CS计算机代考程序代写 interpreter Haskell 1 Types

1 Types
(a) (*)
(b) (&&) True
(c) \x -> \f -> f (f x)
(d) tail [1,2,3]
(e) error
(f) \(x,y) -> x&&True
Each of these can be tested in Haskell by entering: :t followed by the expression at the prompt. The answers below are not exactly the same as what Haskell gives. What is the difference?
(a) (*) :: Int -> Int -> Int (b) (&&) True :: Bool -> Bool
(c) \x -> \f -> f (f x) :: t -> (t -> t) -> t (d) tail [1,2,3] :: [Int]
(e) error :: [Char] -> a
(f) \(x,y) -> x&&True :: (Bool, t) -> Bool
Lists and Pattern Matching
Write a function equal in Haskell syntax that takes two lists of elements (where each element has a type that is an instance of the Eq class) and checks whether they are equal (i.e., returns True if they have exactly the same elements in the same order, False otherwise). Give the most general (polymorphic) type for equal.
equal::Eqa=>[a]->[a] ->Bool
equal [] [] = True
equal (x:s) [] = False
equal [] (y:p) = False
equal (x:s)(y:p) = (x == y) && (equal s p)
Write a Haskell function to reverse a list. For example: rev [1,2,3] should give [3,2,1]. Answer: We will look at better reverse functions later, this one will do for now:
G6021: Comparative Programming
Exercise Sheet 5
1. What are the types of the following Haskell expressions. Try to think what they might be before checking with the Haskell interpreter.

rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = rev t ++ [h]
3. Using equal and rev write a function palindrome that checks whether a list is a palindrome. A list is a palindrome if the list is the same in reverse. The lists [1,0,0,1], [True, False, True] and [0,1,2,3,3,2,1,0] are examples of palindromes.
palindrome :: [a] -> Bool
palindrome l = equal l (rev l)
Data types
1. Using the definition of binary tree from Exercise sheet 3, write a function mapTree that will apply a function to all the node elements of the tree.
mapTree f EmptyTree = EmptyTree
mapTree f (Node v l r) = Node (f v) (mapTree f l) (mapTree f r)
If you have time
Take a look at the extra questions that you can find on: http://users.sussex.ac.uk/~im74/G6021/.