Programming in C++
Type Conversions, Exceptions
CE221 Part 10
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Type Conversion 1
We have seen that it is possible to convert between types by creating new objects using type conversion constructors. However we often wish to treat a pointer or a reference to an object of one type as a pointer or reference to an object of a subtype.
In Java we might use a loop of the form
for (Person p:myList)
if (p instanceof Student)
to print the registration numbers of all students in a list of persons; we use down-casting to treat a reference to a person as a reference to a student.
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Type Conversion 2
In C++ we can use a similar syntax; this is known as C-style casting. If we know that all of the members of myList are students (where myList is of type List
for (List
it != myList.end(); it++) { Person *p = *it;
cout << ((Student*)p->regNo() << endl;
Note that this type of casting only works with pointers and references; also we had to use a list of pointers since a list of objects of type Person cannot hold objects of derived classes.
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Type Conversion 3
When C-style casting is used no type-checking whatsoever is performed either by the compiler or at runtime, so if any of the objects in the list in the code on the previous slide was not a student the behaviour of the program would be unpredictable and almost certainly incorrect.
Because of the total lack of type-checking the use of C-style casting in C++ is discouraged; C++ instead provides type- casting operators that do perform some type-checking; these include static_cast and dynamic_cast.
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static_cast 1
The static_cast operator can be used to convert between types in situations where the compiler regards it as reasonable to do so. Permitted static casts include down-casting from pointers or references to base class objects to pointers or references to derived class objects, and also conversions between numeric types
The syntax for a static cast is static_cast
We could replace the output line of the code fragment on slide 3 with
cout << static_cast
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static_cast 2
When static_cast is used no runtime checking is performed so, as before, if the pointer p on the previous slide did not point to a student the behaviour of the program would be unpredictable and almost certainly incorrect.
The compiler will however check that the type conversion is reasonable; for example, an attempt to cast a pointer to a person to a pointer to a date would be rejected.
As in Java when both operands of / are of integer type the result of the operator is of integer type. To obtain a real-number average from an integer total and an integer count we could use
double average = static_cast
The compiler will generate code to convert between integer and real-number representations.
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dynamic_cast 1
The dynamic_cast operator can be used to treat a pointer or reference to a base class object as a pointer or reference to a derived class object, with run-time type checking being performed.
In the case of pointer conversion the result of the operation will be a null pointer if the cast is invalid; in the case of reference conversion an exception of type bad_cast would be thrown.
C++ has no instanceof operator, but we can check if a person is a student by examining the outcome of an attempted dynamic cast. Two versions of C++ code to perform the same task as the Java code on slide 2 are presented on the next slide; one uses pointers and the other uses references.
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catch (bad_cast b) {}
dynamic_cast 2
// first version
for (List
it != myList.end(); it++)
{ Student* s = dynamic_cast
cout << s->regNo() << endl;
// second version
for (List
it != myList.end(); it++)
{ cout << dynamic_cast
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Exceptions 1
It is often the case that the handling of an error needs to be done in a different part of the program than the place where it is detected. For example if something goes wrong when a function is called the caller may want to display an appropriate message.
The detector of the error needs to indicate in some way that an error has occurred. This could be done using a global flag (e.g. if (x<0) error = true;) or by returning a special value (e.g. if (x<0) return -99999;), but the preferred approach is to throw an exception (e.g. if (x<0) throw tantrum();)
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Exceptions 2
C++'s approach to exception handling uses try and catch blocks in the same way as Java. An exception should normally be an object whose type is either exception (as defined in the header file
The exception class has a public member function called what that will return a C-string containing a description of the exception.
The header file
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Exceptions 3
logic_error runtime_error
domain_error out_of_range
bad_alloc bad_cast bad_type_id bad_exception
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Exceptions 4
The two subclasses of the exception class, runtime_error and logic_error, have constructors that take a constant reference to a string as an argument; the inherited what function will return, as a C-string, the string which was supplied when the object was created.
When a user wishes to create his own exception classes the usual practice is to use one of these as the base class.
The former should be used when the error is of a nature that could not be prevented by the programmer (e.g. failure to open a file) whereas the former should be used if the programmer could have prevented it (e.g. index out of range).
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Exceptions 5
If we wish to write a named exception class that behaves in the same way as one of these classes we would simply use something like
class MyException: public runtime_error { public:
MyException(const string &s):
runtime_exception(s) {}
This allows users to write catch blocks that just catch occurrences of MyException, for example.
try{ ……… }
catch (MyException e)
{ cout << "Caught exception: " << e.what();
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Exceptions 6
In many applications we may wish to generate message strings containing some fixed text and additional text supplied as an argument to the exception constructor.
class StudentException: public logic_error
StudentException(const string& s): logic_error("Student problem: " + s)
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Exceptions 7
If we need to generate a message string that cannot be created in an expression that can be used in an initialiser list we should instead store the string as a private data member and redefine the what function to return it.
class StudentException: public exception
{ private char mess[100];
StudentException(const string &s): { // generate message in mess
const char *what() const
{ return mess;
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Exceptions 8
The use of try, catch and throw is the same as in Java:
int myFunc(int n)
{ if (n<0) throw MyException("n is negative");
......... }
{ x = myFunc(y);
......... }
catch(MyException e)
{ cout << "Invalid argument to myfunc:" <<
e.what() << endl;
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Exceptions 9
As in Java we can specify which classes of exceptions could potentially be thrown by a function. C++, however, has no throws keyword, so throw is used with the following syntax:
int myFunc(int n) throw (MyException, HisEx) { if (n==0) throw MyException("n is zero");
if (n<0) throw HisEx(n);
Observe that parentheses are always used, even if there is only one exception class in the list.
Unlike Java there is no concept of checked and unchecked exceptions so the choice of whether to use an exception-list in a declaration is left to the programmer.
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Exceptions 10
Since a function with a throw list can call another function defined in a separate file that has no throw list the compiler is unable to check that the function throws only the listed exceptions.
Hence the use of throw lists is now generally discouraged.
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Exceptions 11
We can use throw() in the declaration to indicate that the function will not throw an exception. Again this does not however guarantee that an exception will not be thrown since the compiler is unable to check whether any calls made inside the function body to functions written in a separate file can potentially throw exceptions.
If a function does try to propagate an exception that was thrown by a called function but is not listed in its throw-clause an exception of type bad_exception will be thrown instead.
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Exceptions 12
As in Java we can use catch(exception e) to catch all exceptions that derive from exception; this will not however catch any exceptions that are not objects derived from this class.
The variable e would just hold the inherited part of the class, so if the exception is of a class that has, for example, overwritten
the what member of exception a call to e.what() would use the base class version, not the derived class version.
A catch block headed catch(...) will catch anything that is thrown, but since this may be an object of any type, or even a primitive or pointer, we cannot examine it within the block. (The ... is part of the syntax, i.e. exactly three dots without any spaces.)
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