CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm assembly mips CSEE W3827: Fundamentals of Computer Systems

CSEE W3827: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
Homework Assignment 3. Stephen Edwards. Columbia University
Due Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM EDT via Courseworks
Download and edit the .s files in the hw3.zip file. Edit and make them work in the SPIM simulator http://spimsimulator. sourceforge.net/ as discussed in class. Package your modified .s files in a .zip file and upload them to Courseworks to submit them. Do not rename the .s files. This time, you do not need to annotate or submit this file (hw3.pdf).
1. (25 pts.) In the SPIM simulator in MIPS assembly, write the tri 3. routine in the tri.s skeleton to make it print a triangle. The height of the triangle will be given in $a0, and will be between 1
and 40 inclusive. For the first three tests, the included test harness should print
Testing itri with 1
Test complete
Testing itri with 2
* /*\
Test complete
Testing itri with 5
Test complete
2. (30 pts.) In the SPIM simulator in MIPS assembly, implement the standard C function strspn:
size_t strspn(const char *s, const char *accept)
This returns the length (in bytes) of the initial segment of the string s that consists entirely of characters that appear somewhere in the zero-terminated accept string.
Start from the strspn.s template.
Your function must obey MIPS calling conventions. On the supplied test harness, your code should print
strspn(“Hello World!”, “Hloe”) = 5
strspn(“Hello World!”, “H Wdelor”) = 11
strspn(“Hello World!”, “!H Wdelor”) = 12
strspn(“Hello World!”, “HHHHHHllllooo”) = 1
strspn(“Hello World!”, “HHHHHHoooeeeelll”) = 5
strspn(“Hello World!”, “HHHHHHoooeeeelll Wrld!”) = 12
strspn(“”, “Hello World!”) = 0
strspn(“Hello World!”, “”) = 0
strspn(“Hello World!”, “Hello World!”) = 12
strspn(“Hello World!”, “HelWrld!”) = 4
strspn(“”, “”) = 0
(45 pts.) Dragon curves are self-similar fractals that can be approximated recursively. Modify the dragon.s file by writing a recursive function called dragon that outputs a dragon curve of a given or- der in SVG format. Here’s an order 6 dragon curve generated by my solution:
Below is pseudocode for the dragon curve algorithm written for “turtle graphics,” in which the “turtle” has a current point and di- rection and can either move forward, drawing a line, or turn in place. Note that in the algorithm, sign is either 1 or −1, so the turtle only ever turns 90◦ or −90◦.
procedure DRAGON(order, sign) if order = 0 then
Move forward
DRAGON(order−1,1) Turn 90◦ × sign DRAGON(order−1,−1)
SVG is an XML-based text format for vector graphics. For this assigment, you only need to know that its paths can be expressed as a series of horizontal and vertical line segments. For example, h-10 means “draw a horizontal segment 10 pixels to the left” and v5 means “draw a vertical line segment 5 pixels down.”
Here is the order 3 dragon, which consists of 8 line segments, and its corresponding SVG file:

The provided skeleton includes a test harness that prints out every- thing but the various horizontal and vertical segments of the “d” attribute of the path. Don’t change anything in the main function except for the order number.
Keep the current direction of the turtle, coded as a byte with values 0, 1, 2, and 3, in the global variable in memory direction. To move forward, print a string from the dirs array of string pointers, which contain strings encoding the four compass directions in SVG, in- dexed by direction. To turn, update the direction byte according to the sign argument (passed as a signed integer in register $a1).
Your solution needs to be recursive. You will have to store various registers (such as $ra) on the stack when your function is entered and restore them when you return. My solution was about 40 lines.
I debugged my code by writing the output of my program to a .svg file and previewed it with the Chrome browser. Inkscape can work, but the curves may appear outside the document area.