G6021: Comparative Programming
Exam Practice 2
1. (a) Give an example for each of the following:
i. a λ-term that is in normal form but does not have a type. ii. a λ-term that has a normal form but does not have a type.
iii. a λ-term that has a normal form and does have a type.
Answer: Let I = λx.x, ∆ = λx.xx. i. ∆
ii. I∆ iii. II
(b) Give the β-reduction graph of the λ-term (λxy.x)(II)I, where I = λx.x. Answer: A graph showing all possible reductions of a λ-term.
(λxy.x)(II)I E (λxy.x)II cc
(λy.II)I E (λy.I)I cc
2. In the Rock-Paper-Scissors game, the rules are that paper beats rock, rock beats scissors,
and scissors beats paper.
(a) Define a type RPS to represent rock, paper and scissors as used in the game in both
Haskell and Java. In no more that 10 sentences, compare the two.
data RPS = Rock | Paper | Scissors deriving (Show)
class RPS {}
class Rock extends RPS {}
class Paper extends RPS {}
class Scissors extends RPS {}
Haskell: disjoint union types are directly implementable as shown. Types are immediately available (both input and output).
Java: need to use the object structure. Each class in separate file makes maintenance of methods more difficult. More verbose than Haskell. Quite a lot of effort needed to build objects of this new type to test code, etc.
(b) Write a function in Haskell: beats :: RPS -> RPS -> Bool that encodes that paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper.
3. (a)
Answer: Haskell has pairs (and triples, etc.) built-in, so there is nothing new needed for Haskell. For Java, we need to create a new type, for example at least this is needed:
class Pair {
int fst, snd;
Write two recursive functions in Haskell sumAll that returns the sum of all the elements of a list of numbers and prodAll that returns the product of all the elements in a list of numbers.
sumAll [] = 0
sumAll (h:t) = h+sumAll t
prodAll [] = 1
prodAll (h:t) = h*prodAll t
beats :: RPS -> RPS -> Bool
beats Paper Rock = True
beats Rock Scissors = True
beats Scissors Paper = True
beats _ _ = False
(c) Suppose you wanted to write a function/method to return two values (say a pair of integers). Outline how you would do this in both Haskell and Java.
(b) Write in Haskell the higher-order function foldr which takes three parameters: a func- tion, a value and a list. Include the type of the function foldr in your answer, and give two examples of use of foldr to compute the sum and product of a list of numbers (as in the previous question).
foldr :: (t -> t2 -> t2) -> t2 -> [t] -> t2
foldr f b [] = b
foldr f b (h:t) = f h (foldr f b t)
foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3,4]
foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3,4]
(c) Using the following function as an example
g (x,y) = x+y
Explain the concept of currying a function. Curry the function g and give the type of
the resulting function.
f :: Int -> Int -> Int
g x y = x+y