G6021: Comparative Programming
Exercise Sheet 3
Functions on lists
Write a function addOneToAll that will add one to all the elements of a list. Write this two ways, first using pattern matching, then using list comprehensions.
addOneToAll [] = []
addOneToAll (h:t) = (h+1):addOneToAll t
addOneToAllLC l = [x+1 | x<-l]
Write a function timesTwoToAll that will multiply all the elements of a list by two. Write this function using pattern matching on lists, and compare your answer with that of the previous question.
timesTwoToAll [] = []
timesTwoToAll(h:t) = (h*2):timesTwoToAll t
The structure of the code is the same - only the function changes. Haskell provides a useful function called map:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
This function takes a function a -> b and a list [a] and returns a list [b].
Write functions addOne and timesTwo, and use these as arguments to map to generate the same answers as the previous two questions.
map addOne [1,2,3]
map timesTwo [1,2,3]
Write your own version of map. Answer:
mymap f [] = []
mymap f (h:t) = (f h) : mymap f t
Haskell also provides a way of creating functions for one-off use. For example:
map (\x -> x*2) [1,2,3]
This saves us having to write the timesTwo function first. Think of the notation \x -> x*2 as meaning a function that takes an argument x and returns x*2.
Try to understand the following examples, testing them to confirm your intuitions:
(a) map (\x -> if x==0 then False else True) [0,1,0,1] (b) map (\(x,y) -> x*y) [(1,3),(4,5),(1,9)]
(c) map (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) [(1,3),(4,5),(1,9)]
We remark that other patterns can also be used in these functions.
6. Using the notation of the previous question, use map to write the following:
(a) A function that converts a list of Booleans (True, False) to a List of binary numbers.
Example: [True,False,True,True] should be converted to [1,0,1,1]. Answer:
map (\x -> if x then 1 else 0) [True,False,True,True]
(b) A function that converts a list of lists to a list containing just the head of each list. Example: [[1,2,3],[9,3,4],[7,4,1]] should give [1,9,7].
map (\(x:t) -> x) [[1,2,3],[9,3,4],[7,4,1]]
7. The infix function ++ concatenates (or appends) two lists, for example: [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6] = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Write your own version, called append, of this function. How many recursive calls are needed to append two lists?
append [] l = l
append (h:t) l = h:append t l
The number of recursive calls depends of the size of the first list.
8. Quick Sort. If a list is empty, then it is already sorted. Otherwise, we can sort a list by:
• Selecting an element, called the pivot, from the list (for example the first element). • Collecting and sorting all the elements less than or equal to the pivot.
• Collecting and sorting all the elements greater than the pivot.
• Joining the above two lists with the pivot in the middle.
Write this function using Haskell (you may find the use of list comprehensions useful).
qsort [] = []
qsort (h:t) = qsort [x | x <- t, x<=h] ++ [h] ++ qsort [x | x <- t, x>h]
2 Trees
Here is a data type for binary trees:
data BinaryTree a = EmptyTree | Node a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a)
Add this definition to your file. If you try to create a tree, for example: Leaf 6, you will see that Haskell does not know how to print it. What we need to do is to provide details how we would like expressions of type Tree to be printed. One easy way is to ask Haskell to simply derive automatically a function, and this is done by:
data BinaryTree a = EmptyTree | Node a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a) deriving (Show)
Try again some examples:
• EmptyTree
• Node 3 (Node 4 EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree
1. Write a function to convert a binary tree to a list. The elements should be generated in- order: for a tree Node v l r, the list should contain all the elements of l in-order, followed by the element v, followed by all the elements of r in-order.
Example: toList (Node 3 (Node 4 EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree) = [4,3] (You may find it useful to draw the binary tree.)
toList EmptyTree = []
toList (Node v l r) = (toList l) ++ [v] ++ (toList r)
2. We will say that binary tree is sorted if the list generated in-order from the tree is a sorted list. Using only the functions you have defined so far, and function composition, write a function that will test if a Tree of integers is sorted in ascending order.
(inorder . toList)
Example: (inorder.toList) (Node 3 (Node 4 EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree)
gives false.
3. Write a function insertTree that takes an integer x and a sorted tree, and returns a tree
with x inserted in the correct place. Answer:
insertTree x EmptyTree = Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree
insertTree x (Node v l r)
| x<=v = Node v (insertTree x l) r
| otherwise = Node v l (insertTree x r)
Additional questions (if you have time)
1. Write two functions preOrderTree, postOrderTree that generate lists from trees using pre- order and post-order respectively.
• For a binary tree (Node v l r) pre-order means a list with v, then all the elements l in pre-order, followed by all the elements of r in pre-order.
• For a binary tree (Node v l r) post-order means a list with all the elements l in post-order, followed by all the elements of r in post-order, followed by v.
preOrderTree EmptyTree = []
preOrderTree (Node v l r) = v: (preOrderTree l) ++ (preOrderTree r)
postOrderTree EmptyTree = []
postOrderTree (Node v l r) = (postOrderTree l) ++ (postOrderTree r) ++ [v]
2. Write a function to reverse a list: Example: revList [1,3,5] = [5,3,1]
revList [] = []
revList (h:t) = (revList t) ++ [h]
3. Write a function to reverse a binary tree.
revTree EmptyTree = EmptyTree
revTree (Node v l r) = Node v (revTree r) (revTree l)