CS计算机代考程序代写 Lincoln School of Computer Science

Lincoln School of Computer Science
CMP3035M Cross-Platform Development – Assessment 2
Learning Outcome
[LO3] Develop cross-
platform mobile applications utilizing industry standard tools and technologies
Final App:
User Experience Weight: 30%
The user experience of the
final app is basic but adequate.
The app has been demonstrated to run on an emulator or a physical device.
The app provides an engaging
user experience across all platforms.
The app has been demonstrated to run on an emulator or a physical device.
The app provides a high-quality user
experience by following best practice guidelines for mobile design.
The app has been deployed on an emulator or a physical device and shown to run on a variety of screen sizes and resolutions.
The app showcases a professional user
experience across devices and is almost indistinguishable from a native app. It goes beyond the default style templates.
The app has been deployed on an emulator or a physical device and shown to run on a variety of screen sizes and resolutions.
[LO3] Develop cross- platform mobile applications utilizing industry standard tools and technologies
Final App: Functionality
Weight: 60%
The app implements the expected core functionality in an adequate way.
The app implements at least one meaningful feature that goes beyond basic functionality, and does so in a convincing way.
The app meaningfully implements more than one challenging feature or several basic features in an especially clever way.
The app is of a high technical challenge and shows a deep understanding of appropriate development approaches.
[LO1] Critically assess the implications and constraints of native mobile development in comparison to platform agnostic approaches
Reflection Weight: 10%
A basic overview of advantages and disadvantages of cross- platform development approaches.
Personal experiences from developing the app are used to illustrate the most salient advantages and disadvantages of cross-platform development approaches.
Personal experiences from developing the app are used to discuss advantages and disadvantages of cross-platform development approaches in detail. A discussion critically assesses the suitability of such a process for different development scenarios.
The personal experiences from developing the app are used to critically discuss advantages and disadvantages of cross-platform development approaches. A discussion leads to a clear and well-motivated assessment of when such an approach should be chosen. Academic and/or non-academic literature is referenced.