Lighting and Rasterization – Visible Surface Determination
Intended Learning Outcomes
Understand the goal of visible surface determination Describe the method of back-face detection
Describe the method of Z buffer method
Describe the method of ray casting
Able to program visible surface determination techniques
Visible Surface Detection
Also called Hidden Surface Elimination
Only visible surfaces should be rasterized
The problem is not easy as has to handle partially visible scenarios –
Concave objects
one object partially in front of each other
Three Methods
Back-face detection (also called Culling)
Z buffer (also called depth buffer)
Ray Casting
Back-face detection is always run as a preliminary test. It is fast and reduces about half of the workload before further processing.
Other methods also exist: e.g. painter’s algorithm, A buffer method, …
Back-Face Detection /Culling
Fast and simple
Use as a preliminary step before more sophisticated
visibility tests
Eliminates ≈ 50% of faces from further consideration
N⋅V < 0 ⇒ back face V viewer ⇒ eliminate N Front
Looking from the back
Sometimes, v is replaced by the VPN for faster approximate processing
Disadvantage: cannot handle concave object or partially overlapping object
Z Buffer
Also called depth buffer method Two buffers
Z /Depth buffer : store depth values for each (x, y) position
Frame /Refresh buffer : store colour values for each (x,y) position
Buffer stores the current visible surface information, values are updated as soon as new visible information found
Z buffer algorithm
1. Initialize the depth buffer and frame buffer so that for all buffer positions (x, y)
depthBuff (x, y) = 1.0, frameBuff (x, y) = backgndColor
2. Process each polygon in a scene, one at a time.
a. for each projected (x, y) pixel position of a polygon, calculate the depth z (if not already known).
b. If z < depthBuff (x, y), compute the surface colour at that position and set
depthBuff (x, y) = z, frameBuff (x, y) = surfColor (x, y)
After all surfaces have been processed, the depth buffer contains depth values for the visible surfaces and the frame buffer contains the corresponding colour values for those surfaces.
Ray Casting
retrace the light paths of the rays that arrive at the pixel
for each pixel, send a ray from PRP that goes through
the pixel
find all intersections of the ray with the surfaces
the nearest intersections is the visible part of the surface for that pixel
Ray casting
Comparison of Z buffer and Ray Casting
Good for situations
Z buffer
Objects that cannot be adequately described by simple equations
Ray casting
Objects that can easily be described by simple equations
OpenGL Functions
Back face removal
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace (GL_BACK);
Z Buffer
glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB |
Text: Ch. 16.1- 16.3, 16.10-11 for various visibility determination methods
Text: Ch. 16.14 for OpenGL commands