CS计算机代考程序代写 distributed system The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne
SWEN90004: Modelling Complex Software Systems Some solutions to Workshop Cx.05: Putting it all together
The intention of this tutorial exercise was primarily to stimulate discussion about the questions, rather than arrive at a particular solution. Below I have listed out some notes on the various components of the question; however, these should by no means be considered exhaustive or exclusive (ie, other correct responses are possible).
Hopefully this is of some use to those who didn’t make it to a tutorial though! 1. Getting started:
Which properties of a complex system does the “product adoption system” exhibit?
􏰆 distributed system: of users / customers
􏰆 decentralised: users make decisions based on local knowledge
􏰆 interaction between users: communication about products services 􏰆 emergent behaviour: uptake of particular products / services
Who could be interested in a model of product adoption?
􏰆 brands selling those particular products / services
􏰆 owners of social networking platforms on which this type of marketing occurs
What specific outputs would end-users of such a model be interested in?
􏰆 which products are likely to succeed
􏰆 what are the factors associated with successful vs unsuccessful products 􏰆 which users have greatest influence in driving uptake
What real world data could you use to validate a model of product adoption?
􏰆 historic data on product uptake;
􏰆 historic data on product value (eg share price of company)
􏰆 if this could be inferred from social media data, could also be linked with commu- nication about that product and patterns of connection amongst users
2. ODE model:
For which scenarios would this model be useful?
􏰆 where we have macro level behaviour to fit to, eg size of user / potential-user populations
What are some potential shortcomings of this model?

􏰆 doesn’t consider network effects: that some individuals may be far more influential than others
􏰆 doesn’t consider competition between alternative products (eg VHS vs Betamax— if anyone knows what that refers to anymore?! Facebook vs Google+)
3. Agent-based model:
What are the advantages of the Agent-based model over the ODE model?
􏰆 could capture heterogeneity in (a) individual preference/behaviour; (b) social net- work structure
􏰆 more complex to implement / explore; more data required to calibrate (potentially) How would you design this model?
􏰆 discuss user characteristics with stakeholders (eg companies / social media plat- forms)
􏰆 explore sources of data on individual level user behaviour / network structure What are the agents?
􏰆 users (potentially others, if we want to incorporate multiple products / companies into model)
What are the interactions?
􏰆 communication between users
Think about some of the key questions raised throughout the course about space, time, information, state updating, interaction, decision-making, emergence and experimenta- tion.
􏰆 space: could be spatial structure (grid), but network probably makes more sense
􏰆 time: synchronous / asynchronous: think generally about implementation decisions
that arise, what effect they may have
􏰆 information: how do agents display / observe preferences about products? how “observable” is this information?
􏰆 state updating: how do agents update their preferences? balancing intrinsic pref- erence against social norms (what neighbours are doing?)
􏰆 decision making: (as with state updating)
􏰆 emergence: how to measure / detect patterns in uptake that occur
􏰆 experimentation: baseline parameter sweeps
􏰆 possible questions: how could advertising campaigns be crafted to take advan- tage of network effects? eg: targeting influencers, making use of deliberatively “provocative” advertising (ie, that will be shared, even if raising negative opinion), etc.