CS计算机代考程序代写 CP2405 Assignment 2

CP2405 Assignment 2
Assignment task
CP2405 Assignment 2 (45%) Business proposal and presentation
You are to work in teams of 3-4 for this assignment worth 45%. Teams must work together to develop and pitch a new start-up business that is based on the emerging CI and SN concepts. This assignment has been divided into two components. For the first task (PART 1), Teams will detail their Minimal Viable Product (MVP), the business model and prototype. For the second task (PART 2) the team must make a video suitable for a crowd funding campaign. For the third task (PART 3), teams must pitch their business concept to the class. Teams will be assessed on how they work as a team and also by individual contribution decided by the team members via peer assessment.
Marking breakdown:
Total marks (45%)
1) Group mark (20%) PART 1 – Business proposal based on the development of a business model for a new business or product.
2) Group mark (10%) PART 2 Crowd funding campaign video
3) Group mark (10%) PART 3 Presentation
4) Individual mark (5%) determined by Peer Review assessment
1) PART 1 – A single Word document (.doc or .docx) containing your teams proposal and a prototype and/or design story board as proof of concept. (Do not submit a filled-out Business Model Canvas for part 1.)
2) PART 2 – 3 minute crowd funding campaign video that could be used to raise funds for your project.
3) PART 3 – 7 minute presentation in the form of a start-up pitch with each team member taking part.
Note: This is a team project. Each student must work in a team equally to complete all parts of their submission.
Students must start with a new document and submissions that are detected to be too similar to any Web available works will be dealt with promptly according to University procedures for handling plagiarism.
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

CP2405 Assignment 2
PART 1 – Business proposal (20%)
1) In your teams you will determine your Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
• Minimal Viable Product (MVP) explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj0qsAyKPN8
2) Use the business model template (Practicals 6 and 7) to determine:
1. Key partners:
2. Key activities
3. Value proposition
4. Customer relationship
5. Customer segment
6. Key resource
7. Distribution channel
8. Cost structure
9. Revenue stream
3) Create a prototype of your MVP. The form of prototype would be dependent on your MVP, for example:
• A mock up of a Web site, game, etc,
• An architectural design or 3D printed object if facilities are available,
• A demonstration of a product, • Etc
4) A brief outline of the crowd funding campaign. Include the crowd funding platform you have chosen to use, the crowd funding goals and the perks backers earn by contributing.
• Business model canvas explained:
o The Business Model Canvas in 2 minutes:

o Steve Blank explaining the Business Model Canvas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teURBW6qnRY
o Value proposition canvas: http://businessmodelgeneration.com/downloads/value_proposition_canvas.pdf
o Minimal Viable Product (MVP) explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj0qsAyKPN8
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

CP2405 Assignment 2
PART 2 – Crowd Funding campaign video (10%)
Each team will put together a video that could be used as a part of a crowd funding campaign. The video should be 3 minutes long and appropriate for the product/idea of your group. The choice of the crowd fund model should be appropriate to the product.
The video should explain and include:
1. The product or idea your group is developing
2. The explanation should be engaging and
3. Inspire a call to action at the end.
4. Funding goals
5. Outline what the funding will achieve in your project and
6. Any perks the backers would receive for helping the campaign.
Guides for crowd funding campaign videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t5SpDkuupY https://go.indiegogo.com/blog/2016/09/pitching-passion-make-amazing-crowdfunding-video.html https://learn.indiegogo.com/creating-your-campaign-essential-guide/#pitchvideo
Free video editing software
PART 3 – Presentation (10%)
Each team will pitch their business proposal during the lecture and practical scheduled times of the week specified in the subject outline. You will need to sign-up for a designated timeslot during that week. The presentation will be in the form of a pitch where you will present to the audience as you would to potential investors.
The presentation will be 7 (seven) minutes plus 3-5 minutes for questions. You do not have to conform to a standard PowerPoint presentation although you will need to present your projected figures in some other fashion. You are also to show your prototype in the appropriate demonstration form (depending on the MVP).
Tips for presentation preparation
1. You only have 7 minutes (plus 3 minutes for Q&A) so focus on your MVP and what you have accomplished. Try not to waffle about the frills (leave them for question time).
2. When making statements about numbers (e.g. projected markets, projected revenue, etc) use explicit values and not abstract terms such as “some”, “a lot”, “many”, “oodles” as these will decrease the audience’s confidence in your business proposal you are trying to build with your pitch.
3. Save any demo’s to the local drive of the PC used for the presentation. For example, if your MVP is browser based, preload your mock-up pages in different tab (Eduroam WILL crash!)
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

CP2405 Assignment 2
4. MOST IMPORTANT – Tech check and practise as a group with a timer! You have 7 minutes, not 5 or 15. You will be marked for your use of time so your team needs to be prepared and professional. HINT – Do not prepare 30 slides for a 7 minute talk!
5. Dress for the occasion, nothing builds confidence in an audience you aim to impress with your business proposal then looking the part. Although you are not marked directly for donning shoes instead of thongs, impressions are everything.
Tips for presentation jitters
Tip 1: It’s good to be nervous
Being nervous means you care about giving a good presentation. Your nervousness produces adrenaline, which helps you think faster, speak more fluently, and add the needed enthusiasm to convey your message. Know that you can be nervous and still do a great job!
Tip 2: Don’t try to be perfect
The fear of public speaking often stems from a fear of imperfection. Accept the fact that no-one ever gets it perfect, and neither will you.
You don’t have to become “ta da daaaaa…Super Speaker!!!” – Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Never saying “er” or “um” or lose your train of thought. These things happen to all.
If you’re not a comedian, don’t try to be one. If you’re a person with few words then keep your speech short and to the point. It is important to be yourself – your audience will appreciate it.
Tip 3 Visualise your success
Close your eyes and picture yourself delivering your talk with confidence and enthusiasm. What does the room look like? What do the people look like? Picture your successful pitch in detail.
Tip 4 Do not tell others you are nervous
This has a way of feeding the stage fright. Smile big and act as if you are confident. Your audience will mirror your body language and soon your act will be replaced with the actual feelings of confidence.
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

Marking Rubric
Very Limited
Part 1 – Business proposal (marked as a team)
Business proposal quality
Overall, the proposal is extensive and well written where each component is highly detailed Presented work is expressed coherently and concisely with zero English/grammar errors
The team’s MVP is well thought out and original where the key core features have been determined for the business model. Could have potential to be commercially viable
Overall, the proposal is complete and well written where each component is detailed appropriately.
Presented work is expressed coherently and concisely with a small number of English/grammar errors.
The team’s MVP has been established where the key core features have been determined for the business model. Could have potential to be commercially viable.
Overall, the proposal is mostly well written and each component is limited (e.g. a small list of basic dot points).
Uses a basic understanding of language that conveys ideas with a large number of English/grammar errors.
The team’s MVP has been established but is still abstract and the key core features were not determined for the business model. No potential to be commercially viable
Overall, the proposal is poorly written where each component is a limited (e.g. a small list of basic dot points).
Presented work demonstrates a lack of literacy and rudimentary writing skills. Does not convey specific meaning to readers
No MVP has been established or the team’s MVP has been established but is completely abstract.
The proposal is very limited or not attempted.
A populated Business Model Canvas was submitted in place of a written proposal.
Key partners
The key partners are well thought out and a well justified comprehensive list is supplied.
The team has clearly articulated the motivations of the partnerships
The key partners have been considered and a comprehensive list is supplied, although there may be some missing.
The team has articulated the motivations of the partnerships
The key partners have been considered and a basic list is supplied, where there are many potential partners missing.
The team has given a basic consideration to the motivations of the partnerships
A very limited list of key partners is supplied with no justification or motivations.
No Key partners.
Key activities and Key resources
The key activities and key resources are well thought out and a well justified comprehensive list is supplied.
key activities and key resources have been considered and a comprehensive list is supplied, although there may be some missing.
The key activities and key resources have been considered and a basic list is supplied, where there are many missing.
A very limited list of key activities and key resources is supplied.
Key activities and key resources have not been considered
Value proposition
The core value/s are extremely well thought out and well justified.
The customer needs is extremely well thought out and a well justified comprehensive list is supplied.
The core value/s are well thought out and somewhat justified.
The customer needs is well thought out and somewhat justified with an extensive but not
The core value/s have been considered and somewhat justified. A limited number of customer needs have been considered and no justifications supplied.
The core value/s and customer needs are vague and do not offer any insight into the value proposition.
The core value/s have not been considered. Customer needs have not been considered.
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

Marking Rubric
exhaustive list supplied.
Customer relationship and Customer segment
The core customer has been clearly identified with extensive justifications.
Customer relationship, expectations and demographics are well thought out and comprehensive well justified details are supplied.
The core customer has been identified with justifications. Customer relationship, expectations and demographics have been considered and well justified details are supplied.
The core customer has been identified with some justifications.
Customer relationship, expectations and demographics have been considered and some details are supplied.
The core customer has not been well identified or justified. Customer relationship, expectations and demographics descriptions are vague.
The core customer has not been identified.
Customer relationship, expectations and demographics have not been considered.
Distribution channel Cost structure Revenue stream
Distribution channels, cost structure and revenue streams are viable, well thought out and well justified comprehensive details are supplied including projected budgets (cash flow statements).
Distribution channels, cost structure and revenue streams are well thought out and comprehensive details are supplied including projected budgets (cash flow statements).
Distribution channels, cost structure and revenue streams are considered but details are missing and no projected budgets are available.
Distribution channels, cost structure and revenue streams are vague
Distribution channels, cost structure and revenue streams are not available
Extensive story-boarding and/or highly detailed diagrams are presented in the proposal explicitly depicting purposeful design based on customer segment (including look, feel, user experience, etc).
Story-boarding and/or detailed diagrams are presented in the proposal depicting purposeful design based on customer segment (including look, feel, user experience, etc).
Story-boarding and/or detailed diagrams are presented in the proposal but fail to depict purposeful design based on customer segment (including look, feel, user experience, etc).
very limited story-boarding and/or detailed diagrams are presented in the proposal.
No story-boarding and/or detailed diagrams are presented in the proposal.
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

Marking Rubric
Part 2 – Crowd Funding Video (marked as a team)
First 30 seconds and product explanation
First 30 seconds has a hook that draws the audience in. There is a tag line or motto that engages the audience. There is a clear explanation of the product in first half of video.
First 30 seconds is entertaining but does not have a strong relationship to the rest of the product. No hook or tag line obvious. Unclear product explanation or explanation is in last 30seconds.
First 30 seconds don’t have a clear or strong message, or relation to campaign. Limited product explanation.
Limited attempt to capture attention in first 30 seconds. No product explanation or attempt to capture attention was misdirected (distasteful)
No attempt to capture attention in first 30 seconds. No product explanation.
Campaign Details
Funding Goals outlined.
Perks explained.
Explanation on what the funding will be used for.
Missing one of the details.
Missing two of the details.
Limited details have been provided so the message is vague
No details have been provided.
Call to action and timing
Audience is clearly directed and motivated to take action and told how to support the campaign. Up to 3 minutes.
The call to action is more of a suggestion, partially motivates the audience to participate.
The call to action is implied or vague, does not motivate the audience to participate.
Audience is asked to help, but not told how to take action. 10% over 3 minutes.
No call to action.
More than 1 minute too long or too short.
Part 3 – Presentation (marked as a team)
Presentation is clearly prepared and well practised as a group. Presentation is visually organised and complete.
Presentation is prepared and somewhat practised as a group. Presentation is organised and complete.
Presentation is prepared but not practised as a group. Presentation is complete.
Presentation is not well prepared nor practised as a group. Presentation is disorganised and incomplete.
Presentation is not prepared nor practised as a group. Presentation is disorganised and incomplete.
Engagement and coverage
All group members participate equally.
All group members speak clearly and are easy to understand. Information is clearly presented in an organised way.
All group members participate. Most group members speak clearly and are easy to understand.
Information is presented in an organised way.
Some members participate.
Some group members speak clearly, but are difficult to understand. Information is presented in a partially organised way.
Most group members did not participate or
Most group members did not speak or could not be understood or
Information is presented in a unorganised way.
Most group members did not participate and
Most group members did not speak or could not be understood and
Information is presented in a unorganised way.
Prototype/Proof of concept
Clear, concise and effective description of the prototype.
Clear, concise and effective description of what the MVP aims to achieve Explicit and specific description of intended user and uses.
Fairly clear description of the prototype.
Fairly clear description of what the MVP aims to achieve.
Fairly specific description of the intended end user and uses.
Basic attempt to describe the prototype.
Basic attempt to describe what the MVP aims to achieve
Basic attempt to describe the intended end user and uses.
Poor attempt or poorly articulated.
Not done
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2

Marking Rubric
Peer assessment rubric provides you with the characteristics of exemplary, competent, marginal and unacceptable work in relation to your team members.
Peer Assessment 5% (marked as individuals)
Student Name (Student being assessed) – _________________________________
Very Limited
Participation & demonstration of the ability to work collaboratively
Played an active role, was fully engaged in team discussion and marked opportunities to further the team discussion / collaboration.
Played an active role, was engage in team discussion demonstrating constructive and cooperative work with others.
Demonstrated some participation in team discussion and the basic ability to work collaboratively with others.
Gave limited participate in team discussions or work collaboratively.
Did not respond to communications, was never seen by other group members.
Contribution to assignment
Contribution to the overall assignments was above an equal share of the workload
Contribution to the overall assignments was an equal share of the workload
Contribution to the overall assignments was below an equal share of the workload
Peer gave limited contribution to the assignment
Contributed nothing.
CP2405 © 2018 – Information Technology @ James Cook University Assignment 2