Live Lecture Chat Window Wednesday, March 30, 2022
14:38:10 From Catherine Potgieter to Everyone: All of the OH times that do not have the CS next to it are available office hours to online students?
Absolutely! Online students are first-class citizens. All OHs apply to you too.
14:39:00 From Catherine Potgieter to Everyone: Do we communicate on Teams for OH?
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14:48:45 From Andrew Layendecker to Everyone: We would also want to focus on peak for P4 and P1 instead of average correct?
That’s correct. Always use the peak performances. The average performance is interesting only to see how consistent the peak performances are.
14:48:53 From Natalie Holland to Everyone: Is 3.98 acceptable?
Just acceptable? No, it’s amazing.
14:51:55 From Russ McCuen to Everyone: I also only did 10 attempts. Should I redo it
with more?
I like to try 20 or more, especially if I am on flip. If on rabbit, then 10 should do.
14:52:25 From Andrew Layendecker to Everyone: I did 1000 and got the closest peak to average difference
14:52:50 From Andrew Layendecker to Everyone: I would imagine if the peak to average is still pretty close that it’s most likely fine?
14:55:30 From Pamela Yin to Everyone: What would be the acceptable range for project 0? I’m getting around 3, not 4.
Very much depends on the system. 3 is acceptable.
15:01:27 From Milan Thakkar to Everyone: Is there a way to do this on google sheets? 15:01:51 From Andrew Layendecker to Everyone: op
15:05:01 From Jacque L to Everyone: Can we also do this in R? 15:05:14 From hannah ryan to Everyone: gg plot in r
15:12:41 From Sean W to Everyone: Are we allowed to save the [Powershell] functions in places like .bashrc?
Yes. I just put mine right in the Debug folder I am planning to run from.
16:03:11 From danielyu to Everyone: if you tried loop.csh > output.txt does that redirect the output?
Yes, but it only redirects standard output. I like to also put debugging messages on standard error. In csh, at least, you divert both with: loop.csh >& output.txt
Notice this would be a good place to divert to an “output.csv” instead so that you could slurp the numbers right into a spreadsheet.
16:05:31 From Colin Francis to Everyone: For the project turn-in procedures it mentions that the PDF report should include an explanation of what you did and why it worked the way it did. Do we need to include this for project0 or is it enough to just answer the questions from the actual assignment page?
Just answer the questions. Easy-peasy!
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