300144 Object Oriented Analysis 300888 Object Oriented Analysis (Advanced)
Tutorial 4 – Actors & Use Cases (Week 5)
Student Name: ______________________________________ Student ID: ______________________________________ Tutorial Class: ______________________________________
Instructions to students –
• Attempt all questions
• This Tutorial will contribute to your final assessment mark
• The Tutor will check your solutions when you are finished
• BICT (Advanced) students need to complete optional questions.
Project Work:
It is crucial that you already have a team as well as have been assigned to a package to work with. If you do not have both above things, you must contact your tutor ASAP to have it fixed.
1. Identify actors for the Western Sydney COVID-19 Vaccine Centre (minimum five actors per package based on the packages identified in project work of Week 3). This will result in identifying minimum five actors per student, as one student is the primary owner of one package. Please note that all students in the team should discuss together regarding to the list of actors as some actors could be associated with multiple packages.
2. Document all important and complex actors using the actor documentation template given in the lecture notes (Lecture 4). Save your work in a WORD file (the refined version will be integrated in the final project report).
3. Discuss with your group members to identify use cases for your system. This can be done by “play-acting” the actors and raise queries about how they are going to use the system.
4. Identify a basic list of use cases for your package. There is a requirement of creating at least five use cases per package. For a team of four students, at least total of 20 use cases should be documented. Do note that this list may contain include and extend use cases.
5. Document TWO use cases per package (per student) based on your above work. The use case documentation should contain at least Use Case Thumbnail, Use Case Description, Stereotype and Package, Actors, Pre-condition, Post-condition, Normal Flow and Alternative Flow. Save you work in a WORD file (the refined version will be integrated in the final project report).
6. The process of documenting these use cases will lead to refinement of actors, as is expected.
Tutorial Exercises:
1. Can an indirect actor be a primary actor?
2. Briefly explain strengths and weaknesses of use cases.
3. Show the actor hierarchy in GWREMS.
4. (Optional) Explain importance of documenting use cases