The Australian National University Final Examination – November 2016
Comp2310 & Comp6310 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
Study period: Writing time: Total marks: Permitted materials:
15 minutes
3 hours (after study period)
None with the only exception of an un-annotated paper-based dictionary for candidates with written approval from the school
Questions are not equally weighted – sizes of answer boxes do not nec- essarily relate to the number of marks given for this question.
All your answers must be written in the boxes provided in this booklet. You will be provided with scrap paper for working, but only those answers written in this booklet will be marked. Do not remove this booklet from the examination room. There is additional space at the end of the booklet in case the boxes provided are insufficient. Label any answer you write at the end of the booklet with the number of the question it refers to.
Greater marks will be awarded for answers that are simple, short and concrete than for answers of a sketchy and rambling nature. Marks will be lost for giving information that is irrelevant to a question.
Student number:
The following are for use by the examiners
Q1 mark
Q2 mark
Q3 mark
Q4 mark
Q5 mark
Q6 mark
Total mark
1. [11 marks] General Concurrency
(a) [4 marks] Define “Process”, enumerate its states and depict the potential transitions between those states. Label the transitions with events which trigger those transitions.
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(b) [3 marks] What will be the output (or the possible outputs) of the following concur- rent program? Give precise reasons for your answer. If you need to make assumptions about the underlying operating system, runtime environment or hardware then state those assumptions as well.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Global_Variable is
x : Integer := 0;
task type Worker (Iterations, Increment : Integer) is
entry Done;
end Worker;
task body Worker is
for i in 1 .. Iterations loop
x := x + Increment;
end loop;
accept Done;
end Worker;
One : Worker (100, +1);
Two : Worker (100, -1);
Put (Integer’Image (x));
end Global_Variable;
(c) [4 marks] Can you implement a semaphore yourself in any programming language? Give very precise reasons.
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2. [24 marks] Synchronization and Communication
(a) [8 marks] A calculation can be split up into n concurrent sub-calculations yet the over- all calculation can only continue once all n sub-calculations are completed. Sub-calcu- lations report their successful completion or a failure. If any sub-calculation reports a failure then the overall calculation is declared failed as well.
Provide a code fragment which allows the overall calculation to be suspended until all n sub-calculations are completed. Also provide a means that the overall calculation as well as all n sub-calculations are informed about the overall success or failure upon their release from the concurrent calculations. Use a synchronization primitive and language (including pseudocode) of your choice.
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(b) [16 marks] Read the following Ada program carefully. The program is syntactically cor- rect and will compile without warnings. See questions on the following pages.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Pipeline is
type Stage;
task type Stage is
entry Feed (Break_Me : Natural;
Last_Factor : Natural := 2);
end Stage;
type Link is access Stage;
function New_Stage return Link is (new Stage);
task body Stage is
Number, Factor : Natural := Natural’Invalid_Value;
Next_Stage : Link := null;
begin loop
accept Feed (Break_Me : Natural;
Last_Factor : Natural := 2) do
Number := Break_Me;
Factor := Last_Factor;
end Feed;
end select;
Prime : Boolean := True;
for Candidate in Factor .. Number / Factor loop
if Number mod Candidate = 0 then
Put (“ *” & Positive’Image (Candidate));
Next_Stage := (if Next_Stage = null then New_Stage else Next_Stage);
Next_Stage.all.Feed (Number / Candidate, Candidate);
Prime := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Prime then
Put (“ *” & Positive’Image (Number));
end if; end;
end loop;
end Stage;
Pipe : constant Link := New_Stage;
Put (“1”);
Pipe.all.Feed (8);
Pipe.all.Feed (27);
Pipe.all.Feed (125);
end Pipeline;
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(i) [2 marks] How many task instances are created by this program? Name them.
(ii) [4 marks] Are the tasks in any way synchronized? Explain your answer. If they are synchronized then explain by which synchronization methods and for how long exactly.
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(iii) [3 marks] Is there a (potential) deadlock or raised exception in this program? Give precise reasons.
(iv) [7 marks] What is the expected output? (If the output is not deterministic then pro- vide rules for what the output could be.)
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3. [9 marks] Selective Concurrency
Read the following Ada code carefully. The tasks and the calling code section are syn- tactically correct and will compile without warnings.
task Selector is
entry Start;
entry E1;
entry E2;
end Selector;
with three different versions for its body (all delay values are in seconds):
Version 1:
task body Selector is
accept Start;
for i in 1 .. 2 loop
accept E1 do
delay 2.0;
Put (‘X’);
end E1;
accept E2;
delay 2.0;
Put (‘Y’); or
end select;
delay 1.0;
Put (‘Z’);
end loop;
end Selector;
Called by this code section:
Put (‘A’);
delay 1.0;
Put (‘B’);
delay 1.0;
Put (‘C’); or
delay 1.0;
Put (‘D’);
end select;
delay 1.0;
Put (‘E’);
Version 2:
task body Selector is
accept Start;
for i in 1 .. 2 loop
accept E1 do
Version 3:
task body Selector is
accept Start;
for i in 1 .. 2 loop
accept E1 do
delay 2.0;
Put (‘X’);
end E1;
accept E2;
delay 2.0;
Put (‘Y’);
end select;
delay 1.0;
Put (‘Z’);
end loop;
end Selector;
Put (‘X’);
delay 2.0;
end E1;
delay 2.0;
accept E2;
Put (‘Y’);
end select;
delay 1.0;
Put (‘Z’);
end loop;
end Selector;
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Add the outputs for all three versions to the time lines below (assume that Start is called at time zero and you have unlimited CPU capacity)
Version 1: Version 2: Version 3:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9[seconds]
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4. [22 marks] Safety and Liveness
(a) [4 marks] Suggest ways to make it impossible for each of the required deadlock condi- tions to occur. You should provide one suggestion for each condition.
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(b) [4 marks] Describe the differences between deadlock prevention and deadlock avoid- ance. Which is preferable in terms of runtime performance and why?
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(c) [14 marks] Read the following Ada program carefully. The program is syntactically cor- rect and will compile without warnings. Assume that the Semaphores behaves exactly like standard semaphores. See questions below.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Semaphores; use Semaphores;
procedure Router_Family is
type Router_Ix is mod 5;
Ports : array (Router_Ix) of Semaphore (Initial => 1);
task type Router is
entry Provide_Id (Id : Router_Ix);
end Router;
task body Router is
Router_Nr : Router_Ix := Router_Ix’Invalid_Value;
accept Provide_Id (Id : in Router_Ix) do
Router_Nr := Id;
end Provide_Id;
Put_Line (“Router” & Router_Ix’Image (Router_Nr) & “ aquires its port A”);
Ports (Router_Nr).Wait;
Put_Line (“Router” & Router_Ix’Image (Router_Nr) & “ aquires its port B”);
Ports (Router_Nr + 1).Wait;
Put_Line (“Router” & Router_Ix’Image (Router_Nr) & “ transfers data”);
— Code omitted which copies data between port A and port B
Ports (Router_Nr).Signal;
Ports (Router_Nr + 1).Signal;
Put_Line (“Router” & Router_Ix’Image (Router_Nr) & “ released access to both ports.”);
end Router;
Routers : array (Router_Ix) of Router;
for Id in Router_Ix loop
Routers (Id).Provide_Id (Id);
end loop;
end Router_Family;
(i) [2 marks] How many tasks are created by this program, how many semaphores are available in total and how many semaphores have to be acquired by each task in order to complete?
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(ii) [4 marks] Will this program never/certainly/potentially deadlock? Provide precise reasons.
(iii) [8 marks] If you answered with“certainly or potentially deadlocks”in the previ- ous question then suggest changes to the program such that it never deadlocks. If you answered with“never deadlocks”then suggest changes to the program such that it will potentially deadlock. Which of the required deadlock conditions are you adding or removing with your suggestion?
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5. [11 marks] Data Parallelism
(a) [11 marks] Read this syntactically correct Chapel expression and then proceed to the questions below:
sqrt (+ reduce ((Vector_1 – Vector_2)**2))
where you should assume the following declarations for Vector_1 and Vector_2: const Index = {1 .. 1000};
var Vector_1, Vector_2 : [Index] real;
(i) [1 mark] What is the type of this expression?
(ii) [6 marks] Enumerate and explain the data parallel operations which are imple- mented by this Chapel expression.
(iii) [4 marks] How many concurrent entities (tasks, processes, threads or alike) are po- tentially created by this expression? How many of those could potentially be executing as hardware concurrent entities? Give precise reasons for your answer.
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6. [23 marks] Distributed Systems
(a) [6 marks] Three transactions:
1: Write (A) – Read (C)
2: Read (C) – Write (B)
3: Read (A) – Write (C) – Write (B)
are executed by three different processes resulting in the following conflicting pairs of operations (indicated by arrows):
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Write (A)
Read (C)
P1 P2 P3
Are any two of those transactions serializable? Is the whole set of transactions serializ- able? Explain your answers precisely.
ad (C)
Write (B)
Read (A)
Write (C)
Write (B)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 time
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(b) [5 marks] What can you conclude about the events a and b (including whether they happened on the same or on different processors) if the relations between the logical times C^ah and C^bh associated with these events are:
(i) [1 mark] C^ah < C^bh
(ii) [1 mark] C^ah = C^bh
(iii) [1 mark] C^ah ! C^bh
(iv) [2 marks] Is it true that if C^ah > C^bh then there always exists an event c, such
that: C^ah > C^ch > C^bh? Will your answer change if you measure time in calendar (or “real”) time instead of logical time? Give precise reasons for your answers.
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(c) [12 marks] Read the following Ada program carefully. The program is syntactically cor- rect and will compile without warnings. See questions on the following pages.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Distributed_Workers is
type Workers_Range is range 1 .. 2;
type Clients_Range is range 1 .. 4;
task type Client;
task Server is
entry Service;
entry Report;
entry Hold;
end Server;
task type Worker is
entry Ready;
entry Service;
end Worker;
task body Client is
Put (“C”);
end Client;
Workers : array (Workers_Range) of Worker;
Clients : array (Clients_Range) of Client;
pragma Unreferenced (Clients);
task body Server is
Free_Workers : Natural := Workers’Length;
begin loop
accept Service do
delay 1.0;
Put (“S”);
for i in Workers_Range loop
Workers (i).Ready;
Free_Workers :=
Free_Workers – 1;
Workers (i).Service;
else null;
end select;
end loop;
requeue Hold;
end Service;
accept Report;
Free_Workers := Free_Workers + 1;
when Free_Workers > 0 =>
accept Hold do
Put (“H”);
requeue Service;
end Hold;
end select;
end loop;
end Server;
task body Worker is
begin loop
accept Ready;
accept Service do
delay 2.0;
Put (“W”);
end Service;
end select;
end loop;
end Worker;
begin null;
end Distributed_Workers;
(continued in right column)
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(i) [2 marks] How many task queues are implemented in this program? Name them.
(ii) [4 marks] Considering the program structure, which of the entries in this program would you consider to be potentially blocking for a non-trivial amount of time? As- sume that your underlying hardware supports to run all concurrent entities in this program in parallel.
(iii) [6 marks] Develop the sequence of outputs from this program on a time-line. If multiple outputs are possible then show them all.
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Client: Server: Workers:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9[seconds]
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