CS代写 Analysis of Algorithms, I

Analysis of Algorithms, I
CSOR W4231.002

Computer Science Department

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Columbia University
Minimum spanning trees: Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms

1 Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs) Prim’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm More MST algorithms

1 Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs) Prim’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm More MST algorithms

The problem
Motivation: build the cheapest communication network over a set of locations.
Input: a weighted, undirected graph G = (V, E, w)
Output: a subset of edges ET ⊆ E such that
1. the graph T = (V, ET ) is connected;
2. 􏰅 w(e) is minimal. e∈ET

Minimum weight Spanning Trees (MST)
The graph T = (V, ET ) is a tree: if there is a cycle, remove any edge from the cycle and obtain a connected graph with less cost.
Definition 1 (Spanning tree of a graph G = (V, E)). A tree that spans all the nodes in V .
Output (restated): a minimum weight spanning tree of G. Remarks
􏰉 Brute-force won’t work: even simple graphs have many spanning trees—how many in a simple cycle?
􏰉 #spanning trees in the complete graph on n vertices: nn−2

The cut property
Definition 2 (Cut).
A cut (S, V − S) is a bipartition of the vertices.
Claim 1 (Cut property).
Assume all edge weights are distinct. Let S ⊂ V (S ̸= ∅). Let e be the minimum-weight edge with one endpoint in S and the other in V − S. Then every MST contains e.
The assumption of distinct edge weights is just for the purposes of the analysis; we will show how to remove it later.

Proof of the cut property
Notation:w(T)= 􏰅 w(e) e∈ET
We will derive a contradiction by using an exchange argument.
􏰉 Let T′ be a minimum-weight spanning tree that does not
contain e = (u, v).
􏰉 Then there must be some other path P in T′ from u to v.
􏰉 Starting at u, follow the vertices of P : since (u, v) crosses from S to V − S, there must be some first vertex
v′ ∈ V − S on P. Let u′ be the last vertex before it in S.
􏰉 Thene′ =(u′,v′)∈ET′ ande′ crossesbetweenS,V −S.

Proof of the cut property (cont’d)
Exchange e with e′ to obtain the set of edges ET =ET′ +{e}−{e′}.
T is a spanning tree:
􏰉 T is connected: any path in T′ that used e′ = (u′,v′) is
rerouted to follow P from u′ to u, (u, v) and P from v to v′. 􏰉 T is acyclic (why?).
Since both e′ and e cross between S and V −S but e is the lightest edge with this property, w(e) < w(e′). Thus w(T) < w(T′). Using the cut property to design MST algorithms The cut property says: construct MST greedily by taking the lightest edge across two regions not yet connected. Generic-MST(G = (V, E, w)) ET = ∅ // the set of edges that will form our MST while |ET | ≤ n − 1 do PickS⊆V s.t. noedgeinET crossesbetweenS,V −S Let e ∈ E be a lightest edge that crosses between S, V − S ET =ET ∪{e} Prim’s algorithm In Prim’s algorithm, the edges in ET always form a subtree which is a partial MST and S is chosen to be the set of this subtree’s vertices. In other words: 1. Start with a root node s. 2. Greedily grow a tree outward from s by adding the node that can be attached as cheaply as possible at every step. Detailed description of Prim’s algorithm 2. Maintain a set S ⊆ V on which a spanning tree has been constructed so far. Initially, S = {s}. 3. In each iteration, update 3.1 S=S∪{v},wherevisthevertexinV−Sthatminimizes the attachment cost: 3.2 ET =ET ∪{e} min wuv . u∈S Example graph Prim’s MST for example graph (letters indicate the order in which edges were added) Prim’s: correctness Follows directly from the Cut property. Let S be the set of vertices on which a partial MST has been constructed. At every iteration an edge (u, v) is added such that 􏰉 u∈S,v∈V−S; 􏰉 (u,v)isthelightestedgethatcrossesbetweenSandV−S. Implementing Prim’s algorithm Similarly to Dijkstra’s algorithm, 􏰉 store every node v ∈ V − S in a priority queue Q, e.g., implemented as a binary min-heap (key= weight of the lightest edge between some node in S and v). Initially, S = {s}. 􏰉 maintain two arrays 􏰉 dist[v]: stores the weight of the lightest edge between v and any vertex in S (in Dijkstra, it stored a conservative overestimate of the distance of v from the source s) 􏰉 prev[v]: stores the node responsible for adding v to S Pseudocode: how does this compute T = (V, ET )? Prim(G = (V, E, w), s) foru∈V do dist[v] = ∞; prev[v] = NIL end for dist[s] = 0 Q = {V ; dist} S=∅ while Q ̸= ∅ do u = ExtractMin(Q) S = S ∪ {u} for (u, v) ∈ E and v ∈ V − S do if dist[v] > w(u, v) then dist[v] = w(u, v) prev[v] = u DecreaseKey(Q, v)
end if end for

Further implementations of Prim’s algorithm
Notation: |V | = n, |E| = m
Binary heap
d-ary heap
O(d log n)
O((nd+m)logn) log d
Fibonacci heap
O(1) amortized
􏰉 Optimal choice for d ≈ m/n (the average degree of the graph) 􏰉 d-ary heap works well for both sparse and dense graphs
􏰉 If m = n1+x, what is the running time of Prim’s algorithm using a d-ary heap?
􏰉 Amortized analysis: coming up in the next lecture

Kruskal’s algorithm
Short description: at every step, add to ET the lightest edge that does not create a cycle with the edges already in ET .
Thus, at all times, ET is a subset of an MST.

Alternative view: merging partial trees
Initially, every vertex forms its own trivial tree (no edges). Maintain a forest of trees at all times.
Let T(v) be the tree where vertex v belongs. 1. Initialize ET = ∅
2. Sort the edges by increasing weight.
3. For every edge e = (u, v) in increasing order of weight:
􏰉 If u and v belong to the same tree, discard e. 􏰉 Else
􏰉 ET =ET ∪{e};
􏰉 merge T(u), T(v) into a single tree.
△ Need a data structure that allows
1. to check if u, v belong to the same tree;
2. for updates to reflect the merging of two trees into one.

Example graph

Kruskal’s MST for example graph (letters indicate the order in which edges were added)

􏰉 Let (u, v) be the edge added at the current iteration.
􏰉 LetSbethesetofnodesthathaveapathtoubyedgesin
A just before (u,v) is added; then u ∈ S but v ̸∈ S.
􏰉 Also, (u,v) must be the first edge between S and V −S encountered so far: otherwise, if such an edge was encountered before, it would have been added to A since its inclusion would not cause a cycle.
⇒ (u, v) is the lightest edge that crosses between S and V − S 􏰉 By the Cut Property, (u, v) belongs to the MST.

Implementing Kruskal’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm maintains a forest of trees at all times, starting from n trivial trees (no edges).
Want a data structure that maintains a collection of disjoint sets and supports operations:
1. MakeSet(u): Given an element u, create a new tree containing only u. Target worst-case time: O(1)
2. Find(u): Given an element u, find which tree u belongs to. Target worst-case time: O(log n)
3. Union(u, v): Merge the tree containing u and the tree containing v into a single tree.
Target worst-case time: O(log n)

(G = (V, E, w))
Sort(E) by w
for u ∈ V do MakeSet(u)
for (u, v) ∈ E by increasing w do
if Find(u) ̸= Find(v) then ET =ET ∪{(u,v)} Union(u, v)
end if end for

Running time analysis
􏰉 Sorting:O(mlogm)=O(mlogn)
􏰉 n Makeset() operations: O(n)
􏰉 2mFind()operations:2m·O(logn)
􏰉 ≤n−1Union()operations:n·O(logn)
Running time: O(m log n)

When is it safe to not include an edge to the MST?
Fact 3 (The Cycle Property).
Assume that all edge costs are distinct. Let C be any cycle in G, and let edge (u,v) be the heaviest edge in C. Then e does not belong to any MST of G.

Proof of the cycle property
􏰉 Let T be a spanning tree that contains e. We want to show that T is not optimal.
􏰉 To this end, we will exchange e for some e′ to get a spanning tree T′ with less weight.
􏰉 First, delete e from T ; T is now partitioned into two components: the set S containing u and the set V − S containing v.
⇒ We want an edge e′ with one endpoint in S and another in V − S so as to reconnect them.

Proof of the cycle property (cont’d)
􏰉 We can find such an edge by following the cycle C.
􏰉 Consider the edges of C except for e: they form a path
from u to v.
􏰉 So if we start at u, following this path, at some point there
is an edge e′ that crosses from S to V − S. Construct ET′ =ET −{e}+{e′}.
􏰉 Now T ′ is connected and has n − 1 edges. Moreover, since e is the heaviest edge in the cycle
w(T′) < w(T). More MST algorithms Fact 3 yields yet another algorithm for finding an MST. Reverse-Delete(G = (V, E, w)) 􏰉 Start with the full graph. 􏰉 Sort the edges in decreasing weight. 􏰉 Repeatedly delete edges in order of decreasing weight, so long as the graph does not become disconnected. More MST algorithms: combine the Cut property (to add edges) and the Cycle property (to eliminate edges). △ Such algorithms may be subtle to implement. Removing the assumption of unequal edge weights 􏰉 Suppose some edges have equal weights. 􏰉 Slightly perturb all edge weights by different, tiny ⇒ All edge weights are now distinct. 􏰉 Apply the algorithms discussed in the previous sections. Remark 3. Perturbations serve as tie-breakers: edges whose weights differed before still have the same relative order. 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com