CS计算机代考程序代写 SOFT2201/COMP9201 Tutorial 5 Creational Design Patterns

SOFT2201/COMP9201 Tutorial 5 Creational Design Patterns
Creational Design Patterns
Creational design patterns handle object instantiation and construction mechanisms. Being able to manage instantiation of multiples of types, abstracting construction and process.
Question 1: Issues with constructors
Identify some potential issues with the code segment below. Consider the following criteria: Read- ability, Maintainability, Dependencies and Reusability.
public class VehicleApplication {
private static void addVehicle(int numPassengers,
int numWheels,
String colour) {
if ((numPassengers == 4 || numPassengers == 5)
&& numWheels == 4) {
vehicles.add(new Car(numPassengers, colour));
} else if (numPassengers == 2 && numWheels == 4) { vehicles.add(new Ute(colour));
} else if (numPassengers == 2 && numWheels == 2) { vehicles.add(new Motorbike(colour));
} else {
System.out.println(“Invalid input”);
} }

} }
SOFT2201/COMP9201 Creational Design Patterns
Question 2: Is this better?
As a class, identify problems within the following code. Consider aspects where we may need to extend the code or refactor it.
enum VehicleType { CAR4,
public class VehicleFactory {
public static Vehicle make(VehicleType type, String colour) {
switch (type) {
case: VehicleType.CAR4:
return new Car(4, colour); case: VehicleType.CAR5:
return new Car(5, colour); case: VehicleType.ElectricCar4:
return new ElectricCar(4, colour); case: VehicleType.ElectricCar5:
return new ElectricCar(5, colour); case: VehicleType.MOTORBIKE:
return new Motorbike(colour); case: VehicleType.Scooter:
return new Scooter(colour); case: VehicleType.UTE:
return new Ute(colour); return null;
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} else {
System.out.println(“Invalid input”);
} }
Factory method
SOFT2201/COMP9201 Creational Design Patterns
public class VehicleApplication {
private static void addVehicle(int numPassengers,
int numWheels,
String colour) { if (numPassengers == 4 && numWheels == 4) {
else if (numPassengers == 5 && numWheels == 4) { vehicles.add(VehicleFactory.make(VehicleType.CAR5,
colour); } else if (numPassengers == 2 && numWheels == 4) {
} else if (numPassengers == 2 && numWheels == 2) { vehicles.add(VehicleFactory.make(VehicleType.MOTORBIKE,
Factory Method specifies construction of multiple related objects under a single method, the object can decide what object to create and how to create it and return to the caller. The object created is utilised through a common type that all objects created from the factory method type share.
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SOFT2201/COMP9201 Creational Design Patterns
Question 3: Refactor again
Using your knowledge of factory method, map out the previous code (VehicleFactory) and refactor the design to utilise factory method pattern.
• How would you break up the invocation of objects?
• How would the programmer invoke an object of this type?
The builder pattern creates an abstraction of the construction process of an object, particularly com- plex objects with multiple constructors. This allows for the object to maintain a single construction method and the builder object to manage the construction process.
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SOFT2201/COMP9201 Creational Design Patterns
Question 4: Discuss object construction strategy
As a class, discuss how you can transform the following code to use the Builder pattern and how a programmer will utilise this object.
public class Computer {
private Part cpu;
private Part motherboard; private ArrayList hdds; private ArrayList ram; private Enclosure encl;
public Computer(CPU cpu,
Motherboard motherboard) {
this.cpu = cpu; this.motherboard = motherboard; hdds = new ArrayList<>();
ram = new ArrayList<>();
encl = null;
public Computer(CPU cpu,
Motherboard motherboard,
Enclosure enclosure) { this(cpu, motherboard);
encl = enclosure;
public Computer(CPU cpu,
Motherboard motherboard,
Enclosure enclosure,
ArrayList hdds) { this(cpu, motherboard, enclosure);
this.hdds = hdds; }
public Computer(CPU cpu,
Motherboard motherboard,
Enclosure enclosure,
ArrayList hdds,
ArrayList ram) {
this(cpu, motherboard, enclosure, hdds);
this.ram = ram; }
/* Getters and Setters */
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• How would a programmer construct this object?
• How many construction variations exist? Is there a chance that it can be ambiguous? • What kind of issues can you see with the list of constructors?
• Create a concrete builder type that will abstract the construction process of the object • We want to now separate the Computer type into two separations
SOFT2201/COMP9201 Creational Design Patterns
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