CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Tree Search vs Local Search

Tree Search vs Local Search
 TreeSearchmethods:systematicallysearchthespaceof
 Start with an empty assignment.
 Assign a value to an unassigned variable and deal with constraints on
the way until a solution is found.
 Butwhatifthespaceistoobigandeveninfinite,soinany reasonable time, systematic search may fail to consider enough of the space to give any meaningful results.
 LocalSearchmethods:notsystematicallysearchthespacebut
design to find solutions quickly on average
 Start with an (arbitrary) complete assignment, so constraints can be
 Try to improve the assignment iteratively.

Local Search for CSPs
 Example:TherearethreevariablesA,B,C,allwithdomain {0, 1, 2}. The constraints: .
 Atypicallocalsearchalgorithm(i.e.hillclimbingforCSPs):
Randomly generate a complete assignment
While stop criterion not met
Step 1: Variable selection ‐ randomly select a constraint‐violated variable.
Step 2: Value selection (min‐conflict heuristic) – choose a value that violates the fewest constraints.

Example: N‐Queens
Problem: N‐queens puzzle is the problem of placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
Q1 Q1 2 0 2 Q1
Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q3 2 1 0 Q3 Q3
Q4 Q4 Q4 0 3 1
 Formulation – Variables: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4; Domains: {1,2,3,4}; Constraints: ∀ i, j, not‐threatening(Qi and Qj).
 Randomly generate a complete assignment;
 Assume we first consider Q3, then Q3 going to column 4 has fewest constraints
 Assume then we consider Q1, then Q1 going to column 3 has fewest constraints
 Assume next we consider Q4, then Q4 going to column 2 has fewest constraints
 Stop execution and return the solution.
Q3 Q4

Can Local Search always guarantee finding a solution
 Localsearchmaygetstuckinsomewherebasedonthe problem’s landscape and search strategy
Q1 1 1 1 3 Q1 1 1 3 1 1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2
Q3 Q3 Q3
Q4 Q4 Q4
 Butitiseffectiveinpractice:cansolvethemillion‐queens problem in an average of 50 steps!
Strategy like “fixing the queen on the top before fixing the others” can lead to a never‐ending search

Summary: CSPs
 CSPsareaspecialclassofsearchproblems  States are partial assignment
 Goal test defined by constraints  Basicstrategy:Backtracking
 Speed‐ups
 Filtering: forward checking
 Ordering
 Localsearch:notsystematicallysearchthespace,startwitha (bad) complete assignment and improve it iteratively
 Not only apply to CSPs, but to various optimisation problems

 Optimisation problem: search problem with preferences, i.e. objective function(s).
 They consist of variables, domains, objective function(s)  Objectives:
 Single‐objective optimisation problems, e.g., Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP): minimising the cost of the travelling.
 Multi‐objective optimisation problems, e.g., TSP with an additional objective: minimising the time of the travelling.
 Constraints:
 Unconstrained optimisation problems
 Constrained optimisation problems
 Tree search methods may not work for optimisation problems, e.g. in some continuous search space.
 Local search methods can be effective for optimisation problems.
 Hill climbing, e.g. gradient descent
 Simulated annealing
 Tabu search (keep a small list of recently visited solutions and forbid the algorithm
to return to those solutions) …

Local Search for Optimisation
 Generallyfastandmemoryefficient.
 Candealwithproblemswherethesearchstateisdifficultto
 Canbeusedinanonlinesettingwhentheproblemchanges, e.g., in airline scheduling problem.

But what if the problem has very complex landscape
We may need population‐based search algorithms!