CSE148 Object Oriented Programming Homework Set 12
1. JavaFX framework:
2. JavaFX basics: Application; Stage; Scene and Scene graph.
3. JavaFX Layout: FlowPane, Hbox/VBox, BorderPane, GridPane
4. Event-driving programming, event, event handler
5. Inner classes & Lambda
Write a Java program to:
1. Write a JavaFX program to read | write a text file from local file system. This application should provide the following interfaces:
(a) Initially buttons ¡°Load¡± and ¡°Save¡± should be disabled.
(b) Specify a file name in textField. Once the textField is not empty, enable button
(c) Press button ¡°Load¡±, the specified text file will be opened and the contents in the
file will be loaded and displayed in textArea.
(d) Modify contents in textArea. Once contents are changed, enable ¡°Save¡± button.
(e) Press ¡°Save¡± button to save contents in textArea into the original file.
SCCC CSE148, Spring 2021