代写代考 COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms

Homework 3
COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms
Francisco Ferreira and Mc : School of Computer Science
Due Date: 3 November 2017

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Your homework is due at the beginning of class on Nov 3, 2017. All code files must be submitted electronically using my courses. Your program must compile. Solutions should correct (i.e. produce the correct result), be elegant and compact, and take advantage of OCaml’s pattern matching. Please consult the style guides posted on the course website to get more information regarding what constitutes good style.
This assignment contains several optional questions, these are meant to let you prac- tice, the model solutions will contain their answers. It also allows you to get some extra credit. If you have questions when solving them you can always ask during office hours! Solving them should be a great way of learning!
In this question we will practice with higher-order functions by discussing the function unfold. The function unfold takes a value that will generate a list. This is in contrast to fold_left and fold_right which both take lists to generate a value. The relation between folds and unfolds is the beginning of a wonderful tale in computer science. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
The function unfold takes three arguments: 1) a function f that from a seed value generates a new element of the list together with the seed for the next element, 2) a function stop to stop the generation, and 3) the current seed value b.
The implementation is straightforward. Unless the stop function indicates us to stop, use the generator function f to generate a new element together with the next seed to recursively generate elements of the list.
let rec unfold (f : ’seed -> (’a * ’seed)) (stop : ’b -> bool) (b : ’seed) : ’a list = if stop b then []
else let x, b’ = f b in
x :: (unfold f stop b’)
With this function it is easy to generate all the natural numbers up to a certain point. The generator function simply returns the seed, and increments the next seed in the fol- lowing manner:

let nats max = unfold (fun b -> b, b + 1) (fun b -> max < b) 0 A couple of warm-up questions. Using unfold write the following functions: Q1.1 (5 points) let evens (max : int): int list = ... returns a list of successive even numbers starting with 0. Q1.2 (10 points) The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of integers that starts with two 1s, and then each successive number is the addition of the previous two. The beginning of the sequences is: 1,1,2,3,5,8,12,.... Write a function let fib (max : int): int list = ... that returns a list of Fibonacci numbers that are smaller than max. Pascal’s triangle is a number triangle with numbers arranged in staggered rows such that it contains binomial coefficient. We show Pascal’s triangle below in Figure 1. 11 121 1331 14641 Figure 1: Pascal’s triangle In general, a row n in Pascal’s triangle may be constructed from row n − 1 in the following manner: the first element in row n is simply the first element of row n − 1, or more precisely 0 + 1; the second element in row n can be obtained by adding the first and second element in row n − 1; etc. In general, the i-the element in row n is obtained by adding the (i − 1)-th element and the i-th element in row n − 1. Q1.3 (10 points) Write a function let pascal (max : int): int list list =. .. that re- turns the list of rows of the Pascal triangle that are shorter than max. Q1.4 – Optional [ Extra Credit 10 points] And, finally, consider the function zip that takes two lists and returns a tuple of elements from each list. It is precisely defined by this recursive function: let rec zip (l1 : ’a list) (l2 : ’b list) : (’a * ’b) list = match l1, l2 with | [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> []
| x::xs, y::ys -> (x, y):: zip xs ys
There is a nice short implementation of this function using unfold, write that function. 2

Q2. Fleeting memories of values past (30pts)
In this question we will practice higher-order functions, references, and closures. As we saw in class, in OCaml functions are values, and as such they can be passed as parameters and returned from functions. Let’s consider, as in the notes, very slow computations. In particular the ugly computation implemented in this function:
let ugly x =
let rec ackermann m n = match (m , n) with
| 0 , n -> n+1
| m , 0 -> ackermann (m-1) 1
| m , n -> ackermann (m-1) (ackermann m (n-1))
ackermann 3 x
This computation grows very quickly, and it gets slow very soon. In this question we will write a higher-order function that tries to mitigate that.
The idea is to write a function that accepts the slow function as a parameter, and caches the recently used input values and results. Let’s consider the trivial function that caches exactly zero results:
let memo_zero (f : ’a -> ’b) : ’a -> ’b = f let ugly’ = memo_zero ugly
If we call that function with ugly (that we defined above) it returns a function that behaves exactly like ugly. In fact this function does not help at all. The purpose of this exercise is to write a function that remembers the last result of the computation, and if it is called with the same input it returns the cached result instead of recomputing it. This is often referred to as memoization.
Q2.1 (15 points) Write the function memo_one. It takes a function f as a parameter and returns a function that when given an input x computes f x and stores in a reference both the current input x together with the return value f x, i.e. it store the pair consisting of x and the return value f x. Subsequently, it tries to avoid recomputing the value by returning the cached value when called on repeated inputs.
The caching should work as follows:
let ugly’ = memo_one ugly
let u1 = ugly’ 3 (∗ this one calls ugly with 3 ∗)
let u2 = ugly’ 3 (∗ this one uses the stored value ∗)
let u3 = ugly’ 1 (∗ the stored value is for 3 so it calls ugly ∗) let u4 = ugly’ 2 (∗ the stored value is for 1 so it calls ugly ∗)
UPDATED: 31 Oct 2017: If memo_one is given an input y which is different from the value x, it will update the current input-output pair to store the new current input y together with the new output value f y. See example output below.

let u5 = ugly’ 10 (∗ the stored value is for 2 so it calls ugly and takes a couple of seconds ∗) let u6 = ugly’ 10 (∗ the one uses the stored value and returns immediately ∗)
Having only one value stored is not enough. Next, we want to generalize to remember- ing an arbitrary number of past results.
Q2.2 (15 points) Write let memo_many (n : int)(f : ’a -> ’b): ’a -> ’b = … that be- haves like memo_one except that it remembers the last n values. To store the values you can use a list of references of the appropriate length. If you feel adventurous you can learn and use OCaml arrays that are described in https://caml.inria.fr/pub/ docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Array.html.
Q3. Ouroboros, alchemy and archetype (45pts)
The notes describe reference lists, that is a list that contains a mutable reference to the tail of the list. In this question we explore a doubly linked list, that is a list with forward and backward pointers. Having both pointers helps by making the traversal of the list easier. Taking advantage of the double links we want to write a circular list where the last node points to the first and vice-versa. These kinds of data structures are common in audio processing libraries, where audio buffers are often implemented as circular buffers. Addi- tionally, representing some board games might take advantage of circular lists. Consider representing a Monopoly board for example!
To illustrate, we can draw doubly-linked circular list as follows:
We define circular lists using a record with three fields. The field p contains the location of the previous cell, the field data contains the data we store, and the field n contains the location of the next cell. We declare both the field p and n to be mutable which means these fields can be updated by assigning them a new value.
type ’a cell = { mutable p : ’a cell; data : ’a ; mutable n : ’a cell} type ’a circlist = ’a cell option
Let’s start with some examples. Empty lists are very simple, and they are just setting the option type to None:
UPDATED: 31 Oct 2017: Please use a first-in-first-out strategy to manage the buffer which stores n input-output pairs.

(∗ An empty circular list ∗)
let empty :’a circlist = None
Another important function is the one that creates the singleton list. Observe how we recursively define pointer by setting both p and n to itself!
(∗ A singleton list that contains a single element ∗) let singl (x : ’a) : ’a circlist =
let rec pointer = {p = pointer ; data = x ; n = pointer} in Some pointer
Because of the circularity, we can always follow the pointers in the next and previous directions. The following two functions return a list that starts with the next and previous nodes respectively:
(∗ Move to the next element ∗)
let next : ’a circlist -> ’a circlist = function
| None -> None
| Some cl -> Some (cl.n)
(∗ Move to the previous element ∗)
let prev : ’a circlist -> ’a circlist = function
| None -> None
| Some cl -> Some (cl.p)
Note that we access the field p (or n) of a record c1 by simply writing c1.p (or c1.n). Since both fields are declared mutable, we can update them. For example, to write the location of c1.n into the field c1.p, we write c1.p <- c1.n. let l1 = Some let l2 = cons 5 l1 results in: Some Figure 2: Adding an element to a circular list Q3.1 (15 points) Write the function let cons (x : ’a)(xs : ’a circlist): ’a circlist =... that adds an element to the circular list. This element should be inserted right before current head of xs (i.e.: using the previous pointer in the node). Figure 2 contains an illustration of how cons modifies a circular list. This is the analogous of the :: operator for regular lists. Q3.2 (10 points) Write the function let rec length : ’a circlist -> int =… that re- turns the number of cell nodes in a list.
UPDATED: 31 Oct 2017: Once, you have implemented cons you can use the provided function from_list to turn a list of elements into a circular list. Note however, that from_list builds up the circular list in reverse order.

Q3.3 (10 points) Write the function let to_list : ’a circlist -> ’a list =… that con- verts a circular list into a regular OCaml list.
Q3.4 (10 points) Write the function let rev (l : ’a circlist): ’a circlist =… that reverses the directions of the circular list. As a result the lists produced by to_list should be reversed.
Q3.5 OPTIONAL [Extra Credit 5 points]
Write the function let map (f : ’a -> ’b): ’a circlist -> ’ b circlist =… that maps a function to a circular list in an analogous way to List.map.
Q3.6 OPTIONAL [Extra Credit 15 points]
Writethefunctionlet eq (l1 : ’a circlist)(l2 : ’a circlist): bool =…thatcom- pares two lists. In particular we want the following properties to hold of equality:
1. Given a list l it is always the case that eq l (next l)= true
2. Given a list l it is always the case that eq l (prev l)= true
3. Lists with different lengths may be equal if their contents go together one by one.
UPDATED: 31 Oct 2017: Note that from_list, the function we provide to turn a list into a circular list, builds up the circular list in reverse order. Hence, to_list (from_list [1;2;3;4]) returns [4;3;2;1].
is equal to
is equal to F
Figure 3: Equality of repeating lists
See diagrams in Figure 3 for reference. The idea is that equality is independent or rotation, and independent or repeating patterns as long as they correspond one to one. This is a challenging question, you can consider starting without the third constraint for equality.

Remember that all these functions need to preserve the invariant that lists are circular, so following the pointers in either direction should eventually bring you back to the same node. All functions need to be implemented using the circular list representation, for example you are not allowed to use the functions to_list and from_list.
Acknowledgments: Many thanks to Fran ̧cois Thir ́e and his assignments from ENS Cachan that were an inspiration for these questions!

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