MATH50003 Numerical Analysis: Problem Sheet 8¶
This problem sheet explores the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),
the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and orthogonal polynomials,
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Questions marked with a ⋆ are meant to be completed without using a computer.
Problems are denoted A/B/C to indicate their difficulty.
using LinearAlgebra, Plots, Test
Problem 1.1⋆ (C) Show that the DFT $Q_n$ is symmetric ($Q_n = Q_n^⊤$) but not Hermitian ($Q_n ≠ Q_n^⋆$).
Problem 1.2⋆ (A) Show for $0 ≤ k,ℓ ≤ n-1$
{1 \over n} \sum_{j=1}^n \cos k θ_j \cos ℓ θ_j = \begin{cases} 1 & k = ℓ = 0 \\
1/2 & k = ℓ \\
0 & \hbox{otherwise}
for $θ_j = π(j-1/2)/n$. Hint: Be careful as the $\theta_j$ differ from before,
and only cover half the period, $[0,\pi]$. Using symmetry may help.
You may also consider replacing $\cos$ with
complex exponentials:
\cos θ = {{\rm e}^{{\rm i}θ} + {\rm e}^{-{\rm i}θ} \over 2}.
{1 \over n} \sum_{j=1}^n \cos k θ_j \cos ℓ θ_j = Σ_n[{\rm e}^{{\rm i} (k+ℓ) θ_j}] +
Σ_n[{\rm e}^{{\rm i} (k-ℓ) θ_j}] +
Σ_n[{\rm e}^{{\rm i} (ℓ-k) θ_j}] + Σ_n[{\rm e}^{{\rm i} (-k-ℓ) θ_j}] =
Problem 1.3⋆ (B) Consider the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
C_n := \begin{bmatrix}
\sqrt{1/n} \\
& \sqrt{2/n} \\
&&& \sqrt{2/n}
1 & ⋯ & 1\\
\cos θ_1 & ⋯ & \cos θ_n \\
⋮ & ⋱ & ⋮ \\
\cos (n-1)θ_1 & ⋯ & \cos (n-1)θ_n
for $θ_j = π(j-1/2)/n$. Prove that $C_n$ is orthogonal: $C_n^⊤ C_n = C_n C_n^⊤ = I$.
Hint: $C_n C_n^⊤ = I$ might be easier to show than $C_n^⊤ C_n = I$ using the previous problem.
1 & ⋯ & 1\\
\cos θ_1 & ⋯ & \cos θ_n \\
⋮ & ⋱ & ⋮ \\
\cos (n-1)θ_1 & ⋯ & \cos (n-1)θ_n
Here is a computer-based demonstration:
θ = range(π/(2n); step=π/n, length=n) # n evenly spaced points starting at π/(2n) with step size π/n
C = Diagonal([1/sqrt(n); fill(sqrt(2/n), n-1)]) * [cos((k-1)*θ[j]) for k=1:n, j=1:n]
10×10 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 3.18525e-17 -1.9692e-17 … -1.04161e-18 1.59817e-16
3.18525e-17 1.0 3.15615e-17 1.94168e-16 -3.39467e-16
-1.9692e-17 3.15615e-17 1.0 3.4151e-17 4.29005e-17
1.46173e-17 6.18906e-17 -8.71939e-17 -4.8386e-16 2.37214e-16
-3.83754e-17 1.23093e-16 -7.59471e-17 -5.04681e-17 3.96805e-16
1.29409e-16 -1.73389e-16 2.77887e-17 … 3.22809e-16 -8.83356e-16
1.81485e-16 -2.80487e-16 7.24884e-17 4.9429e-16 3.05676e-16
2.77165e-17 -8.61478e-17 3.11149e-16 2.14724e-16 -2.17458e-16
-1.04161e-18 1.94168e-16 3.4151e-17 1.0 -7.06392e-18
1.59817e-16 -3.39467e-16 4.29005e-17 -7.06392e-18 1.0
Problem 1.4 (B) A function with a jump does not have uniformly
converging coefficients. Plot interpolant for ${\rm sign}(θ-1/2)$.
Conjecture where the approximation converges. (This is known as
Gibb’s phenomena.) Note This is non-examinable as it is computer-based.
Problem 2.1⋆ (B) Show that $Q_{2n}$ can also be reduced to $Q_n$ applied
to two vectors.
3. Orthogonal polynomials¶
Problem 3.1 (B) Construct $p_0(x),p_1(x),p_2(x),p_3(x)$, monic OPs
for the weight $\sqrt{1-x^2}$ on $[-1,1]$.
Hint: first compute $\int_{-1}^1 x^k \sqrt{1-x^2} {\rm d} x$ for $0 ≤ k ≤ 2$
using a change-of-variables.
Problem 3.2 (C, 3-term recurrence, 1st form)
Show that if $\{p_n\}$ are OPs then there exist real constants $A_n ≠ 0$, $B_n$, and C_n$
p_1(x) &= (A_0 x + B_0) p_0(x) \\
p_{n+1}(x) &= (A_n x + B_n) p_n(x) – C_n p_{n-1}(x)
Write this as a lower triangular linear system, given $p_0(x) = c$:
L_x \begin{bmatrix} p_0(x) \\ \vdots \\ p_{n-1}(x) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} c \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}
Problem 3.3 (B) Show that if $f(x)$ is a degree $n-1$ polynomial
f(x) = [p_0(x) | ⋯ | p_{n-1}(x)] \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} c_0 \\ \vdots \\ c_{n-1} \end{bmatrix}}_{\bf c}
then evaluation at a point can be recast as inverting an upper triangular system
(Clenshaw’s algorithm):
f(x) = 𝐞_1^⊤ U_x^{-1} {\bf c}.
Problem If $w(-x) = w(x)$ for a weight supported on $[-b,b]$ show that $a_n = 0$.
Hint: first show that the (monic) polynomials $p_{2n}(x)$ are even and $p_{2n+1}(x) are odd.
Note that $p_0(x)$ is even. $a_0$ is zero:
⟨p_0,x p_0(x)⟩ = \int_{-b}^b x w(x) {\rm d} x = 0
which shows that
p_1(x) = xp_0(x)
is odd. We now proceed by induction. We have:
⟨p_{2n},x p_{2n}(x)⟩ = \int_{-b}^b x w(x) p_{2n}(x)^2 {\rm d} x = 0
since $x w(x) p_{2n}(x)^2$ is odd$. Meanwhile. This show that if $p{2n}$ and
$p{2n-1}(x)$ is odd then
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