CS代写 module TseitinSpec

module TseitinSpec

import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

import Data.List (find)
import qualified Tseitin
import qualified Prop as P
import CNF

import Parser (parse)

tests :: Spec
tests = do
describe “tseitin” $ do
it “has correct lit case” $ do
let And ands = Tseitin.equisat $ P.Lit 0
length ands @?= 1
ands @?= [Or [Lit 0]]
it “has correct neg case” $ do
let And ands = Tseitin.equisat $ P.Neg (P.Lit 0)
length ands @?= 3

find (== Or [Lit 1]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 1])
find (== Or [Lit 1, Lit 0]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 1, Lit 0])
find (== Or [Neg 0, Neg 1]) ands @?= Just (Or [Neg 0, Neg 1])
it “has correct conjunct case” $ do
let And ands = Tseitin.equisat $ (P.Lit 0 P.:&: P.Lit 1)
length ands @?= 4

find (== Or [Lit 2]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 2])
find (== Or [Lit 2, Neg 1, Neg 0]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 2, Neg 1, Neg 0])
find (== Or [Lit 1, Neg 2]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 1, Neg 2])
find (== Or [Lit 0, Neg 2]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 0, Neg 2])
it “has correct disjunct case” $ do
let And ands = Tseitin.equisat $ (P.Lit 0 P.:|: P.Lit 1)
length ands @?= 4

find (== Or [Lit 2]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 2])
find (== Or [Lit 2, Neg 1]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 2, Neg 1])
find (== Or [Lit 2, Neg 0]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 2, Neg 0])
find (== Or [Lit 1, Lit 0, Neg 2]) ands @?= Just (Or [Lit 1, Lit 0, Neg 2])
it “recurses correctly” $ do
let equisat str = let And ands = Tseitin.equisat . parse $ str
length (equisat “(a & b) | (c & d) | (e & f)”) @?= 16
length (equisat “(–a & —–b) | (c & d) | (e & f)”) @?= 30
length (equisat “-((a & b) | -((c | d) & (e & f)))”) @?= 20
length (equisat “-(-((c | d) & (e & f)) | (a & b))”) @?= 20

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