CS计算机代考程序代写 decision tree data mining algorithm COMP3308/3608, Lecture 10b

COMP3308/3608, Lecture 10b
Ensembles of Classifiers
Reference: Russell and Norvig, pp. 748-753 Witten, Frank, Hall and Pal, ch.12
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 1

• Ensembles of learning algorithms
• Motivation
• Creating ensembles by:
• Manipulating the training data • Bagging
• Boosting
• Manipulating the attributes
• Random Forest
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 2

Ensemble of Classifiers
• So far we have studied single classifiers
• An ensemble of classifiers combines the predictions of multiple classifiers (called base classifiers) in some way to classify new instances
• An ensemble of classifiers = a committee of classifiers • Example:
• An ensemble of 50 backpropagation NNs, all trained on the same dataset but having different parameters (e.g. different architecture, initialization, learning rate, etc.)
• To classify new example, the individual NN predictions are combined by taking the majority vote
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 3

Ensembles in Real Life
• When people make critical decisions, they typically take into account the opinions of several experts rather than one only
• Example: A patient wants to have a diagnosis based on symptoms. Instead of asking one doctor, he asks several.
• Different ways to combine opinions:
1) If a certain diagnosis occurs more than the others, he chooses it as the final diagnosis, i.e. takes the majority vote (the intuition behind bagging)
2) Instead of trusting equally each of the doctors, he assigns weights to the “value” of each doctor’s diagnosis, based on the accuracies of their previous diagnoses. The final diagnosis is a combination of the weighted diagnoses. (the intuition behind boosting)
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 4

• Intuitively, when does combining multiple classifiers help?
1) When the base classifiers do not make the same mistakes
• i.e. they complement each other, each is an expert in a part of the domain where the others don’t perform well
2) When each base classifier is reasonably accurate
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 5

Example – Case 1
• An ensemble of 25 base classifiers
• 2 classes – binary classification task
• Each base classifier has an error rate  =0.35 on the test set
• To predict the class of a new example, the individual predictions are combined by a majority vote
• Case 1: The base classifiers are identical (i.e. make the same mistakes)
• What will be the error rate of the ensemble on the test set?
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 6

Example – Case 2
• Case 2: The base classifiers are independent (i.e. their errors are not correlated)
• When will a new example be misclassified? Only if more than half of the base classifiers predict incorrectly.
• Mathematically, the error rate of the ensemble (i.e. probability for wrong prediction) will be
25 25
e = i(1−)25−i =0.06
i i=13 
• i.e. much lower than the individual error rate ( =0.35) of the base classifiers
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 7

Error Graph – Ensemble vs Base Classifier
• For our example of 25 binary base classifiers
Case 1: base classifiers are identical; ensemble’s error = base classifier’s error
Case 2: base classifiers are independent; ensemble’s error ≠ base classifier’s error
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au
COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 8

Error Graph – Ensemble vs Base Classifier (2)
• When is the ensemble better and worse than the base classifier? Ensemble is worse than a
base classifier when  > 0.5 Ensemble is better than a
base classifier when  < 0.5 • The ensemble is better if the error of the base classifier  < 0.5, i.e. the predictions of the base classifier (which is binary) are better than random guess Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 9 When Ensembles Work Well • Conditions for an ensemble to perform better than a single classifier: 1) The base classifiers are good enough, i.e. better than a random guessing ( <0.5 for binary classifiers) 2) The base classifiers are independent of each other • In practice, difficult to ensure total independence • Good results have been achieved when base classifiers are slightly correlated Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 10 An Ensemble Enlarges Hypothesis Space • Each single classifier generates 1 hypothesis • An ensemble allows to learn much more expressive hypotheses than the individual ones without much additional computational expenses Example: • 3 linear binary hypotheses, e.g. generated by 3 perceptrons • An ensemble of 3 perceptrons can learn the resulting triangular region - a hypothesis not expressible in the original hypothesis space (of the perceptron) Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 11 Methods for Creating Ensembles • Effective ensembles consists of base classifiers that are highly correct and also diverse (i.e. independent, disagree on the training data) • More generally: if the ensemble members are more accurate than random guessing and their errors are diverse, than the accuracy of the ensemble increases as the ensemble members are added • Methods for creating ensembles focus on generating disagreement among the base classifiers by • Manipulating the training data – creating multiple training sets by resampling the original data according to some sampling distribution and creating a classifier for each training set (e.g. Bagging and Boosting) • Manipulating the attributes – using a subset of input features (e.g. Random Forest and Random Subspace) • Manipulating the class labels – will not be covered (e.g. error-correcting output coding) • Manipulating the learning algorithm – e.g. building a set of classifiers with different parameters Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 12 Creating Ensembles by Manipulating the Training Data • Creating multiple training sets from the original training set by sampling • Examples: Bagging and Boosting Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 13 Picture from Tan, Steinbach and Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining Bagging Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 14 Bagging • Bagging stands for “bootstrap aggregation” • Bootstrap sample: • Given: a dataset D with n examples (the original dataset) • Bootstrap sample D’ from D: contains also n examples, randomly chosen from D with replacement (i.e. some examples from D will appear more than once in D’, some will not appear at all) • On average, 63% of the examples in D will also appear in D’ Dataset with 10 examples: Original Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bagging (Round 1) 7 8 10 8 2 5 10 10 5 9 Bagging (Round 2) 1 4 9 1 2 3 2 7 3 2 Bagging (Round 3) 1 8 5 10 5 5 9 6 3 7 Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 15 Bagging Algorithm • Create M bootstrap samples • Use each sample to build a classifier • To classify a new example: get the predictions of each classifier and combine them with a majority vote • i.e. the individual classifiers receive equal weights model generation Let n be the number of instances in the training data. For each of M iterations: Sample n instances with replacement from training data. Apply the learning algorithm to the sample. Store the resulting model (classifier). classification For each of the M models: Predict class of testing instance using model. Return class that has been predicted most often. Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 16 When is Bagging Useful? • Typically performs significantly better than the single classifier and is never substantially worse • Effective for unstable classifiers • Unstable: small changes in the training set result in large changes in predictions, e.g. DTs, neural networks • Applying Bagging to numerical prediction (regression) • Instead of voting on a class, the individual predictions are averaged • Was shown theoretically that that averaging over multiple models always reduces the expected value of the mean-squared error (not proved for classification) Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 17 Boosting Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 18 Boosting • The most widely used ensemble method • Idea: Make the classifiers complement each other • How: The next classifier should be created using examples that were difficult for the previous classifiers • This is achieved by using a weighed training set • Each training example has an associated weight ( 0 ) • The higher the weight, the more difficult the example was to classify by the previous classifiers • Examples with higher weight have a higher chance to be selected in the training set for the next classifier Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 19 Boosting - Algorithm • Initially all training examples have equal weights, e.g. 1/m, m is the number of training examples • From this set, the first classifier (hypothesis) h1 is generated • It classifies some of the training examples correctly and some incorrectly • We would like the next classifier to learn to classify the misclassified examples (i.e. to develop complementary expertise), so we increase the weights of the misclassified examples and decrease the weights of the correctly classified examples • There is a mechanism for selecting examples for the training set of the next classifier; the examples with higher weight are more likely to be selected • From this new weighed set, we generate classifier h2 • Continue until K classifiers are generated • Final ensemble: combine the K classifiers using a weighted vote based on how well the classifier performed on the training set Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 20 How the Boosting Algorithm Works • 1 rectangle corresponds to 1 example • The height of the rectangle corresponds to the weight of the example •  and X show how the example was classified by the current hypothesis (classifier) • The size of the DT corresponds to the weight of that hypothesis in the final ensemble Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 21 AdaBoost • Many boosting algorithms have been proposed • Different ways to calculate the weights of the training data and use them to select examples for the training set of the next classifier • Different ways to combine the hypotheses • AdaBoost is the most popular boosting algorithm • Proposed by Freud and Shapire in 1996 • It uses: • A probability for selecting the examples for the training set of the next classifier • A weighed majority vote based on the performance of the base classifiers on the training data Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 22 AdaBoost Algorithm From Miroslav Kubat, An Introduction to ML, 2nd edition, Springer, 2017 AdaBoost ensemble generation until K hypotheses (classifiers) have been generated Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 23 Example • Shows how AdaBoost re-calculates the probabilities • Training set T containing m=10 examples: x1,..., x10 => Initial probabilities: p(xi)=1/m=1/10=0.1
From M. Kubat, An Introduction to ML, 2nd ed., Springer, 2017
• Using this probability distribution and sampling with replacement, examples are selected for inclusion in training set T1. Using T1, a classifier C1 is created.
• C1 is tested on T1. Suppose that it classifies correctly the first 7 examples (e=0) and incorrectly the remaining 3 (e=1).
• => the weighted error of the classifier is:
• =>the term  for weight modifications is:
• The probabilities of the correctly classified examples are modified as:
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 24

• New probabilities:
• After normalization:
The normalization is done by dividing each probability by the sum of all probabilities
All 10 probabilities sum to 1
Example (2)
• Result: the weights of the misclassified examples have increased (from 0.1
to 0.17), while the weights of the correctly classified examples have decreased (from 0.1 to 0.07)
• =>At the next iteration, the misclassified examples have a higher chance to be selected for the training set for the next classifier
• This is how we make the next classifier focus on the more difficult examples
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 25

AdaBoost – Pseudocode
// Generating the ensemble of K hypotheses (classifiers)
Calculating the weight wj for each example j based on the probability, which depends on the error
// Weights z for the weighted majority vote
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 26

Important Property of AdaBoost (Boosting Theorem)
• If the base learning algorithm L is a weak learning algorithm, then AdaBoost will return an ensemble that classifies the training data perfectly for large enough K
• Weak learner is a classifier which classification performance is slightly better than random guessing (i.e. 50% for binary classification)
• Thus, AdaBoost boosts the weak learning algorithm into a strong learning algorithm (on the training data)
• This is independent of how expressive the original hypothesis space is, or how complex the function being learnt is
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 27

AdaBoost – Example 1
• Ensembles typically perform better than individual classifiers
• Example: boosted decision stumps (AdaBoost ensemble combining 5
decision stumps) vs 1 decision stump
• Decision stump = 1-level DT (1 test node only)
• E.g. compare the performances at training set size =100 examples: • 1 decision stump: 80% accuracy on test set
• Ensemble of 5 decision stumps: 93% accuracy on test set
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 28

AdaBoost – Example 2
• Accuracy vs number of hypotheses K (for a set of 100 training examples)
• As we add more base classifiers (decision stumps), the accuracy on the training data increases and reaches 100% for K=20 (consistent with the Boosting Theorem – a perfect fit on the training data is achieved)
• As we keep adding more base classifiers:
• The accuracy on the training set remains 100%
• But the accuracy on the test data continues to increase after the accuracy on training data has reached 100%!
• e.g. K=20, accuracy on test set=95%; K=137, accuracy on test set=98%
• This result was found across different data sets
and classifiers
• Contradiction! Ockham’s razor – don’t make the hypothesis more complex than necessary as this will lead to overfitting
• Here – accuracy improves as the ensemble gets more complex
• Various explanations, e.g. adding base classifier allows the ensemble to be more definitive in distinguishing between positive and negative ex.
For COMP3608 students only
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 29

More on Boosting
• It was shown that boosting on new data only fails if:
• The individual classifiers are too “complex” for the training data size, or their training errors become “too large” quickly (in a sense described by Schapire et al. 1997)
• => Boosting allows building a powerful combined classifier from very simple ones, e.g. simple DTs generated by 1R (1-level DTs)
• Variations
• LogitBoost – Friedman et al. 2000
• Gradient Bosting – Breiman 1997, Friedman 1999
• Different idea – while AdaBoost updates the weights of the examples at each iteration, Gradient Boosting adds a new model that minimizes the error of the previous model
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 30

Boosting and Bagging – Similarities & Differences
• Similarities
• Use voting (for classification) and averaging (for prediction) to combine
the outputs of the individual learners
• Combine classifiers of the same type, e.g. DTs
• Differences
• In bagging the ensemble members are built separately; in boosting they are built iteratively – the new ensemble members are influenced by the performance of the previous ones
• A new ensemble member is encouraged to become an expert for the examples classified incorrectly by the previous ensemble member
• Intuitive justification: ensemble members should be experts that complement each other
• Combing the opinions of the individual ensemble members:
• Bagging – equal weighting (all experts are equally influential)
• Boosting – weighed based on performance (i.e. some experts are more influential)
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 31

Random Forest
Irena Koprinska, irena.koprinska@sydney.edu.au COMP3308/3608 AI, week 10b, 2021 32

Creating Ensembles by Manipulating the
Attributes (Features)
• Each base classifier uses only a subset of the features
• E.g. training data described with K features, create an ensemble of M
classifiers each using only L features (L