)))
⇒ (cons 9 (cons 36 (my-map sqr (list 5))))
⇒ (cons 9 (cons 36 (cons 25 (my-map sqr empty)))) ⇒ (cons 9 (cons 36 (cons 25 empty)))
my-map performs the general operation of transforming a list element-by-element into another list of the same length.
> Effect of my-map 22/47
(my-map f (list x_1 x_2 … x_n)) has the same effect as evaluating (list (f x_1) (f x_2) … (f x_n)).
(my-map even? (list 0 1 2 3 4))
even even even even even ?????
> Using my-map 23/47
We can use my-map to give short definitions of a number of functions we have written to
consume lists:
(define (negate-list lst) (my-map – lst)) (define (compute-taxes lst) (my-map sr->tr lst))
How can we use my-map to rewrite trans-loc?
> The contract for my-map 24/47
my-map consumes a function and a list, and produces a list.
How can we be more precise about its contract, using parametric type variables?
> Built-in abstract list functions 25/47
In addition to filter, Intermediate Student also provides map as a built-in function, as well as many other higher order functions. Check out the Help Desk (in DrRacket, Help → Help Desk → How to Design Programs Languages → 4.17 Higher-Order Functions)
The functions map and filter allow us to quickly describe functions to do something to all elements of a list, and to pick out selected elements of a list, respectively.
ALFs that produce values 26/47
The functions we have worked with so far consume and produce lists.
What about abstracting from functions such as count-symbols and sum-of-numbers, which consume lists and produce simple values?
Let’s look at these, find common aspects, and then try to generalize from the template.
> Examples 27/47
(define (sum-of-numbers lst) (cond [(empty? lst) 0 ]
[else ( + (first lst)
(sum-of-numbers (rest lst)))]))
(define (prod-of-numbers lst) (cond [(empty? lst) 1 ]
[else ( * (first lst)
(prod-of-numbers (rest lst)))]))
(define (all-true? lst) (cond [(empty? lst) true ]
[else ( and (first lst)
(all-true? (rest lst)))]))
> Similarities and differences 28/47
Note that each of these examples has a base case which is a value to be returned when the argument list is empty.
Each example is applying some function to combine (first lst) and the result of a recursive function application with argument (rest lst) .
This continues to be true when we look at the list template and generalize from that.
> Comparison to the list template 29/47
(define (list-template lst) (cond [(empty? lst) … ]
[else ( … (first lst) …
(list-template (rest lst)) …)]))
We replace the first ellipsis by a base value.
We replace the rest of the ellipses by some function which combines (first lst) and the
result of a recursive function application on (rest lst).
This suggests passing the base value and the combining function as parameters to an abstract list function.
> The abstract list function foldr 30/47
We could write our own foldr: (define (my-foldr combine base lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) base]
[else (combine (first lst)
(my-foldr combine base (rest lst)))]))
foldr is also a built-in function in Intermediate Student with lambda.
> Tracing my-foldr 31/47
(define (my-foldr combine base lst) (cond [(empty? lst) base]
[else (combine (first lst)
(my-foldr combine base (rest lst)))]))
(my-foldr f 0 (list 3 6 5)) ⇒
(f 3 (my-foldr f 0 (list 6 5))) ⇒
(f 3 (f 6 (my-foldr f 0 (list 5))) ⇒
(f 3 (f 6 (f 5 (my-foldr f 0 empty))) ⇒ (f 3 (f 6 (f 5 0))) ⇒ …
Intuitively, the effect of the application
(foldr f b (list x_1 x_2 … x_n)) is to compute the value of the expression (f x_1 (f x_2 (… (f x_n b)))).
> Tracing my-foldr 32/47
(foldr f b (list x_1 x_2 … x_n)) ⇒ (f x_1 (f x_2 (… (f x_n b)))) (foldr string-append “2B” (list “To” “be” “or” “not”)) ⇒ “Tobeornot2B”
string- string- string- string- append append append append
“Tobeornot2B” “beornot2B” “ornot2B” “not2B”
> foldr 33/47
foldr is short for “fold right”.
The reason for the name is that it can be viewed as “folding” a list using the provided combine function, starting from the right-hand end of the list.
foldr can be used to implement map, filter, and other abstract list functions.
(foldr + 0 ‘(1 2 3 4 5))
1239 1 2312
1 314
> The contract for foldr 34/47
foldr consumes three arguments:
a function which combines the first list item with the result of reducing the rest of the list; a base value;
a list on which to operate.
What is the contract for foldr?
> Aside: comparison to imperative languages 35/47
Imperative languages, which tend to provide inadequate support for recursion, usually provide looping constructs such as “while” and “for” to perform repetitive actions on data.
Abstract list functions cover many of the common uses of such looping constructs.
Our implementation of these functions is not difficult to understand, and we can write more if needed, but the set of looping constructs in a conventional language is fixed.
> Summary: foldr vs. the list template 36/47
Anything that can be done with the list template can be done using foldr, without writing any recursive code.
Does that mean that the list template is obsolete?
No. Experienced Racket programmers still use the list template, for reasons of readability and maintainability.
Abstract list functions should be used judiciously, to replace relatively simple uses of recursion.
Generalizing accumulative recursion 37/47
Let’s look at several past functions that use recursion on a list with one accumulator.
;; code from lecture module 12
(define (sum-list lst0)
(local [(define (sum-list/acc lst sum-so-far)
(cond [(empty? lst) sum-so-far] [else (sum-list/acc (rest lst)
(+ (first lst) sum-so-far))]))]
(sum-list/acc lst0 0)))
(check-expect (sum-list (list 1 2 3 4)) 10)
> Generalizing accumulative recursion 38/47
Let’s look at several past functions that use recursion on a list with one accumulator.
;; code from lecture module 9 rewritten to use local
(define (rev-list lst0)
(local [(define (rev-list/acc lst lst-so-far)
(cond [(empty? lst) lst-so-far] [else (rev-list/acc (rest lst)
(cons (first lst) lst-so-far))]))]
(rev-list/acc lst0 empty)))
(check-expect (rev-list (list 1 2 3 4 5)) (list 5 4 3 2 1))
> foldl 39/47
The differences between these two functions are:
the initial value of the accumulator;
the computation of the new value of the accumulator, given the old value of the accumulator and the first element of the list.
> foldl 40/47
(define (my-foldl combine base lst0) (local [(define (foldl/acc lst acc)
(cond [(empty? lst) acc]
[else (foldl/acc (rest lst)
(combine (first lst) acc))]))]
(foldl/acc lst0 base)))
(define (sum-list lon) (my-foldl + 0 lon))
(define (my-reverse lst) (my-foldl cons empty lst))
foldl is defined in the Intermediate Student language and above.
> foldl 41/47
We noted earlier that intuitively, the effect of the application
(foldr f b (list x_1 x_2 … x_n))
is to compute the value of the expression (f x_1 (f x_2 (… (f x_n b) …)))
What is the intuitive effect of the following application of foldl? (foldl f b (list x_1 … x_n-1 x_n))
> Tracing foldl 42/47
(foldl f b (list x_1 x_2 … x_n)) (f x_n (f x_n-1 (… (f x_1 b)))) (foldl string-append “2B” (list “To” “be” “or” “not”)) ⇒ “notorbeTo2B”
string- append
string- append
string- append
string- append
“orbeTo2B” “notorbeTo2B”
> foldl 43/47
foldl is short for “fold left”.
The reason for the name is that it can be viewed as “folding” a list using the provided combine function, starting from the left-hand end of the list.
(foldl + 0 ‘(1 2 3 4 5))
012345 112 3 4 5
31 3 4 5
6134 5
1013 5
> Contract for foldl 44/47
What is the contract of foldl?
Manually evaluate the two expressions:
(foldl (lambda (x y) (+ x y y)) 1 (list 3 4 5)) (foldr (lambda (x y) (+ x y y)) 1 (list 3 4 5))
Are the values the same? Why or why not? Then check your answer using DrRacket.
Goals of this module 46/47
You should be able to produce functions using lambda.
You should understand how lambda underlies our usual definition of functions.
You should be familiar with the built-in functions filter, map, foldr, and foldl. You should understand how they abstract common recursive patterns, and be able to use them to write code.
You should be able to write your own abstract list functions that implement other recursive patterns.
You should understand how to do step-by-step evaluation of programs written in the Intermediate language that make use of functions as values.
Further Reading: HtDP, sections 21-24.
Summary: built-in functions 47/47
In this module we added the following to our toolbox:
These are the functions and special forms currently in our toolbox:
* + – … / < <= = > >= abs add1 and append boolean? ceiling char<=? char char=? char>=? char>? char? check-expect check-within cond cons cons? define define-struct eighth else
empty? equal? even? exp expt fifth filter first floor foldl foldr fourth integer? lambda length list list->string list? local map max member? min not number->string number? odd? or quotient range remainder rest second seventh sixth sqr sqrt string->list string-append string-length string<=? string string=? string>=? string>?
string? sub1 substring symbol=? symbol? third zero?