Programming Assignment 2: Priority Queue CSE 220: Systems Programming
In this assignment, you will implement a priority queue from a predefined API described in this handout. You will use pointers and structures to implement the linked list. You will learn about simple pointer-based data structures, as well as how to read, understand, and implement an API from its specification.
Only three relatively simple tests are provided for this project, and you will have to write tests for your own code. Your tests will be validated as part of the assignment. You will learn how to write complete and sophisticated unit and functional tests, as well as how to validate the integrity of a data structure.
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You will find the skills you used in the Testing lab useful for this assignment.
This handout is long and complicated, because this project is large and subtle. It is important that you read the handout carefully and understand what it is asking of you.
Academic Integrity
As detailed in the course syllabus, academic integrity is important for the value and durability of your degree from the University at Buffalo. Here are a few reminders to help you maintain the integrity of this assignment.
• It is a violation of the course academic integrity policy to share this assignment document or details about this assignment with any student at UB not enrolled in CSE 220 during this academic semester, with any student at any other institution, or with anyone else without permission from your instructor. This includes homework- and note-sharing Internet sites such as Course Hero and Chegg.
• It is a violation of the course academic integrity policy to share any code from this assignment with any student at any time during or after this semester. You may discuss your code with course staff if necessary.
• Itisaviolationofthecourseacademicintegritypolicytoseekassistancefromotherstudentsoranyonline resource not specifically approved by your instructor. Forbidden resources include: Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange, GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket, students who have previously taken this course, etc.
• It is a violation of the course academic integrity policy to discuss implementation details with anyone except course staff.
Students found violating any of these policies, or any other academic integrity policy in the syllabus, will be sanctioned. Sanctions may include failure in the course or expulsion from the University. Make sure that you are familiar with the course academic integrity policies, as well as the policies of the department and University.
1 Getting Started
You should read this entire handout and all of the given code, including the given tests, before you get started.
You should have received a GitHub Classroom invitation for this project. Follow it and check out the resulting repository.
You will want to be caught up on your reading in The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie for this assignment. In particular, the assigned readings in Chapters 1-3 plus parts of chapters 5 and 6 are important for this project. If you have not read them already, you should read them now.
You should plan to draw a lot of diagrams for this assignment. You may find diagrams such as those found in Section 2.1 helpful, or perhaps diagrams of your own design. Understanding where individual pointers are pointing (and why) is critical to designing effective tests for this project.
Man page sections are noted as a number in square brackets after a keyword in this document. For example, calloc [3] indicates that the manual page for the calloc() function is found in section 3 of the Unix manual, and you can view it with the command man 3 calloc.
2 Requirements
You must implement a priority queue API for this project. The priority queue stores integer values of type int in a sorted structure with constant-time (O(1)) access for all routine operations. (If you have not yet completed CSE 250, asymptotic runtimes may not yet be familiar to you, and that’s OK!) You have been given a header file, function prototypes, and an API description, and must implement the API as described.
Our priority queue contains a doubly-linked list consisting of nodes that contain some sort of data (in this case, an int value), a priority, and “links” to neighboring nodes in a chain — one link to the previous node in the chain and one link to the next node in the chain — in this case represented by C pointers. It also contains a table of pointers, one for each priority in the queue; each pointer in this table points to the last list node of a given priority, if it exists. (More on this later.)
You will also be responsible for writing tests for the API functionality and a data structure validator that verifies the correctness of a priority queue.
2.1 Structures
The structure for the priority queue itself is this:
typedef struct PriorityQueue { PQNode *head;
PQNode **tails;
int nprios; } PriorityQueue;
The head pointer points to the first node of the associated linked list of queue items. The tails pointer is a pointer to an array of pointers, each one pointing to either NULL or a list node in the list starting at head. Finally, nprios specifies both a) the range of valid priorities in the list, and b) the number of entries in the tails array.
The structure for each node in your priority queue linked list will look like this:
typedef struct PQNode { int priority;
int value;
struct PQNode *next; struct PQNode *prev;
The priority is an integer in the range [0, nprios). It represents the relative priority of this list item com- pared to other list items; items of “higher priority” (lower numeric priority values) appear before items of “lower priority” (higher numeric priority values) in the list. The value is a number that is provided by the user of the API when the item is inserted into the list; it is not used by the API itself for any reason. The prev and next pointers form the links between nodes in the list.
This list is maintained sorted in priority order (numerically) at all times, and new items are inserted at the end of all items of their priority level. This allows the earliest-inserted item of the highest priority in the list to be immediately found by looking at the head of the list.
The most complicated part of this data structure is the relationship between the tails pointer array and the linked list starting at head. Because the linked list contains multiple priorities, inserting a node at the end of all nodes of a given priority would require iterating the list from the head to the insertion point, if additional information were not provided. For a long list, this is an expensive linear-time (O(n)) operation. Thus, the tails array keeps track of the last list node of each priority, provided that it exists. The resulting structure for an example list having nprios = 3 and containing the list items { (priority: 0, value: 33), (priority: 0, value: 12), (priority: 2, value: 20), (priority: 2, value: 27) } would look like Figure 1.
Note that an item inserted with priority 0 would be inserted exactly after the node pointed to by tails[0], and an item inserted with priority 2 would be inserted exactly after the node pointed to by tails[2]. The (oldest) highest priority item in the list is pointed to by head, so it must be the case that value 33 was inserted before value 12, and that value 20 was inserted before value 27. The entry at tails[1] is NULL, because there are no items in the list having priority 1.
priority0 next prev value 33
priority0 next prev value 12
priority 2 next prev value 20
priority2 next prev value 27
2.2 Invariants
Figure 1: An example PriorityQueue
This data structure maintains the following invariants. Recall that an invariant is a statement that is always true about a data structure. If your code returns from a function that manipulates a priority queue and any of the following statements are untrue, your code has a bug!
• An empty priority queue has head == NULL and every entry in tails is NULL. There are exactly as many entries in tails as the nprios entry.
• Theprioritiesofthenodesinthelistaresortedinnon-increasing(numericallynon-decreasing)order.
• Everynodeinthelisthasaprioritybetween0andnprios-1.
• Theheadofthelisthashead->prev==NULL.
• Everynodeexcepttheheadhasanon-NULLprevpointer,andnode->prev->next==node.
• Thetailofthelisthasnode->next==NULL.
• Everynodewithanon-NULLnextpointerhasnode->next->prev==node.
• Everynon-NULLentryintailspointstothelastlistitem(farthestfromhead)havingpriorityequaltothe index of the entry.
• IfanentryintailsisNULL,therearenolistitemshavingapriorityequaltotheindexoftheentry. This means that there are a number of special cases to be checked, including:
• Theemptyqueue
• Aqueuewithoneormoreemptytailspointers
Full credit on this assignment will depend on identifying and correctly handling (and correctly testing for!) those special cases.
You must implement the following functions. All of the functions must adhere to the above invariants, and all except pqueue_free() must run in constant time. This means that no function other than pqueue_free() can iterate the list, and all functions must use the tails array correctly.
• PriorityQueue *pqueue_init(int nprios);:
Create a new, empty priority queue and return a pointer to that queue. The memory for the queue structure and its tails table MUST be allocated using malloc() or calloc(). The nprios field in the created queue MUST be equal to the nprios argument, and the tails table MUST have nprios entries. Returns NULL if nprios is less than or equal to zero.
• PQNode *pqueue_peek(PriorityQueue *pqueue);:
Return a pointer to the head node of the specified queue (or NULL if the queue is empty).
• PQNode *pqueue_get(PriorityQueue *pqueue);:
Remove the head node from the specified queue and return the removed node. This function MUST update head and the tails table appropriately if necessary. If the queue is empty, this function MUST return NULL. The prev and next members of the returned node will not be examined. The removed node MUST NOT be freed by this function.
• void pqueue_insert(PriorityQueue *pqueue, int value, int priority);:
Create a new queue node with the given value and priority fields and insert it into the queue, updating head and tails as appropriate. The new node MUST be allocated using malloc() or calloc(). This function should do nothing if the specified priority is not in the allowable range for the specified queue.
• void pqueue_free(PriorityQueue *pqueue);:
Free all memory allocated to the priority queue by using free(). (Note that this requires freeing each of the list nodes individually, the tails table, and the queue structure itself!) Because this function must access every list node, it will not run in constant time.
These functions are not required to work properly on malformed queues. For example, if a queue contains a priority greater than its nprios, your function can do anything at all, including detecting the problem and returning early or simply crashing the program. Your queue API should do “reasonable things” (that is, it should not arbitrarily crash or corrupt the data structure if this is avoidable) when presented with invalid arguments, but it will not be tested with any invalid arguments that are not explicitly described above.
The API functions MUST be implemented in src/priority_queue.c, and MUST NOT require any other files to link and run correctly.
2.4 Tests and the Queue Validator
The only tests provided for these functions are found in tests, and test pqueue_init() for basic appearance of functionality and pqueue_insert() for a simple insert operations on a queue. A large part of your assignment will be writing tests to verify the correctness of your API functions. You will be graded on the tests that you implement and submit. The quality of these tests will also show up indirectly in the quality of your implementation of the API. You should take this testing very seriously, as it will ensure a satisfactory project grade.
You must write one or more tests to identify whether or not an implementation of this API is correct. Much like the tests you wrote for the testing lab, these tests should call the specified API functions, and determine whether or not they work correctly. Each test should be self-contained in a .c file that depends only on src/ priority_queue.h and standard C library functions. When run, it may print any diagnostic information you like (which will be ignored by the grading framework) to either standard output or standard error, and it MUST exit with a zero status (returning 0 from main or calling exit() [3] with a zero argument) if it does not detect an error in the implementation, and with a non-zero status if it does detect an error in the implementation.
Your goal in writing these tests is to differentiate between a working API and a broken API. You may write one large test, or many small tests, or whatever combination you choose. I recommend that you write a number of small tests. Your tests will be evaluated for correctness by:
• ExpectingeverytesttoreturnazerostatusforacorrectimplementationoftheAPI,and
• Expectingoneormoreteststoreturnanon-zerostatusforabrokenimplementationoftheAPI.
It is reasonable, for example, for a test that checks only the functionality of pqueue_insert() to pass an imple- mentation that has a working pqueue_insert(), but a buggy pqueue_get(). However, you would expect some other test in the suite to fail the buggy pqueue_get().
In addition to these API functions and whatever tests you may write to test the API, you MUST implement a single testing function in src/validate.c:
• bool pqueue_validate(PriorityQueue *pqueue);:
Return true if pqueue is a valid priority queue that meets all of the invariants, or false otherwise. It MUST handle a malformed priority queue with NULL in any location, or with a pointer to a correctly formed but invalid data item in any location, without crashing. It need not handle pointers to invalid locations without crashing.
The queue validator MUST be implemented in src/validator.c.
The tests that you write may provide any functionality that you need, and MUST NOT assume that they are run against your implementation of the API. Your tests will be evaluated by running them against known good and known bad implementations of the required API, and should be able to distinguish the two.
Neither tests nor the queue validator must run in constant time; in particular, the validator is expected to walk the entire queue in order to perform its duties!
3 Allocation
You should use malloc() or calloc() to allocate the queue structures and list nodes, and free() to free them when they are no longer needed. The calloc() function is particularly useful for this, since it clears the memory (sets all bytes to 0) before returning it. See calloc() [3] and malloc() [3], as well as lecture material and K&R, for more information.
The given code contains three example tests, and the Makefile contains rules that you can use to create ad- ditional tests with minimal effort. If you have been keeping up on assignments and readings up to this point (including reading the Make documentation for Lab 02), you should find it approachable to create and run tests of your own. If you add them to the appropriate variable in the Makefile, they will be run when you invoke make test, which will help you run them often and use them to catch bugs and regressions. You may even find it helpful to implement pqueue_validate() and some additional tests before you do the majority of your queue implementation.
You should certainly read the given tests, and their comments, for guidance on how to implement and test your project.
5 Guidelines
You may find it helpful to implement the functions in roughly this order, alongside their tests, returning to functions that appear to be incomplete or incorrect as necessary:
• pqueue_validate() • pqueue_init()
• pqueue_insert() • pqueue_peek()
• pqueue_get() • pqueue_free()
Remember to test as you go! It is very difficult to write an entire project and only then start testing. Starting with even tests for the well-formedness of the queue in pqueue_validate() and running it regularly (perhaps via a make test rule) will be very valuable. Add your tests to make test! (You must do this for submission to Autograder, anyway.)
5.1 Understanding the tails Array
The tails array enables an item to be inserted in the queue very rapidly even if there are many items already enqueued. Consider a queue that does not have a tails table inserting an item of priority 0 when there are already 3,000 items at priority 0. This queue would have to iterate all 3,000 enqueued items of priority 0 to find the last such item, then insert the new item between this and the next item (of some priority greater than 0, or at the tail of the list).
Considering Figure 1, you can see that the tails[0] pointer directly indicates the last node having priority 0. In our hypothetical queue containing 3,000 nodes of priority 0, this would allow insertion of a new node after the 3,000th node without walking the list. The insert function can simply consult the tails array and immediately locate the correct node to begin the assertion. It then simply has to fix up the tails[0] pointer after insertion and the structure invariant remains intact!
The only place that this gets tricky is where there are nodes in the queue, but there are no nodes at the target priority. Looking at Figure 1 again, we see that tails[1] is NULL. This means that there are no nodes in the list at priority 1, so any newly-inserted node at priority 1 would need to follow the node at tails[0], instead. It would, of course, then become the tail of the nodes at priority 1.
(Warning: Algorithm analysis ahead! Try to follow along if you have had or are taking 250!) This means that the complexity of insertion of a node is independent of the number of nodes in the list, but dependent on the number of priorities in the queue. In the worst case scenario, you have nodes of priority 0, but no nodes of priorities from 1 through nprios – 1, and you are inserting at priority nprios – 1. This requires checking every entry in the tails array, starting at nprios – 1, to determine that they are all NULL until you reach 0. If we denote the number of nodes in the list as n and the number of priorities in the queue as p, then inserting into a priority queue without a tails list is O(n), but inserting into a priority queue with a tails list is O(p). Since we expect that p ≪ n, this is much faster. Furthermore, if we assume that p is always bounded above by a constant (which is reasonable; most priority systems have no more than on the order of a few dozen priorities, and many have only 2–4), then the operation using the tails array is O(1)!
6 Submission
Use the command make submission to build the file pqueue.tar, which is uploaded to Autograder. You will turn this assignment in in two parts. The first part will be due after one week, and the second part in two weeks. (Check Piazza and the Autograder for specific dates and times.) The first submission will test your tests and your queue validator, and the second submission will be for your final API implementation. The Autograder for both parts will be the same. It will provide minimal testing of your API to verify that it compiles, and will evaluate only your tests and validator. You must perform correctness testing of your API yourself (using the tests you submit).
This assignment is worth 5% of your course grade. Points for this project will be assigned as follows. The points for Part 1 will be evaluated by the autograder during the first week, and for Part 2 after the final submission at the end of the assignment. Improvements on your Part 1 score during the second week will not
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