CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Evolutionary Computing

Evolutionary Computing

Artificial Intelligence

Unsupervised Learning:
The K-means Clustering Algorithm

Unsupervised Learning
Clustering algorithms
Fuzzy c-means


Unsupervised learning
Definition 1
Supervised: human effort involved
Unsupervised: no human effort
Definition 2
Supervised: learning conditional distribution P(Y|X), X: features, Y: classes
Unsupervised: learning distribution P(X), X: features

Slide credit: Min Zhang


What is clustering?
Why clustering for unsupervised learning?


Assignment of a set of observations into subsets so that observations in the same subset are similar in some sense


Cluster analysis is the process of partitioning a data set into subsets of objects (classes, clusters) which have similar properties.

Cluster Analysis

Natural Grouping Method
Cluster analysis: K-means algorithm, ISODATA algorithm, fuzzy c-means algorithm, etc.

Hard vs. Soft
Hard: same object can only belong to single cluster
Soft: same object can belong to different clusters

Slide credit: Min Zhang


Hard vs. Soft
Hard: same object can only belong to single cluster
Soft: same object can belong to different clusters
Gaussian mixture model
Fuzzy logic

Slide credit: Min Zhang


Flat vs. Hierarchical
Flat: clusters are flat
Hierarchical: clusters form a tree

Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom-up)
Compute all pair-wise pattern-pattern similarity coefficients
Place each of n patterns into a class of its own
Merge the two most similar clusters into one
Replace the two clusters into the new cluster
Re-compute inter-cluster similarity scores w.r.t. the new cluster
Repeat the above step until there are k clusters left (k can be 1)

Slide credit: Min Zhang


Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)

Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)
1st iteration


Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)
2nd iteration


Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)
3rd iteration


Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)
4th iteration


Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)
5th iteration


Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative (Bottom up)
Finally k clusters left


* From Marc Pollefeys COMP 256 2003
Dendrograms: The basics

Hierarchical clustering
Divisive (Top-down)
Start at the top with all patterns in one cluster
The cluster is split using a flat clustering algorithm.
This procedure is applied recursively until each pattern is in its own singleton cluster.

Hierarchical clustering
Divisive (Top-down)

Slide credit: Min Zhang

Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Which one is more complex?
Which one is more efficient?
Which one is more accurate?

Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Which one is more complex?
Because a flat clustering is needed as a “subroutine”
Which one is more efficient?
Which one is more accurate?


Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Which one is more complex?
Which one is more efficient?
Which one is more accurate?

Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Which one is more complex?
Which one is more efficient?
For a fixed number of top levels, using an efficient flat algorithm like K-means, divisive algorithms are linear in the number of patterns and clusters
Agglomerative algorithms are least quadratic
Which one is more accurate?

Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Which one is more complex?
Which one is more efficient?
Which one is more accurate?

Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Which one is more complex?
Which one is more efficient?
Which one is more accurate?
Bottom-up methods make clustering decisions based on local patterns without initially taking into account the global distribution. These early decisions cannot be undone.
Top-down clustering benefits from complete information about the global distribution when making top-level partitioning decisions.

K-means clustering Algorithm
Choose a fixed number of clusters (i.e. K)
Choose cluster centers and point-cluster allocations to minimize error

The necessary conditions for a minimizer of objective function JK with


What are xj, A, and ai??
K-means clustering Algorithm

Choose K data points (or vectors) to be initial cluster centers
Until the clustering is satisfactory
Assign each data point to the cluster that has the nearest cluster center
Ensure each cluster has at least one data point
Update the cluster centers with the means of the elements in the clusters

K-means clustering Algorithm

LIESMARS, Wuhan University
K-means clustering algorithm:
Basic Procedure
Step 1: Randomly Select K cluster centers from the data space.
Step 2: Assign each element of the data set to the cluster based on the minimum distance measure.
Step 3: Re-calculate new cluster centers for each cluster after the assignment in step 2.
Step 4: Continue this process until the cluster centers do not change.

LIESMARS, Wuhan University

LIESMARS, Wuhan University
Flow Diagram for K-means Algorithm

LIESMARS, Wuhan University

Step 1: Initialization
Choose K initial Cluster centers
M1(1), M2(1), … , MK(1)
Method 1 – First K samples Method 2 – K data samples selected randomly Method 3 – K random vectors
Set iteration m = 1 and Go To Step 2

Step 2: Determine New Clusters

Based on Cluster centers Distribute pattern vectors using minimum distance.
Method 1 – Use Euclidean distance Method 2 – Use other distance measures
Assign data sample xj to class Mk if
Go to Step 3

Step 3: Compute New Cluster Centers

Using the new Cluster assignment
Clk(m) k = 1, 2, … , K

Compute new cluster centers
Mk(m+1) k = 1, 2, … , K

Go to Step 4
where Nk , k = 1, 2, … , K
is the number of pattern vectors in Clk(m)

LIESMARS, Wuhan University
Step 4: Check for Convergence
Using Cluster centers from step 3 check for convergence
Convergence occurs if the means do not change

If Convergence occurs Clustering is complete and the results given.
If No Convergence then Go to Step 5

LIESMARS, Wuhan University

Step 5: Check for Maximum Number of Iterations

Define MAXIT as the maximum number of iterations that is acceptable.
If m = MAXIT Then display no convergence
and Stop.
If m < MAXIT Then m=m+1 (increment m) and Return to Step 2 LIESMARS, Wuhan University Example: K-means cluster algorithm Given the following set of pattern vectors LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples LIESMARS, Wuhan University Do the following LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples Initial Cluster centers (a) Solution – 2-class case LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Initial Cluster Centers Distances from all Samples to cluster centers First Cluster assignment Cl1 Cl2 Cl1 Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 With tie select randomly LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples Closest to x1 Closest to x2 LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Compute New Cluster centers First Cluster Assignment LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples New Cluster centers LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Distances from all Samples to cluster centers 2 2 Cl1 Cl1 Cl1 Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 Second Cluster assignment 3 3 LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples New Clusters Old Cluster Center M1(2) M2(2) Old Cluster Center LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Compute New Cluster Centers 3 3 LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples New Clusters ClusterCenters M2(3) M1(3) LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Distances from all Samples to cluster centers Compute New Cluster centers Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 Cl1 Cl1 Cl2 Cl1 3 3 4 4 4 4 LIESMARS, Wuhan University Exercise using K-means algorithm [1, 1], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 3] With the initial cluster centers [1, 1] and [4, 3]. * * LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples Initial Cluster centers (b) Solution – 3-class case LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University (b) Solution: 3-Class case Select Initial Cluster Centers First Cluster assignment using distances from pattern vectors to initial cluster centers LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Compute New Cluster centers Second Cluster assignment using distances from pattern vectors to cluster centers LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University At the next step we have convergence as the cluster centers do not change thus the Final Cluster Assignment becomes LIESMARS, Wuhan University LIESMARS, Wuhan University Plot of Data points in Given set of samples Final Cluster Centers Final 3-Class Clusters Cl1 Cl3 Cl2 LIESMARS, Wuhan University The K-means Algorithm The objective function can be defined as below: μij is either 0 or 1. K-means algorithm Select k sample points to be the initial cluster centers. Assign each sample point to one of the clusters depending on the shortest Euclidean distance between them. Once all the sample points are assigned, re-calculate the new cluster centers. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the clustering process converges. * * * K-means example … * K-means… Advantages: Fast. Easy to implement. Disadvantages: It works only for simple data set, i.e. no overlapping data. It largely depends on the choice of initial clusters. Does not perform well in case of outliers. * Apply the K-means for image segmentation Step 1: Choose K and their initial cluster centers. Step 2: Assign each pixel to one of the clusters based on the similarity measure. Step 3: Recalculate the cluster centers. Step 4: Compare the current cluster centers and previous cluster centers (or maximum number of iterations) to determine if the algorithm converges. Step 5: Classifying each pixel for image segmentation. K-means clustering using intensity alone and color alone Image Clusters on intensity Clusters on color * From Marc Pollefeys COMP 256 2003 Results of K-means Clustering: I gave each pixel the mean intensity or mean color of its cluster --- this is basically just vector quantizing the image intensities/colors. Notice that there is no requirement that clusters be spatially localized and they’re not. K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization Select random seeds with at least Dmin Or, run the algorithm many times K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization Sensitive to outliers * K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization Sensitive to outliers Use K-medoids Add definition of median * K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization Sensitive to outliers (K-medoids) Can deal only with clusters with spherical symmetrical point distribution Kernel trick * K-means Disadvantages Dependent on initialization Sensitive to outliers (K-medoids) Can deal only with clusters with spherical symmetrical point distribution Deciding K Deciding K Try a couple of K Image: Henry Lin Deciding K When k = 1, the objective function is 873.0 Image: Henry Lin Deciding K When k = 2, the objective function is 173.1 Image: Henry Lin Deciding K When k = 3, the objective function is 133.6 Image: Henry Lin Deciding K We can plot objective function values for k=1 to 6 The abrupt change at k=2 is highly suggestive of two clusters “knee finding” or “elbow finding” Note that the results are not always as clear cut as in this toy example Image: Henry Lin * Application to image segmentation Original images Segmentations Homogenous intensity corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise Sinusoidal inhomogenous intensity corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise Image: Dao-Qiang Zhang, Song-Can Chen Accuracy = 96.02% Accuracy = 94.41% * The Fuzzy C-means Algorithm The objective function can be defined as below: μij is between 0 and 1. Fuzzy C-means Minimize subject to Fuzzy C-means Minimize subject to How to solve this constrained optimization problem? * Fuzzy C-means Minimize subject to How to solve this constrained optimization problem? Introduce Lagrangian multipliers Show equations here * Fuzzy c-means Introduce Lagrangian multipliers Iterative optimization Fix V, optimize w.r.t. U Fix U, optimize w.r.t. V Application to image segmentation Original images Segmentations Homogenous intensity corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise Sinusoidal inhomogenous intensity corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise Image: Dao-Qiang Zhang, Song-Can Chen Accuracy = 96.02% Accuracy = 94.41% * FCM applied to segmentation Original images FCM Accuracy = 96.02% KFCM Accuracy = 96.51% SKFCM Accuracy = 100.00% SFCM Accuracy = 99.34% Image: Dao-Qiang Zhang, Song-Can Chen Homogenous intensity corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise FCM applied to segmentation FCM Accuracy = 94.41% KFCM Accuracy = 91.11% SKFCM Accuracy = 99.88% SFCM Accuracy = 98.41% Original images Image: Dao-Qiang Zhang, Song-Can Chen Sinusoidal inhomogenous intensity corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise FCM applied to segmentation Original MR image corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise FCM result KFCM result SFCM result SKFCM result Image: Dao-Qiang Zhang, Song-Can Chen Summary K-means clustering algorithm Fuzzy C-means algorithm is popular using fuzzy logic. Questions & Suggestions? å å = = - = c i n j i j K a x A J 1 1 2 || || ) ( å å = = - = c i n j i j ij KM a x A J 1 1 2 || || ) ( ) , ( m m å = Î = c i ij J j all for 1 . 1 m ( ) ( ) 2 11 , kn m ijji ij EUVuxv == =- åå 1 1 1,, k ij i ujn = ="= å K ( ) ( ) 2 11 , kn m ijji ij EUVuxv == =- åå 1 1 1,, k ij i ujn = ="= å K ( ) ( ) 2 111 ,= 1 knk m jijjijij iji LUVuxvu a === æö -+- ç÷ èø ååå 2 1 1 1 ij m c ji l jl u xv xv - = = æö - ç÷ ç÷ - èø å ( ) ( ) 1 1 n m ijj j i n m ij j ux v u = = = å å