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Project 1A: LinkedListDeque
Due: February 6th
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Each assignment will have an FAQ linked at the top. You can also access it by adding “/faq” to the end of
the URL. The FAQ for Project 1A is located here.
In Project 0, you were a client of a variety of abstract data types in java.util . In Project 1A and 1B (and
some upcoming labs), you will implement your own versions of these data structures! In Project 1, you’ll
begin by building your own versions of the list-like structure: implementations of a new abstract data type
called a Double Ended Queue (deque, pronounced “deck”).
By the end of Project 1A, you will…
Gain an understanding of the usage of a backing linked list in datastructures.
Have experience with using testing and test-driven development to evaluate the correctness of your
own datastructures.
For Project 1A, we will provide a significant amount of scaffolding by giving explicit instructions. In Project
1B, you’ll be doing a similar task, but with much less scaffolding.
Starting with this project, we will be enforcing style. You must follow the style guide, or you will be
penalized on the autograder.
You can and should check your style locally with the CS 61B plugin. We will not remove the velocity
limit for failing to check style.
Getting the Skeleton Files
Follow the instructions in the Assignment Workflow guide to get the skeleton code and open it in IntelliJ.
For this project, we will be working in the proj1aproj1a directory.
You see a proj1a directory appear in your repo with the following structure:
│ └── Deque.java
├── LinkedListDequeTest.java
└── NodeChecker.java
If you get some sort of error, STOP and either figure it out by carefully reading the git WTFs or seek help at
OH or Ed. You’ll potentially save yourself a lot of trouble vs. guess-and-check with git commands. If you
find yourself trying to use commands recommended by Google like force push , don’t. Don’t use force
push, even if a post you found on Stack Overflow says to do it!
You can also watch Professor Hug’s demo about how to get started and this video if you encounter some
git issues.
Deque: ADT and API
The double ended queue is very similar to the SLList and AList classes that we’ve discussed in class. Here
is a definition from the Java standard library.
A linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at both ends. The name deque is
short for “double ended queue” and is usually pronounced “deck”. Most Deque implementations
place no fixed limits on the number of elements they may contain, but this interface supports
capacity-restricted deques as well as those with no fixed size limit.
We don’t need all the methods defined in Java’s Deque , and have defined our own interface, which can
be found in src/Deque.java .
Assignment Philosophy
A common beginner mistake is to write a large amount of code and hope that it all works once you’re
finished. This makes life very difficult for a programmer. Imagine implementing all the methods above,
submitting to the autograder, and getting back a message that says something like “call to get returned
9, expected 7”. You have no idea if the problem is the get method itself, or if some other necessary
methods are broken.
To help encourage better programming habits, in Project 1A, we’re going to hold your hands through the
development process. You are not strictly required to follow the recommended steps, i.e. if you pass the
autograder, then you get all the points, but we strongly encourage you to follow the steps outlined in this
Creating the File
Start by creating a file called LinkedListDeque . This file should be created in the proj1a/src directory.
To do this, right-click on the src directory, navigate to “New -> Java Class”, and give it the name
LinkedListDeque .
Create a main method in the class and add exactly this code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
You should see a squiggly red line underneath the <> . To fix this, you should edit the declaration of your
class so that it reads:
public class LinkedListDeque
Recall from lecture that it doesn’t actually matter if we use T or some other string like
Now that we’ve fixed this problem, you’ll see that the entire line declaring your new Deque is underlined.
Press Alt+Enter (Windows / Linux) or ⌥ ⏎ / Option+Enter (Mac) and you’ll see a list of options.
Select “Make ‘LinkedListDeque’ implement ‘Deque’” and press enter. You’ll see a bunch of methods
appear, all of which need filling in.
If you look carefully, you’ll also see that our class declaration now ends with
implements Deque
LinkedListDeque always represents a Deque of integers. To fix this, right-click on the word “Integer”,
then click “Refactor”, then “Type Migration”. Replace java.lang.Integer with T , then click “Refactor”,
and all of these erroneous usages of Integer will be replaced by T . If you picked a string other than T
you’ll need to use that instead.
Lastly, you should create an empty constructor. To do this, add the following code to your file, leaving the
constructor blank for now.
public LinkedListDeque() {
You can also watch this video that goes through the steps mentioned in the spec.
Note: You can also generate the constructor by clicking “Code”, then “Generate” then “Constructor”,
though I prefer the typing the code yourself approach.
Now you’re ready to get started!
JUnit Tests
Now open the LinkedListDequeTest.java file. You’ll see that every line has a // preceding it. Let’s
remove all of the // comments except last line. To do this, highlight all the lines of the file that start with
// . Then click “Code” in the top menu bar, then “Comment with Line Comment”. All the lines should now
be uncommented. You can also use Ctrl+/ (Windows / Linux) or ⌘ / / Cmd+/ (Mac).
Now click and run all the tests. You should fail nearly all the tests since you haven’t implemented any
methods yet.
Before you can pass these tests, there’s a lot of work you’ll need to do, so we’re going to set aside the
tests for now and come back to them much later.
Writing and Verifying the Constructor
Start by selecting a “topology,” or structure that you’d like to represent the empty list. The possible choices
discussed in lecture are:
The empty list is represented by a null value. See this slide..
The empty list is represented by two sentinel nodes that point at each other. The first sentinel node is
pointed to by a variable called first , and the last sentinel node is pointed to by a variable called
last . See this slide.
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: The empty list is represented by a single sentinel node that points at
itself. There is a single instance variable called sentinel that points at this sentinel. See this slide.
As mentioned in lecture, though this last approach seems the most complicated at first, it will ultimately
lead to the simplest implementation.
Implement the constructor for LinkedListDeque to match your chosen topology. Along the way you’ll
need to create a Node class and introduce one or more instance variables. This may take you some time
to understand fully. Your LinkedListDeque constructor must take 0 arguments.
You’re welcome to pick whichever choice you’d like, but it must “look like” a DLList . That is, the nodes
should be doubly linked, and have exactly the necessary fields for a doubly linked node. Additionally, you
should only have one node class, and this node class must be an inner, or nested class inside
LinkedListDeque .
When you’re done, set a breakpoint on the line where you create a LinkedListDeque in the main
method. Run your program in debug mode, and use the Step Over ( ) feature. Use the Java Visualizer
to verify that your created object matches the topology you chose.
Writing and Verifying addFirstaddFirst and addLastaddLast
addFirst and addLast may not use looping or recursion. A single add operation must take “constant
time,” that is, adding an element should take approximately the same amount of time no matter how large
the deque is. This means that you cannot use loops that iterate through all / most elements of the deque.
Now fill in the addFirst method. Add some addFirst calls to your main method and use the
debugger and visualizer to verify that your code is working correctly.
Fill in the addLast method, and again add some addLast calls and use the visualizer to verify
Writing and Verifying toListtoList
You may have found it somewhat tedious and unpleasant to use the debugger and visualizer to verify the
correctness of your addFirst and addLast methods. There is also the problem that such manual
verification becomes stale as soon as you change your code. Imagine that you made some minor but
uncertain change to addLast . To verify that you didn’t break anything you’d have to go back and do that
whole process again. Yuck.
(Also, we have just under 1700 students! No way we’re doing that to grade everyone’s work.)
What we really want are some automated tests. But unfortunately there’s no easy way to verify
correctness of addFirst and addLast if those are the only two methods we’ve implemented. That is,
there’s currently no way to iterate over our list and get back its values and see that they are correct.
That’s where the toList method comes in. When called, this method returns a List representation of
the Deque . For example, if the Deque has had addLast(5) , addLast(9) , addLast(10) , then
addFirst(3) called on it, then the result of toList() should be a List with 3 at the front, then 5, then
9, then 10. If printed in Java, it’d show up as [3, 5, 9, 10] .
Write the toList method. The first line of the method should be something like
Java data structure.
To verify that your toList method is working correctly, you can run the tests in LinkedListDequeTest . If
you pass all the tests, you’ve established a firm foundation upon which to continue working on the project.
Woo! If not, use the debugger and carefully investigate to see what’s wrong with your toList method. If
you get really stuck, go back and verify that your addFirst and addLast methods are working.
The Testing Component
In Project 0, we gave you a full suite of unit tests that you could use to test your code locally. In this
project, you’ll be required to write your own unit test suite that provides similar coverage. To give a bit of
insight about how this works, we will essentially be taking your test file ( LinkedListDequeTest.java ) and
using it to “test” our staff solution of LinkedListDeque . Using some autograder magic, we’re able to
determine which edge cases your tests are able to hit, thus telling us the “coverage” of your test suite. So,
in order to get a full score on this component, you should try to think of any and all corner cases for each
of the methods!
Our staff solution uses a circular sentinel topology. Our staff solution also only has a constructor that takes
0 arguments, which means that your tests should only use a constructor that takes 0 arguments.
Writing Tests
To write tests, we will use Google’s Truth assertions library. We use this library over JUnit assertions for
the following reasons:
Better failure messages for lists.
Easier to read and write tests.
Larger assertions library out of the box.
We often write tests using the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern:
1. Arrange the test case, such as instantiating the data structure or filling it with elements.
2. Act by performing the behavior you want to test.
3. Assert the result of the action in (2).
We will often have multiple “act” and “assert” steps in a single test method to reduce the amount of
boilerplate (repeated) code.
You should write your tests in LinkedListDequeTest.java .
Truth Assertions
A Truth assertion takes the following format:
To add a message to the assertion, we can instead use:
assertWithMessage(“actual is not expected”)
We can use things other than isEqualTo , depending on the type of actual . For example, if actual is
a List , we could do the following to check its contents without constructing a new List :
.containsExactly(0, 1, 2, 3)
If we had a List or other reference object, we could use:
.containsExactlyElementsIn(expected) // `expected` is a List
Truth has many assertions, including isNull and isNotNull ; and isTrue and isFalse for
boolean s. IntelliJ’s autocomplete will often give you suggestions for which assertion you can use.
Example Test
Let’s break down the provided addLastTestBasic :
@Test tells Java that this is method is a test, and should be run when we run tests.
Arrange: We construct a new Deque , and add 3 elements to it using addLast .
Act: We call toList on Deque . This implicitly depends on the earlier addLast calls.
Assert: We use a Truth assertion to check that the toList contains specific elements in a specific
The Remaining Methods
All that’s left is to test and implement all the remaining methods. For the rest of this project, we’ll describe
our suggested steps at a high level. We strongly encourage you to follow the remaining steps in the
order given. In particular, write tests before you implement. This is called “test-driven development,” and
helps ensure that you know what your methods are supposed to do before you do them.
isEmptyisEmpty and sizesize
These two methods must take constant time. That is, the time it takes to for either method to finish
execution should not depend on how many elements are in the deque.
Write one or more tests for isEmpty and size . Run them and verify that they fail. Your test(s) should
verify more than one interesting case, such as checking both an empty and a nonempty list, or checking
that the size changes.
For these tests, you can use the isTrue or isFalse methods on your assertThat statements.
Your tests can range from very fine-grained, e.g. testIsEmpty , testSizeZero , testSizeOne to very
coarse grained, e.g. testSizeAndIsEmpty . It’s up to you to explore and find what granularity you prefer.
Write a test for the get method. Make sure to test the cases where get receives an invalid argument,
e.g. get(28723) when the Deque only has 1 item, or a negative index. In these cases get should
return null . You should disregard the skeleton code comments for Deque.java and take spec as your
primary point.
get must use iteration.
Since we’re working with a linked list, it is interesting to write a recursive get method, getRecursive .
Copy and paste your tests for the get method so that they are the same except they call getRecursive .
(While there is a way to avoid having copy and pasted tests, though the syntax is not worth introducing –
passing around functions in Java is a bit messy.)
removeFirstremoveFirst and removeLastremoveLast
Lastly, write some tests that test the behavior of removeFirst and removeLast , and again ensure that
the tests fail. For these tests you’ll want to use toListtoList ! Use addFirstAndAddLastTest as a guide.
Do not maintain references to items that are no longer in the deque. The amount of memory that your
program uses at any given time must be proportional to the number of items. For example, if you add
10,000 items to the deque, and then remove 9,999 items, the resulting memory usage should amount to a
deque with 1 item, and not 10,000. Remember that the Java garbage collector will “delete” things for us if
and only if there are no pointers to that object.
If Deque is empty, removing should return null .
Submit to the Autograder
Once you’ve written local tests and passed them, try submitting to the autograder. You may or may not
pass everything.
If you fail any of the coverage tests, it means that there is a case that your local tests did not cover.
The autograder test name and the test coverage component will give you hints towards the missing
If you fail any of the timing tests, it means that your implementation does not meet the timing
constraints described above.
This project, similar to Project 0, is divided into individual components, each of which you must implement
completely correctly to receive credit.
1. Empty list (5%): Define a valid Node class and correctly implement the constructor.
2. Adding (25%): Correctly implement addFirst , addLast , and toList .
3. isEmptyisEmpty , sizesize (5%): Correctly implement isEmpty and size with add methods working.
4. getget (10%): Correctly implement get .
5. getRecursivegetRecursive (5%): Correctly implement getRecursive .
6. Removing (40%): Correctly implement removeFirst and removeLast .
Additionally, there is a test coverage (10%) component. We will run your tests against a staff solution, and
check how many scenarios and edge cases are tested. You can receive partial credit for this component.
Last built: 2023-02-08 02:23 UTC
/** In this test, we use only one assertThat statement. IMO this test is just as good as addFirstTestBasic.
* In other words, the tedious work of adding the extra assertThat statements isn’t worth it. */
public void addLastTestBasic() {
lld1.addLast(“front”); // after this call we expect: [“front”]
lld1.addLast(“middle”); // after this call we expect: [“front”, “middle”]
lld1.addLast(“back”); // after this call we expect: [“front”, “middle”, “back”]
assertThat(lld1.toList()).containsExactly(“front”, “middle”, “back”).inOrder();
# This section assumes you have watched and fully digested the lectures up till the DLList lecture,
Lecture 5.
# For this project, you must work alone! Please carefully read the Policy on Collaboration and
Cheating to see what this means exactly. In particular, do not look for solutions online.
⚠ It should go without saying that you may not use any of the built-in java.util data structures in
your implementation! The whole point is to build your own versions! There are a few places where you
may use specific data structures outside of tests, and we will clearly say where.
! Task: Begin by opening the Deque.java file and reading the documentation in it. We will not
repeat information that is in the interface file in the specification – so, it is on you to make sure that you
are reading it as you complete the project.
You should not edit Deque.javaDeque.java .
⚠ Seriously. Do not skip this. You will spend hours confused if you skip this step. Please save
yourself the time and stress!
⚠ For the intended experience, follow these steps in order. If you do something else and ask us for
help, we will refer you back to these steps.
% This section assumes you have watched and fully digested the lectures up to and including the
DLList lecture, Lecture 5.
! Task: Pick a doubly-linked list topology, and implement the constructor.
If the test noNonTrivialFields fails, your Node class is insufficient in some way:
It might be defined in a separate file.
It might be using an incorrect type to store data. Remember that Deque is generic.
It might have a constructor that takes additional arguments.
It might have too few or too many fields for a doubly-linked node.
The tests will not work until you complete toList .
! Task: Implement addFirst and addLast , and verify that they a
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com