CS计算机代考程序代写 300144 Object Oriented Analysis 300888 Object Oriented Analysis (Advanced)

300144 Object Oriented Analysis 300888 Object Oriented Analysis (Advanced)
Tutorial 5 – Use Case & Activity Diagrams (Week 6)
Student Name: ______________________________________ Student ID: ______________________________________ Tutorial Class: ______________________________________
Instructions to students –
• Attempt all questions
• This Tutorial will contribute to your final assessment mark
• The Tutor will check your solutions when you are finished
• BICT (Advanced) students need to complete optional questions.

Project Work 5:
1. The actors and use cases identified in your previous project work should now be put together into use case diagrams using Microsoft Visio or other CASE tools.
2. Your use case diagrams should be named to represent a “subject area” of the system, with the “subject area” including a collection of related use cases and actors.
3. Since actors and use cases can repeat themselves in various diagrams, it is expected that there will be TWO to FOUR use case diagrams per package. This means that a total of at least EIGHT use case diagrams should be drawn for the four main packages of the project. Use case diagrams should be created underneath corresponding packages.
4. It is normal to find additional actors and use cases at this stage. If discovered, some of them (important ones) should be documented using appropriate templates, as described in the previous project work.
5. Note: You will be able to document use cases and create good use case diagrams by following the activities and tasks described in Requirements modelling process-component of Bhuvan’s book, Chapter 3 Process, prioritisation and package diagrams of the textbook.
6. Try to show the actor hierarchies in one use case diagram of each package.
7. Provide relevant stereotypes for use cases in the use case diagrams. Add detailed notes in all use case diagrams to provide additional explanation.
8. Ensure that you have used both <> and <> relationships in your use case diagrams when necessary.
9. Identify TWO or more use cases for EACH package that should have a corresponding activity diagram. Draw two activity diagrams for each package (Exercise 10 & 11).
10. Draw an activity diagram based on the flows of one use case.
11. Draw the other activity diagram that covers two or more use cases.
12. Add notes to the two activity diagrams to provide further explanation. You should also use partition, decision point, fork/join when necessary in the activity diagrams.

Tutorial Exercises:
1. Explain what objects a use case diagram may include and the importance of use case diagrams.
2. What are the main functions of Activity Diagrams?