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# Australia Gas production
aus_production %>% autoplot(Gas)
# Fails stationarity in all three ways
# GOOGLE STOCK PRICE 2018 —————-
google_2018 <- gafa_stock %>%
filter(Symbol == “GOOG”, year(Date) == 2018) %>%
mutate(trading_day = row_number()) %>%
update_tsibble(index = trading_day, regular = TRUE)
google_2018 %>% autoplot(Close)
google_2018 %>% ACF(Close) %>% autoplot()
# Typical of non-stationary data
# Let’s look at the differences from period to period
# Can do this on the fly
google_2018 %>% autoplot(difference(Close))
google_2018 %>% ACF(difference(Close)) %>% autoplot()
# Not only stationary – it looks like WN
### WWW usage: 2nd differencing —–
# A time series of the numbers of users connected to the Internet
# through a server every minute.
wwwusage <- as_tsibble(WWWusage)
wwwusage %>% autoplot(value)
wwwusage %>% autoplot(difference(value))
wwwusage %>% autoplot(difference(value, differences=2))
## A10 drugs: seas diff ——–
#(antidiabetic) drugs sold in Australia
a10 <- PBS %>%
filter(ATC2 == “A10”) %>%
summarise(Cost = sum(Cost)/1e6)
a10 %>% autoplot(Cost)
a10 %>% autoplot(log(Cost))
a10 %>% autoplot(
log(Cost) %>% difference(12)
## H02 drugs: seas diff ——–
#Australian corticosteroid drug sales
h02 <- PBS %>%
filter(ATC2 == “H02”) %>%
summarise(Cost = sum(Cost)/1e6)
h02 %>% autoplot(Cost)
h02 %>% autoplot(log(Cost))
h02 %>% autoplot(
log(Cost) %>% difference(12)
h02 %>% autoplot(
log(Cost) %>% difference(12) %>% difference(1)
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google_2018 %>%
google_2018 %>%
features(Close, unitroot_kpss)
# Let’s look at the differences
google_2018 %>%
google_2018 %>%
features(difference(Close), unitroot_kpss)
# Returns directly the number of differences
# at a 5%
google_2018 %>%
features(Close, unitroot_ndiffs)
### WWW usage: KPSS —————-
wwwusage <- as_tsibble(WWWusage)
wwwusage %>% autoplot(value)
wwwusage %>% autoplot(difference(value))
wwwusage %>% autoplot(difference(value, differences=2))
wwwusage %>% features(value, unitroot_kpss)
wwwusage %>% features(difference(value), unitroot_pp)
wwwusage %>% features(difference(value), unitroot_ndiffs)
## A10 drugs
a10 <- PBS %>%
filter(ATC2 == “A10”) %>%
summarise(Cost = sum(Cost)/1e6)
a10 %>% autoplot(Cost)
a10 %>% autoplot(log(Cost))
a10 %>% autoplot(
log(Cost) %>% difference(12)
## H02 drugs: Seas Diff —————-
h02 <- PBS %>%
filter(ATC2 == “H02”) %>%
summarise(Cost = sum(Cost)/1e6)
h02 %>% autoplot(Cost)
h02 %>% autoplot(log(Cost))
h02 %>% autoplot(
log(Cost) %>% difference(12)
h02 %>% autoplot(
log(Cost) %>% difference(12) %>% difference(1)
# Seasonal strength – compare seasonal component to remainder
h02 %>% model(STL(log(Cost))) %>% components() %>% autoplot()
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# Just showing passing a list into features()
# and also where the seasonal strength comes from
# i.e., an STL decomposition
h02 %>% mutate(log_sales = log(Cost)) %>%
features(log_sales, list(unitroot_nsdiffs, feat_stl))
h02 %>% mutate(log_sales = log(Cost)) %>%
features(log_sales, feat_stl)
# Seasonal diffs
h02 %>% mutate(log_sales = log(Cost)) %>%
features(log_sales, unitroot_nsdiffs)
# First order diffs
h02 %>% mutate(d_log_sales = difference(log(Cost), 12)) %>%
features(d_log_sales, unitroot_ndiffs)
## Australian tourism ————————–
# Total trips across all purposes and all regions
total_trips <- tourism %>%
summarise(Trips = sum(Trips))
total_trips %>% autoplot(Trips)
# Looks clearly seasonal but let’s ask anyway
total_trips %>% features(Trips, unitroot_nsdiffs)
total_trips %>% features(difference(Trips,4), unitroot_ndiffs)
total_trips %>%
autoplot(Trips %>% difference(4))
# Do we now need a first order difference?
total_trips %>%
ACF(Trips %>% difference(4)) %>%
total_trips %>% features(difference(Trips,4), unitroot_ndiffs)
# yes we need a first order difference
total_trips %>%
autoplot(Trips %>% difference(4) %>% difference(1))
total_trips %>%
ACF(Trips %>% difference(4) %>% difference(1)) %>%
# Back to slides to introduce backshift notation
## AR Simulations —-
# You will be doing this by writing a function
# Hopefully some of you have done it already
# Here we use arima.sim()
ar1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(n),
sim = arima.sim(list(ar = -0.8), n = n),
index = idx)
ar1 %>% autoplot(sim)
ar1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(n),
sim = arima.sim(list(ar = 0.95), n = n),
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index = idx)
ar1 %>% autoplot(sim)
# How do we estimate
ar1 %>%
model(ARIMA(sim~pdq(1,0,0))) %>%
# Back to slides
# AR model with constant
ar1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(n),
sim = 10 + arima.sim(list(ar = -0.8), n = n),
index = idx)
ar1 %>% autoplot(sim)
# How do we estimate
ar1 %>%
model(ARIMA(sim~1+pdq(1,0,0))) %>%
ar2 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(n),
sim = 20 + arima.sim(list(ar = c(1.3, -0.7)), n = n),
index = idx)
ar2 %>%
model(ARIMA(sim~1+pdq(2,0,0))) %>%
ar2 %>%
model(ARIMA(sim~pdq(2,0,0))) %>%
ar2 %>% autoplot(sim) + ylab(“”) + ggtitle(“AR(2)”)
p1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(100), sim = 10 + arima.sim(list(ar = -0.8), n = 100), index =
idx) %>%
autoplot(sim) + ylab(“”) + ggtitle(“AR(1)”)
p2 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(100), sim = 20 + arima.sim(list(ar = c(1.3, -0.7)), n = 100),
index = idx) %>%
autoplot(sim) + ylab(“”) + ggtitle(“AR(2)”)
# MA simulations ——
#Similarly for MA processes
p1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(100), sim = 20 + arima.sim(list(ma = 0.8), n = 100), index =
idx) %>%
autoplot(sim) + ylab(“”) + ggtitle(“MA(1)”)
p2 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(100), sim = arima.sim(list(ma = c(-1, +0.8)), n = 100), index
= idx) %>%
autoplot(sim) + ylab(“”) + ggtitle(“MA(2)”)
#Demonstrating ACFs for AR(1) and MA(1) ——-
ar1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(1000), sim = 10 + arima.sim(list(ar = 0.8), n = 1000), index
= idx)
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ar1 %>% gg_tsdisplay(sim, plot_type=’partial’)
ma1 <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(1000), sim = 20 + arima.sim(list(ma = 0.8), n = 1000), index
= idx)
ma1 %>% gg_tsdisplay(sim, plot_type=’partial’)
## Understanding ARIMA models —-
# You can experiment with these lines to
# generate data and see what the forecasts
# converge to. Useful for slide entitled
#’Understanding ARIMA models’
# Use the following pairings
d=0; c=0; # converge to zero
d=0; c=10; # converge to mean(y)
d=1; c=0; n_sim=n-1; # converge to constant (RW + ARMA)
d=2; c=0; n_sim=n-2; # converge to trend (2 unit roots + ARMA)
y <- tsibble(idx = seq_len(n), sim = c + arima.sim(list(order = order, ar=ar, ma=ma), n =
n_sim) , index = idx)
y %>% autoplot(sim)
y %>% model(ARIMA(sim~1+pdq(order))) %>%
forecast(h=h) %>% autoplot(tail(y,200))
# Simulating from a random walk with drift
d=1; c=.1; # converge to trend (RW with Drift + ARMA)
y<-tsibble(idx = seq_len(n), sim = cumsum(c(0,rnorm(n-1)+c)), index = idx)
y %>% autoplot(sim)
y %>% model(ARIMA(sim~1+pdq(order))) %>%
forecast(h=h) %>% autoplot(tail(y,200))
egypt <-global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “EGY”)
egypt %>% autoplot(Exports) +
labs(y = “% of GDP”, title = “Egyptian Exports”)
# Data is stationary – tested
egypt %>%
# But data is not WN
egypt %>% ACF(Exports) %>% autoplot()
fit <- global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “EGY”) %>%
augment(fit) %>%
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features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 10, dof = 4)
fit %>%
forecast(h=60) %>%
autoplot(global_economy) +
labs(y = “% of GDP”, title = “Egyptian Exports”)
# Picking an ARIMA model
egypt %>% ACF(Exports) %>% autoplot()
egypt %>% PACF(Exports) %>% autoplot()
egypt %>%
gg_tsdisplay(Exports, plot_type = “partial”)
fit1 <- global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “EGY”) %>%
model(ARIMA(Exports ~ pdq(4,0,0)))
# Let’s have a look at the residuals
fit1 %>% gg_tsresiduals()
fit2 <- global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “EGY”) %>%
# Let’s have a look at these residuals
fit2 %>% gg_tsresiduals()
# How? Notice the AICc values
global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “CAF”) %>%
autoplot(Exports) +
labs(title=”Central African Republic exports”,
y=”% of GDP”)
# Is this stationary?
# Remember signs of non-stationarity
global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “CAF”) %>%
gg_tsdisplay(Exports, plot_type=’partial’)
# Let’s difference
global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “CAF”) %>%
gg_tsdisplay(difference(Exports), plot_type=’partial’)
# Very messy ACF and PACF – very usual – forget about theory
caf_fit <- global_economy %>%
filter(Code == “CAF”) %>%
model(arima210 = ARIMA(Exports ~ pdq(2,1,0)),
arima013 = ARIMA(Exports ~ pdq(0,1,3)),
stepwise = ARIMA(Exports),
fullsearch = ARIMA(Exports,
trace = TRUE))
glance(caf_fit) %>% arrange(AICc) %>% select(.model:BIC)
caf_fit %>%
select(fullsearch) %>%
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caf_fit %>%
select(fullsearch) %>%
augment() %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 10, dof = 3)
caf_fit %>%
forecast(h=10) %>%
# filter(.model==’fullsearch’) %>%
caf_fit %>% tidy()
# Back to slides
## US Consumption ——————————————————————
# Quarterly changes in these variables
us_change %>% autoplot(Consumption) +
labs(y=”Quarterly percentage change”, title=”US consumption”)
# Is it stationary – already differenced data
us_change %>% gg_tsdisplay(Consumption, plot_type = ‘partial’)
# Indicates possible AR(3)
# But let’s fit an AR(2) model
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ pdq(2,0,0) + PDQ(0,0,0)))
augment(fit) %>% gg_tsdisplay(.innov, plot_type = ‘partial’)
# Let’s correct
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ pdq(3,0,0) + PDQ(0,0,0)))
fit %>% report()
augment(fit) %>% gg_tsdisplay(.innov, plot_type = ‘partial’)
# Alternatively
us_change %>% gg_tsdisplay(Consumption, plot_type = ‘partial’)
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ pdq(0,0,3) + PDQ(0,0,0)))
fit %>% report()
augment(fit) %>% gg_tsdisplay(.innov, plot_type = ‘partial’)
# I can let ARIMA choose
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ PDQ(0,0,0)))
fit %>% report()
# It chooses based on AICc
# I can let ARIMA choose – only some bits
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ pdq(d=0) + PDQ(0,0,0)))
fit %>% report()
# It chooses the rest based on AICc
# I can restrict the constant
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ 0 + pdq(d=0) + PDQ(0,0,0)))
fit %>% report()
# It chooses the rest based on AICc
# The rest is the same – just use the forecast function
fit <- us_change %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(Consumption ~ PDQ(0,0,0), stepwise = FALSE,
approximation = FALSE))
fit %>% report()
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fit %>% tidy()
fit %>% gg_tsresiduals()
fit %>% forecast(h=10) %>%
fit %>% forecast(h=10) %>%
autoplot(tail(us_change, 80))
# Returns to the mean of the historical data
fit %>% forecast(h=50) %>%
## MINKS ————
mink <- as_tsibble(fma::mink)
mink %>% autoplot(value) +
labs(y=”Minks trapped (thousands)”,
title = “Annual number of minks trapped”)
mink %>% gg_tsdisplay(value, plot_type = “partial”)
# Remember we are looking at the last significant one
# Back to slides
# Let’s choose a model
mink %>% model(ARIMA(value~pdq(4,0,0))) %>% report()
mink %>% model(ARIMA(value)) %>% report()
# Not the best model – look at AICc of my manual one
# Also I need cycles – hence p>=2
mink %>% model(ARIMA(value)) %>% forecast(h=20) %>% autoplot(mink)
# Let’s make it work harder
mink %>% model(ARIMA(value, stepwise=FALSE)) %>% report()
# Will look at every possibility up to p+q<(max_order)
fit <- mink %>%
ar4 = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(4,0,0)),
auto = ARIMA(value),
best = ARIMA(value, stepwise=FALSE, approximation=FALSE)
fit %>% select(best) %>% report()
fit %>% select(best) %>% gg_tsresiduals()
fit %>% select(best) %>% forecast(h=20) %>% autoplot(mink)
# Scroll down to specials
# Can look at more models
mink %>%
model(ARIMA(value, stepwise=FALSE, order_constraint = p+q+P+Q<=6)) %>%
# Can look harder by not making any approximations
mink %>%
model(ARIMA(value, stepwise=FALSE, order_constraint = p+q+P+Q<=12,
approximation = FALSE, trace=TRUE)) %>%
mink %>%
model(ARIMA(value~pdq(p=0:6,q=0:6), stepwise=FALSE,
order_constraint = p+q+P+Q<=12,
approximation = FALSE, trace=TRUE)) %>%
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# Commonly switching off stepwise will find a reasonable model
mink %>%
model(ARIMA(value, stepwise=FALSE)) %>%
forecast(h=100) %>%
# Switch to slides
## WWW usage ———————————————————————–
web_usage <- as_tsibble(WWWusage)
web_usage %>% gg_tsdisplay(value, plot_type = ‘partial’)
web_usage %>% gg_tsdisplay(difference(value), plot_type = ‘partial’)
fit <- web_usage %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0))) %>%
web_usage %>%
model(auto = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(d=1))) %>%
web_usage %>%
model(auto2 = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(d=1),
stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE)) %>%
augment(fit) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 10, dof = 3)
fit %>% forecast(h = 10) %>% autoplot(web_usage)
## Electrical Equipment ——————————————————–
elecequip <- as_tsibble(fpp2::elecequip)
dcmp <- elecequip %>%
model(STL(value ~ season(window = “periodic”))) %>%
components() %>%
dcmp %>% as_tsibble %>%
autoplot(season_adjust) + xlab(“Year”) +
ylab(“Seasonally adjusted new orders index”)
dcmp %>% gg_tsdisplay(difference(season_adjust), plot_type = ‘partial’)
fit <- dcmp %>%
arima310 = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ pdq(3,1,0) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
arima410 = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ pdq(4,1,0) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
arima014 = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ pdq(0,1,4) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
arima311 = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ pdq(3,1,1) + PDQ(0,0,0))
fit <- dcmp %>%
arima = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ PDQ(0,0,0))
fit %>% report()
fit <- dcmp %>%
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arima = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ PDQ(0,0,0), stepwise = FALSE)
fit %>% report()
# Be warned
fit <- dcmp %>%
arima = ARIMA(season_adjust ~ PDQ(0,0,0), stepwise = FALSE,
approximation = FALSE)
fit %>% report()
augment(fit) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 24, dof = 4)
fit %>% forecast %>% autoplot(dcmp)
## GDP ————————————————————————–
# Pick a couple of countries – see logs
global_economy %>%
filter(Country==”Australia”) %>%
global_economy %>%
filter(Country==”United States”) %>%
# Find a suitable ARIMA model for each one of the 263 countries
fit <- global_economy %>%
# Has not worked for some countries because of no data being present
fit %>% tail()
fit %>%
filter(Country == “Australia”) %>%
fit %>%
filter(Country == “Australia”) %>%
# Some tiny correlations
fit %>%
filter(Country == “Australia”) %>%
augment() %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, dof=2, lag=10)
# Push it out to 15 and you get some significant dynamics
fit %>%
filter(Country == “Australia”) %>%
forecast(h=10) %>%
# fairly wide prediction intervals
+ scale_y_log10()
### US Monthly Electricity —————————————————–
usmelec <- as_tsibble(fpp2::usmelec) %>%
rename(Month = index, Generation = value)
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usmelec %>% autoplot(
usmelec %>% autoplot(
usmelec %>% autoplot(
log(Generation) %>% difference(12)
usmelec %>% gg_tsdisplay(
log(Generation) %>% difference(12), plot_type = “partial”
# You could possible work with this
usmelec %>% autoplot(
log(Generation) %>% difference(12) %>% difference()
usmelec %>% gg_tsdisplay(
log(Generation) %>% difference(12) %>% difference(),
plot_type = “partial”)
usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation) ~ pdq(0,1,3) + PDQ(0,1,1))) %>%
usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation))) %>%
fit <- usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation)))
augment(fit) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 24, dof = 5)
# residuals are not great
# Don’t run takes too long – see model below
usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation),
stepwise = FALSE,
approximation = FALSE)
) %>%
fit <- usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation)~pdq(1,1,1)+PDQ(2,1,2)))
usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation))) %>%
forecast(h = “3 years”) %>%
usmelec %>%
model(arima = ARIMA(log(Generation))) %>%
forecast(h = “3 years”) %>%
autoplot(filter(usmelec, year(Month) >= 2005))
## US Leisure and Hospitality ————-
leisure <- us_employment %>%
filter(Title == “Leisure and Hospitality”, year(Month) > 2000) %>%
mutate(Employed = Employed/1000) %>% select(Month, Employed)
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autoplot(leisure, Employed) +
labs(title = “US employment: leisure and hospitality”,
y=”Number of people (millions)”)
leisure %>%
gg_tsdisplay(difference(Employed, 12),
plot_type=’partial’, lag=36) +
labs(title=”Seasonally differenced”, y=””)
# Clearly non-stationary
leisure %>%
gg_tsdisplay(difference(Employed, 12) %>% difference(),
plot_type=’partial’, lag=36) +
labs(title = “Double differenced”, y=””)
# Lets think about models
# Start with the seasonal component
fit_leisure <- leisure %>%
arima012011 = ARIMA(Employed ~ pdq(0,1,2) + PDQ(0,1,1)),
arima210011 = ARIMA(Employed ~ pdq(2,1,0) + PDQ(0,1,1)),
auto = ARIMA(Employed, stepwise = FALSE, approx = FALSE)
fit_leisure %>% pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = “Model name”,
values_to = “Orders”)
glance(fit_leisure) %>% arrange(AICc) %>% select(.model:BIC)
fit_leisure %>% select(auto) %>% tidy()
fit_leisure %>% select(auto) %>% gg_tsresiduals()
fit_leisure %>% select(auto) %>% augment() %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag=24, dof=4)
fit_leisure %>% select(auto) %>% report()
forecast(fit_leisure, h=36) %>%
filter(.model==’auto’) %>%
autoplot(leisure) +
labs(title = “US employment: leisure and hospitality”,
y=”Number of people (millions)”)
# Question: where does the trend come from?
## h02 drugs ———————————————————————-
h02 <- PBS %>%
filter(ATC2 == “H02”) %>%
summarise(Cost = sum(Cost))
h02 %>% autoplot(Cost)
## Models using logs
h02 %>% autoplot(log(Cost))
# You may choose not to take logs
h02 %>% features(Cost, features = guerrero) %>% pull(lambda_guerrero)
# Clearly seasonal
h02 %>% gg_tsdisplay(difference(log(Cost),12), lag_max = 36, plot_type=’partial’)
# Debatable whether I should take another difference.
# Stick with d=0, D=1 for the moment
# My best guess
# Easier to look at the PACF for both seas and non-seas
fit <- h02 %>%
model(best = ARIMA(log(Cost) ~ pdq(3,0,0) + PDQ(2,1,0)))
gg_tsresiduals(fit, lag_max=36)
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# not too bad
augment(fit) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 36, dof = 6)
# Change lag to 24 – 36 is very long
# Spikes are small and far away
# So overall happy with this
# Go to slide 137 to show Plausible alternative model
# Best of the alternative plausible models
fit <- h02 %>%
model(best = ARIMA(log(Cost) ~ 0 + pdq(3,0,1) + PDQ(0,1,2)))
gg_tsresiduals(fit, lag_max=36)
# better I think
augment(fit) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 24, dof = 6)
# Still failing at lag 36
# How about lag 24
# Letting R choose
fit <- h02 %>% model(auto = ARIMA(log(Cost), stepwise = FALSE))
# Better than my model with stepwise=TRUE
# Turn off and see what happens
gg_tsresiduals(fit, lag_max=36)
# Probably a bit worse with only 6 parameters again
augment(fit) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 36, dof = 6)
# Still failing at lag 36
# How about lag 24
# Getting R to work really hard now
fit_h02 <- h02 %>%
model(best = ARIMA(log(Cost), stepwise = FALSE,
approximation = FALSE,
order_constraint = p + q + P + Q <= 9))
# This will take a while now
# You should be experimenting with these in IA4 and GA4
# Start early because these will take a while
# Remember you may not be able to deal with all the autocorrelations
# Evaluate your significant spikes and where they are
# Remember every model is a crude approximation of reality
# No data comes from a model unless you are simulating data
fit_h02 %>% report()
gg_tsresiduals(fit_h02, lag_max=36)
augment(fit_h02) %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 36, dof = 9)
# Success 🙂
# However we have a problem? Go back to slide 148
# The forecasts
fit_h02 %>% forecast %>% autoplot(h02) +
labs(y=”H02 Expenditure ($AUD)”)
## Example: Australian population ————-
# Non-seasonal
aus_economy <- global_economy %>% filter(Code == “AUS”) %>%
mutate(Population = Population/1e6)
aus_economy %>% autoplot(Population)
aus_economy %>%
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slice(-n()) %>% # take out the last row
stretch_tsibble(.init = 10) %>% # stretch out starting with 10 obs
# 48 folds – 48 .ids
model(ets = ETS(Population),
arima = ARIMA(Population)
) %>%
forecast(h = 1) %>%
accuracy(aus_economy) %>%
select(.model, ME:RMSSE)
# Forecasts
aus_economy %>%
model(ETS(Population)) %>%
forecast(h = “5 years”) %>%
autoplot(aus_economy) +
labs(title = “Australian population”,
y = “People (millions)”)
# Let’s zoom in a little
aus_economy %>%
model(ETS(Population)) %>%
forecast(h = “5 years”) %>%
autoplot(aus_economy %>% filter(Year > 1990)) +
labs(title = “Australian population”,
y = “People (millions)”)
## Example: Cement production ————
# Seasonal data
cement <- aus_production %>%
select(Cement) %>%
filter_index(“1988 Q1” ~ .)
cement %>% autoplot(Cement)
# Seasonality changing
# We are doing a train-test split
# Best to do a cv stretch_tsibble
# You will do that in your assignment
# but it will take longer – so be prepared – start early
train <- cement %>% filter_index(. ~ “2007 Q4”)
fit <- train %>%
arima = ARIMA(Cement),
ets = ETS(Cement)
fit %>%
select(arima) %>%
gg_tsresiduals(fit %>% select(arima), lag_max = 16)
fit %>%
select(arima) %>%
augment() %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 16, dof = 6)
fit %>%
select(ets) %>%
gg_tsresiduals(fit %>% select(ets), lag_max = 16)
fit %>%
select(ets) %>%
augment() %>%
features(.innov, ljung_box, lag = 16, dof = 6)
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# Both models seem to be very suitable
fit %>%
forecast(h = “2 years 6 months”) %>%
accuracy(cement) %>%
select(-ME, -MPE, -ACF1)
# ARIMA does slightly better
# Remember only 10 obs
# So do not get too excited about it
# But I still go with the ARIMA
fit %>%
select(arima) %>%
forecast(h=”3 years”) %>%
autoplot(cement) +
labs(title = “Cement production in Australia”,
y=”Tonnes (‘000)”)
fit %>%
select(ets) %>%
forecast(h=”3 years”) %>%
autoplot(cement) +
labs(title = “Cement production in Australia”,
y=”Tonnes (‘000)”)
# Possibly ARIMA looks a bit too optimistic
# ETS wider intervals are possibly better
# If we are interested in intervals
fit %>%
forecast(h = “2 years 6 months”) %>%
accuracy(cement, measures=interval_accuracy_measures, level=95)
fit %>%
forecast(h = “2 years 6 months”) %>%
accuracy(cement, measures=interval_accuracy_measures, level=80)
# If we are interested in the whole distributions
fit %>%
forecast(h = “2 years 6 months”) %>%
accuracy(cement, measures=distribution_accuracy_measures)
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