程序代写 data_structures


Exercises: Python Data Structures¶
Work through the notebook, finding the answers to the questions programatically and assigning the values to the given variable names (don’t change these names). Some questions will incorporate the answers found in previous questions.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

You will find instructions below about how to define each variable.

Once you’re happy with your code, submit your notebook to KATE to see how you have done!

The following variables are assigned values below:

letters (a randomly-ordered list of the 26 single lower-case alphabetical characters)

storm_names(a string of alphabetically-ordered names separated by , each name with a unique upper-case first letter)

wind_speeds (a list of integers representing the maximum speed in mph of storms which have already happened)

You should write your code on the assumption that these variables could be assigned different values of the same type (as shown in the parentheses above) and still work to find the answers appropriate for those given values.

KATE expects your code to define variables with specific names that correspond to certain things we are interested in.

KATE will run your notebook from top to bottom and check the latest value of those variables, so make sure you don’t overwrite them.

Remember to uncomment the line assigning the variable to your answer and don’t change the variable or function names.
Use copies of the original or previous DataFrames to make sure you do not overwrite them by mistake.

You will find instructions below about how to define each variable.

Once you’re happy with your code, upload your notebook to KATE to check your feedback.

letters = [‘q’, ‘w’, ‘e’, ‘r’, ‘t’, ‘y’, ‘u’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘p’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’, \
‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘z’, ‘x’, ‘c’, ‘v’, ‘b’, ‘n’, ‘m’]

storm_names = ‘Atiyah, Brendan, Clara, Dennis, Ellen, Francis, Gerda, Hugh, Iris, Jan, \
Kitty, Liam, Maura, Noah, Olivia, Piet, Roisin, Samir, Tara, Vince, Willow’

wind_speeds = [65, 77, 94, 102, 85]

Q1. Use the .split() method to create a list called storm_list from the storm_names string.

Each item in the list should be the name only, without any spaces or commas within each pair of quotation marks:

# Add your code below
# storm_list = …

Q2. Use slice notation:


to retrieve the storm names from storm_list which are in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th positions in the list (i.e. those beginning with A, C, E, G and I). Remember that Python uses zero-based indexing, so the first storm name is at position [0]. Assign the list to the storms_slice variable.

The first answer on this page of Stack Overflow (a resource you are likely to find very useful as you learn and work with Python!) has a very good explanation of the slice syntax.

# Add your code below
# storms_slice = …

Q3. Use the Python sorted() function to create a list called alphabet from the letters list, where the values are in alphabetical order.

The reason we suggest using the sorted() function here rather than the .sort() list method is that sorted() automatically creates a copy of letters, whereas .sort() sorts ‘inplace’, i.e. the original list would be modified rather than a new list created.

# Add your code below
# alphabet = …

Q4. Find the index of the letter ‘d’ in the list alphabet and assign it to the variable index_d:

# Add your code below
# index_d = …

Q5. How many names are there in storm_list? Assign your answer to number_of_names:

# Add your code below
# number_of_names = …

Q6. What’s the 17th storm name in storm_list? Assign your answer to storm_17:

# Add your code below
# storm_17 = …

Q7. Notice that there is no entry in storm_list that begins with ‘Q'(which is the 17th letter of the alphabet).

Write some code which creates a copy of the storm_list variable called storm_list_extra. Next write some code which adds the name Quentin to the end of this new list.

Hint: use the .copy() method to create storm_list_extra.

# Add your code below
# storm_list_extra = …

Q8. On reflection, appending a new value to the list was not the best approach as the resulting list is no longer alphabetical.

We could sort the list, but it would be better to have inserted Quentin in the 17th position (since ‘Q’ is the 17th letter in the alphabet).

Let’s fix this mistake. First, create another copy of storm_list called storm_list_redux (note that is it useful we didn’t change the original list!). Next, use the .insert() method to insert Quentin into the 17th position.

Hint: recall that lists and other Python objects are typically indexed at 0

# Add your code below
# storm_list_redux = …

Q9. What’s the average of the values in the wind_speedslist?

Assign your answer to avg_max_wind. You may find the len() and sum() functions useful, although feel free to not to if you have another way:

# Add your code below
# avg_max_wind = …

Q10. The wind_speeds list gives us data for all the storms in storm_list that have happened so far, starting from the name beginning with A. Write some code to assign to next_storm what the name of the next storm will be:

# Add your code below
# next_storm = …

Q11. If wind_speeds contains values for the storms which have happened so far, write some code that uses list indexing to create a list of the storms in storm_list which have not yet happened.

Note that the next_storm identified above, should be the first element in the list.

Assign this list to the variable remaining_storms:

# Add your code below
# remaining_storms = …

Q12. Which storm has had the highest wind speed?

Assign your answer to windiest_storm. You may find the Python max() function useful, along with the .index list method:

# Add your code below
# windiest_storm = …

Q13. It is predicted that the final five names in storm_list will not be used this year. Create a list called unused_names which contains only these names and then reverse the order of the names (so that the entry beginning with W comes first):

# Add your code below
# unused_names = …

Q14. Create a dictionary called storm_dict where the keys are from storm_list and the values are the corresponding values from wind_speeds.

It should only contain key:value pairs for the storms which have already occurred, i.e. the number of key:value pairs should be equal to the number of elements in wind_speeds.

There are various ways to do this and you’re free to choose, but one way could involve using the Python dict() and zip() functions (see the documentation); can you work out from the documentation how this could be achieved?

# Add your code below
# storm_dict = …

Q15. The values associated with a dictionary key can be found by using the dict[‘key’] syntax, but this returns an error if the key doesn’t exist.

An alternative is to use the dictionary .get() method. This provides a way of returning a default value if the given key doesn’t exist in the dictionary.

Use the .get() method to see if the dictionary storm_dict contains the storm Andrew. If the dictionary does not contain Andrew, specify that .get() should return the string No storm with that name.

Assign the output of .get() to a variable called andrew_storm.

# Add your code below
# andrew_storm = …

Q16. Earlier we identified the next storm name and assigned it to next_storm; this storm has now happened and the maximum wind speed was 98 mph.

Create a new dictionary called new_storm_dict as a .copy() of our storm_dict. Then add an additional key:value pair of next_storm : 98

Note that next_storm is a variable that we previously defined.

# Add your code below
# new_storm_dict = …

Q17. We want to find the maximum wind speed across all the storms of new_storm_dict.

Use the .values() method to extract all the wind speeds in new_storm_dict and convert them to a list with the list() function.

Next, use the max() function to find the maximum speed and assign it to a variable called max_speed.

# Add your code below
# max_speed = …

Q18. Finally, we are told that the original information we were given was wrong and the speed of storm Brendan should have been 72 rather than 77.

We need to create a new dictionary, updated_dict, based on new_storm_dict with the correct information.

Create updated_dict as a copy of new_storm_dict, then update the information for Brendan to be 72.

# Add your code below
# updated_dict = …

Further practice¶
If you have time, have a go at repeating this exercise with some different data and using different techniques.

Make a copy of this notebook and copy-paste the new data from below in place of the original data in the second cell (it has been commented out below to prevent any accidental overwriting of your variables in this notebook).

First of all, see if your original code runs with the new data without throwing any errors; all of your code cells should produce new values for the requested variables. If you get errors, come back to the original notebook and make changes so that your code is more robust and works with both sets of values.

Then, for any questions where your working has involved more than one line of code, see if you can find an alternative, more succinct approach to the problem.

storm_names = ‘Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby, Ernesto, Florence, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, \
Kirk, Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sandy, Tony, Valerie, William’

letters = [‘m’, ‘n’, ‘b’, ‘v’, ‘c’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, \
‘p’, ‘o’, ‘i’, ‘u’, ‘y’, ‘t’, ‘r’, ‘e’, ‘w’, ‘q’]

wind_speeds = [99, 78, 85, 107, 114, 94, 89, 121, 108]

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com