Analysis of Algorithms, I
CSOR W4231.002
Computer Science Department
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Columbia University
Minimum spanning trees: Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms
1 Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs) Prim’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm More MST algorithms
1 Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs) Prim’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm More MST algorithms
The problem
Motivation: build the cheapest communication network over a set of locations.
Input: a weighted, undirected graph G = (V, E, w)
Output: a subset of edges ET ⊆ E such that
1. the graph T = (V, ET ) is connected;
2. w(e) is minimal. e∈ET
Minimum weight Spanning Trees (MST)
The graph T = (V, ET ) is a tree: if there is a cycle, remove any edge from the cycle and obtain a connected graph with less cost.
Definition 1 (Spanning tree of a graph G = (V, E)). A tree that spans all the nodes in V .
Output (restated): a minimum weight spanning tree of G. Remarks
Brute-force won’t work: even simple graphs have many spanning trees—how many in a simple cycle?
#spanning trees in the complete graph on n vertices: nn−2
The cut property
Definition 2 (Cut).
A cut (S, V − S) is a bipartition of the vertices.
Claim 1 (Cut property).
Assume all edge weights are distinct. Let S ⊂ V (S ̸= ∅). Let e be the minimum-weight edge with one endpoint in S and the other in V − S. Then every MST contains e.
The assumption of distinct edge weights is just for the purposes of the analysis; we will show how to remove it later.
Proof of the cut property
Notation:w(T)= w(e) e∈ET
We will derive a contradiction by using an exchange argument.
Let T′ be a minimum-weight spanning tree that does not
contain e = (u, v).
Then there must be some other path P in T′ from u to v.
Starting at u, follow the vertices of P : since (u, v) crosses from S to V − S, there must be some first vertex
v′ ∈ V − S on P. Let u′ be the last vertex before it in S.
Thene′ =(u′,v′)∈ET′ ande′ crossesbetweenS,V −S.
Proof of the cut property (cont’d)
Exchange e with e′ to obtain the set of edges ET =ET′ +{e}−{e′}.
T is a spanning tree:
T is connected: any path in T′ that used e′ = (u′,v′) is
rerouted to follow P from u′ to u, (u, v) and P from v to v′. T is acyclic (why?).
Since both e′ and e cross between S and V −S but e is the lightest edge with this property, w(e) < w(e′). Thus
w(T) < w(T′).
Using the cut property to design MST algorithms
The cut property says: construct MST greedily by taking the lightest edge across two regions not yet connected.
Generic-MST(G = (V, E, w))
ET = ∅ // the set of edges that will form our MST while |ET | ≤ n − 1 do
PickS⊆V s.t. noedgeinET crossesbetweenS,V −S Let e ∈ E be a lightest edge that crosses between S, V − S ET =ET ∪{e}
Prim’s algorithm
In Prim’s algorithm, the edges in ET always form a subtree which is a partial MST and S is chosen to be the set of this subtree’s vertices.
In other words:
1. Start with a root node s.
2. Greedily grow a tree outward from s by adding the node that can be attached as cheaply as possible at every step.
Detailed description of Prim’s algorithm
2. Maintain a set S ⊆ V on which a spanning tree has been constructed so far. Initially, S = {s}.
3. In each iteration, update
3.1 S=S∪{v},wherevisthevertexinV−Sthatminimizes
the attachment cost:
3.2 ET =ET ∪{e}
min wuv . u∈S
Example graph
Prim’s MST for example graph (letters indicate the order in which edges were added)
Prim’s: correctness
Follows directly from the Cut property.
Let S be the set of vertices on which a partial MST has been constructed.
At every iteration an edge (u, v) is added such that
Implementing Prim’s algorithm
Similarly to Dijkstra’s algorithm,
store every node v ∈ V − S in a priority queue Q, e.g., implemented as a binary min-heap (key= weight of the lightest edge between some node in S and v). Initially, S = {s}.
maintain two arrays
dist[v]: stores the weight of the lightest edge between v and
any vertex in S (in Dijkstra, it stored a conservative overestimate of the distance of v from the source s)
prev[v]: stores the node responsible for adding v to S
Pseudocode: how does this compute T = (V, ET )?
Prim(G = (V, E, w), s) foru∈V do
dist[v] = ∞; prev[v] = NIL end for
dist[s] = 0
Q = {V ; dist} S=∅
while Q ̸= ∅ do
u = ExtractMin(Q)
S = S ∪ {u}
for (u, v) ∈ E and v ∈ V − S do
if dist[v] > w(u, v) then dist[v] = w(u, v) prev[v] = u DecreaseKey(Q, v)
end if end for
Further implementations of Prim’s algorithm
Notation: |V | = n, |E| = m
Binary heap
d-ary heap
O(d log n)
O((nd+m)logn) log d
Fibonacci heap
O(1) amortized
Optimal choice for d ≈ m/n (the average degree of the graph) d-ary heap works well for both sparse and dense graphs
If m = n1+x, what is the running time of Prim’s algorithm using a d-ary heap?
Amortized analysis: coming up in the next lecture
Kruskal’s algorithm
Short description: at every step, add to ET the lightest edge that does not create a cycle with the edges already in ET .
Thus, at all times, ET is a subset of an MST.
Alternative view: merging partial trees
Initially, every vertex forms its own trivial tree (no edges). Maintain a forest of trees at all times.
Let T(v) be the tree where vertex v belongs. 1. Initialize ET = ∅
2. Sort the edges by increasing weight.
3. For every edge e = (u, v) in increasing order of weight:
If u and v belong to the same tree, discard e. Else
ET =ET ∪{e};
merge T(u), T(v) into a single tree.
△ Need a data structure that allows
1. to check if u, v belong to the same tree;
2. for updates to reflect the merging of two trees into one.
Example graph
Kruskal’s MST for example graph (letters indicate the order in which edges were added)
Let (u, v) be the edge added at the current iteration.
A just before (u,v) is added; then u ∈ S but v ̸∈ S.
Also, (u,v) must be the first edge between S and V −S encountered so far: otherwise, if such an edge was encountered before, it would have been added to A since its inclusion would not cause a cycle.
⇒ (u, v) is the lightest edge that crosses between S and V − S By the Cut Property, (u, v) belongs to the MST.
Implementing Kruskal’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm maintains a forest of trees at all times, starting from n trivial trees (no edges).
Want a data structure that maintains a collection of disjoint sets and supports operations:
1. MakeSet(u): Given an element u, create a new tree containing only u. Target worst-case time: O(1)
2. Find(u): Given an element u, find which tree u belongs to. Target worst-case time: O(log n)
3. Union(u, v): Merge the tree containing u and the tree containing v into a single tree.
Target worst-case time: O(log n)
(G = (V, E, w))
Sort(E) by w
for u ∈ V do MakeSet(u)
for (u, v) ∈ E by increasing w do
if Find(u) ̸= Find(v) then ET =ET ∪{(u,v)} Union(u, v)
end if end for
Running time analysis
n Makeset() operations: O(n)
Running time: O(m log n)
When is it safe to not include an edge to the MST?
Fact 3 (The Cycle Property).
Assume that all edge costs are distinct. Let C be any cycle in G, and let edge (u,v) be the heaviest edge in C. Then e does not belong to any MST of G.
Proof of the cycle property
Let T be a spanning tree that contains e. We want to show that T is not optimal.
To this end, we will exchange e for some e′ to get a spanning tree T′ with less weight.
First, delete e from T ; T is now partitioned into two components: the set S containing u and the set V − S containing v.
⇒ We want an edge e′ with one endpoint in S and another in V − S so as to reconnect them.
Proof of the cycle property (cont’d)
We can find such an edge by following the cycle C.
Consider the edges of C except for e: they form a path
from u to v.
So if we start at u, following this path, at some point there
is an edge e′ that crosses from S to V − S. Construct ET′ =ET −{e}+{e′}.
Now T ′ is connected and has n − 1 edges. Moreover, since e is the heaviest edge in the cycle
w(T′) < w(T).
More MST algorithms
Fact 3 yields yet another algorithm for finding an MST.
Reverse-Delete(G = (V, E, w))
Start with the full graph.
Sort the edges in decreasing weight.
Repeatedly delete edges in order of decreasing weight, so long as the graph does not become disconnected.
More MST algorithms: combine the Cut property (to add edges) and the Cycle property (to eliminate edges).
△ Such algorithms may be subtle to implement.
Removing the assumption of unequal edge weights
Suppose some edges have equal weights.
Slightly perturb all edge weights by different, tiny
⇒ All edge weights are now distinct.
Apply the algorithms discussed in the previous sections. Remark 3.
Perturbations serve as tie-breakers: edges whose weights differed before still have the same relative order.
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