留学生代考 CSCI 576 Multimedia Class Project

Microsoft Word – ProjectFall2022

CSCI 576 Multimedia Class Project
Assigned – Oct 31st 2022

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Due date of demonstration – Dec 7th, 8th , 9th 2022

The course project is meant to give you an in depth understanding of some of the areas in multimedia
technology. Since this is a broad field, there can be a variety interesting projects that can be done
depending on your interests which can also extend to related and complementary topics that are taught in

I have often found that a large project can be successfully accomplished via collaboration. Additionally,
working together to design and integrate code can be a rewarding exercise and you will frequently need to
work in teams when you set out to work in the industry after graduation. Accordingly, please form groups
of three (or utmost four) students. We have started a discussion board to help you make groups, where
you may post your preferred language of implementation, availability etc. to choose your partner.

This time I want to suggest a topic that is an interesting application and extension of concepts that you
have learned through the lectures and assignments, specifically – block-based motion compensation,
background/foreground detection, graphics transformations, creating panoramas by image stitching etc.
At the heart of it is to detect foreground/background regions and objects per frame and create
intermediary data structures (like a panorama) which can then be used to create novel video applications.

Also – for this project, you are welcome to use any 3rd party libraries and can choose your own
programming environment(s) / language(s)

Generating novel videos assisted by Background-
Foreground Panorama Analysis

Given an input video, where the camera is panning in a local area, eg a sports event, the project involves
an analysis of the video frames to separate all the objects in motion from the background. With this
separation, the foreground elements can be extracted on a frame-by-frame basis. After the extraction a
composite of all the background areas of all the frames can be registered together to create a large
panorama. An example inputs and outputs with panoramas is shown below being built as frames start
getting processed.

Input video frames Generated background panorama
Foreground objects

for each frame

You might have correctly guessed that this is a hard problem to solve in general for all kinds of
videos. But my hope here is: given well constrained datasets, both artificial and real, you should be
able to experiment with this problem space and gain a good understanding of numerous
subproblems that routinely occur in many multimedia projects and problems. Each of these
subproblems can have different flavors of solutions. The project description and details give a
direction, but you are free to read, research, experiment with different ideas and approach the
problem in varying ways.

Ultimately, as outputs, you will assemble novel videos which were not seen before.

Inputs, Intermediary Outputs and Final Outputs of applications
Intermediary outputs are mentioned here along with final outputs because credit will be reserved for both.
Intermediary outputs will give you a fair indication of how well your process is working. You will need to
process, store and display both intermediary and final ouputs.

The input to your process will be a video (mp4 or rgb sequence) having the following naming convention
videoname_width_height_numofframes. Parsing the name should give you everything about the video if
you choose to use the rgb sequence. You may not need this parsing step if you are reading directly from
an mp4 reader. Here are a few instances.

GeneratePanorame.exe inputvideo_640_480_290.rgb
GeneratePanorame.exe inputvideo_640_480_290.mp4

The example above indicates that the video frames have a format of width 640 and height 480. There are
a total of 290 frames in the sequence. If using the .rgb files, the files will be named
inputvideo_640_480_290.001.rgb, inputvideo_640_480_290.002.rgb …

Example input video frames of an athlete running and performing a high jump is show video

Intermediary Outputs:
Credit will be reserved for showing intermediary outputs. Please process and store your intermediary
outputs as images or video as discussed below.

1. A generated panorama of the background with foreground elements removed. It is expected that
after removal of macroblocks that form foreground elements, there will be gaps (holes) in the
frame content. However, when the panorama is generated, these foreground holes should be
appropriately filled in from matching areas appearing in past/future frames. You are expected to
display your panorama as an image. Note the image is rectangular but contents will be filled in
depending on how the camera has moved in the video with many undefined (black) areas

2. Foreground macroblock elements or objects with coordinates on a frame-by-frame basis. It is
expected that the foreground elements will be define as connected macroblocks You are expected
to display your foreground objects as a video sequence against a white plain background frame

Application Outputs:
Suggested below are three applications that you will need to create by processing your intermediary
outputs – background panorama and foreground objects.

1. Display motion trails by compositing every nth foreground element on the panorama, where n is
your choice of a number. The motion trail is a nice image showing a map of where the foreground
objects were in the panorama.

Input video frames

Intermediary output 1 – background panorama

Intermediary output 2 – video showing foreground elements

2. Create a video a new video by defining a path in the panorama image, but it should overlap with

the foreground objects in some capacity with the expectation that the foreground objects are
composited in time synchronized manner.

3. Remove objects from video: When your video is processed, you have a background panorama

and you have one (or more) foreground objects. Can you recreate the same video by removing
one of the foreground objects but keeping the rest? (Note: if there is only one foreground object
then you have a video with no foreground objects)

New video path outlined on the panorama – you may use your choice of resolution and path

New output video with time synchronized foreground objects previously detected composited in.

Algorithm and Processing:

Step 1: Detecting foreground and background macroblocks using motion compensation
You are required to divide each frame of the video into background and foreground macroblocks
objects. Note that your macroblocks may not be precise, especially at the boundaries but nevertheless you
should be able to segment out contiguous blocks of foreground elements and separate the background.
Enumerated below are some useful guidelines:

1. Divide each image frame into blocks of size 16×16 pixels
2. Compute the Motion Vectors based on the previous frame – this is the block-based MAD (mean

absolute difference brute force search) that we learned in class, or you may also use any fast
motion estimation (FME) technique. At the end of this step, each macroblock of the frame should
have a correct motion vector.

3. Organize the blocks into background and foreground based on the similarity of the directions of
their motion vectors. Background macro blocks either have a close to zero motion vectors (if
camera is not moving) or a constant same motion vector (when the camera is moving). On the
other hand, foreground macroblocks have similar motion vectors with macroblocks of a moving
region and are directionally different from background motion vectors. Contiguous or adjacent
foreground macroblocks may form the area for a foreground object.

Note that you can have different foreground regions moving in your video sequence. By the end of this
first part, you should know for each frame for each macroblock – whether they represent a foreground or
a background macroblock. The general-purpose solution of this problem is not easy, but as long as your
program comes up with a algorithmically valid demarcation of foreground and background based on
motion, that is fine. An example is demarcation is shown below where the green macroblocks represent
the background, and the red macroblocks represent the foreground object of macroblocks in motion.

Step 2: Creating background only plates and foreground objects:
For all the frames, zero out all the foreground objects, but keep track of them for future processing. The
background plates with holes need to be composited to form the background panorama. Content is the

holes in frame n will be filled in by the correct and continuous background content using the next step.
The figure below shows a pictorial understanding of the process.

Step 2: Creating a panorama for the background –
Next we need to choose an “anchor” frame to initialize your panorama. The anchor frame is typically first
frame, last frame or middle frame. The background panorama is created by warping the neighborhood
frames around the anchor frame and compositing the warped “missing” content at each step. This
amounts to computing a transform from every frame to see how it fits into the panorama image.

a. If the camera has moved horizontally or vertically, this transform may be approximated
as a translation matrix. This may be true for some of the given datasets.

b. If the camera has rotated about is pivot, this transform may be approximated as a rotation
matrix. This may be true for some of the given datasets.

c. In general, given the various degrees of freedom (T, R, S and perspective changes), this
transform is best approximated as a 3×3 perspective transform (homography).

Please refer to upcoming class lectures on how to compute the H matrix using corresponding points
between images.

Original video frames Foreground objects removed from
frames. The background plates can be

combined into a panorma

Foreground objects in

Image example taken from https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee290t/fa19/lectures/lecture8-homography.pdf

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com