CS计算机代考程序代写 x86 arm cuda data structure In questions where you have to write code, minor syntax problems will not be penalised, as long as it is clear what you mean. It is a written exam, we do not expect to run your code.

In questions where you have to write code, minor syntax problems will not be penalised, as long as it is clear what you mean. It is a written exam, we do not expect to run your code.
1. (a)
State Amdahl’s law and show how it is derived.
(b) Suppose that the speedup obtained over the sequential case by using 2 processors instead of 1 is S2. Assuming the conditions of Amdahl’s law hold, what is the expected speedup S4 obtained by using 4 similar processors over the sequential case? Express your answer in terms of S2.
[4 marks]
(c) Consider the following program, on three threads, operating on two shared- memory locations X and Y. (The location r is thread-local, which you can consider to be a register if you wish):
What observations of values are possible in the thread-local location r, under Se- quential Consistency? What observations are possible under X86 memory con- sistency model (X86-TSO)? Justify your answers in each case.
[6 marks]
(d) What observations are possible under the ARM memory consistency model, for the same program as in Question 1(c)? Justify in each case.
[2 marks]
(e) Using the ARM memory consistency model, how would you forbid all the ob- servations of the program in Question 1(c) that are impossible under Sequential Consistency?
[2 marks]
(f) We wish to implement an account data structure, which holds a value (assume integer). This should support the following three operations:
• getvalue(Account a) – returns the current value in the account a;
• deposit(Account a, int d) – should add d to the value held in account a;
• withdraw(Account a,int w) – should subtract w from the value held in ac-
count a, provided the account value was greater than or equal to w to begin with.
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[2 marks]
Initially: X = 0; Y = 0;
Thread 0
Thread 1
Thread 2
X = 1;
while (X != 1) {/* SPIN */}
Y = 1;
while (Y != 1) {/* SPIN */}
r = X;

Provide an implementation using a mutex or similar construct.
(g) Prove that your implementation from Part (f) is linearisable.
[6 marks]
[4 marks]
(h) Provide a lock-free implementation of the account data structure, assuming the
availability of a compare-and-swap or similar operation. Give a justification for why your implementation is lock-free.
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[4 marks] [Total marks 30]

2. (a)
List the benefits of using a parallel pattern approach over using threads directly. [2 marks]
(b) OpenMP and TBB differ in that OpenMP is pragma based and TBB is library based. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
[2 marks]
(c) Sketch a functional semantics for the reduce pattern, showing the functional op- eration, the types of operations and data, and how the parallelism arises.
[3 marks]
(d) For the following code, and using the cost models from the lectures, investigate which pattern instantiation gives the best speedups. Show your working. You can assume both filter and geoRef are pure functions that do not emit side- effects. You can assume a copy overhead of 2ms per task, filter takes on average 50ms and geoRef takes on average 5ms. You can assume an 8-core machine.
for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) filter(geoRef(Image[i])); (e) For a GPU, explain each of the following CUDA terms: • threadIDx.x • blockIDx.x • blockDim.x [4 marks] [3 marks] (f) For the following code snippet, use OpenMP directives to parallelise histogram(). Use the following OpenMP directives: • omp for • omp task //A a vector that we’ll compute the histogram of. //Assume that each value A[i] is in the range [0, 1]. //N length of A. H histogram output //B number of bins in histogram H. (initialized to zeros) void histogram(float* A, int N, float* H, int B) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < B; j++) { } } float bin_begin = float(j)/B; if (A[i] <= bin_begin) H[j] = H[j] + A[i]; Page 4 of 7 [4 marks] (g) Given the following code example, parallelise the example using OpenMP, re- moving the dependency in the process. for(i=0;i< N-1; i++) { x = b[i] + c[i]; a[i] = a[i+1] + x; } (h) Given the following code example, rewrite it so that it uses a single parallel pipeline pattern with four stages using GrPPI instead of pthreads. In your an- swer you may wish to think of how you will remove the pthreading code, how you will modify the code so that Worker behaves like a pipeline stage, how you will introduce a single point that calls a GrPPI pipeline and how you might need to replicate Worker for the multiple stages of the pipeline. ... #define SHARED 1 void *Worker(void *); void InitializeData(); void Barrier(); pthread_mutex_t barrier; /* mutex semaphore for the barrier */ pthread_cond_t go; /* condition variable for leaving */ int numArrived = 0; /* count of the number who have arrived */ int dataSize, numWorkers; int data[100]; // (continued on next page...) Page 5 of 7 [4 marks] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* thread ids and attributes */ pthread_t workerid[4]; pthread_attr_t attr; long i; FILE *results; /* set global thread attributes */ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); /* initialize mutex and condition variable */ pthread_mutex_init(&barrier, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&go, NULL); /* read command line and initialize data */ dataSize = 100; numWorkers = 4; InitializeData(); /* create the workers, then wait for them to finish */ for (i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) pthread_create(&workerid[i], &attr, Worker, (void *) i); for (i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) pthread_join(workerid[i], NULL); for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { fprintf(results, "%d ", data[i]); } fprintf(results, "\n"); } // (continued on next page...) Page 6 of 7 void *Worker(void *arg) { long myid = (long) arg; int i; int mystate = myid; for (i=0; i