Question 1
Assume the variable x is bound to a list of numbers. Enter a single Haskell expression confined to a single line that will return a list of the squares of the elements of x. For example, if x is [1,2,3,2,1], your expression should return [1,4,9,4,1]. You may use any Haskell Prelude functions and types, but you cannot use any other libraries and you cannot define any new functions. You should assume that the variable x is already defined.
Question 2
Assume the variable x is bound to a list of numbers (Ints, Doubles, etc). Enter a single Haskell expression confined to a single line that will return the the list x with all the zeros removed from the beginning and end of the list, but other zeros retained. For example, if x is [0,0,0,2,0,7,0,0], your expression should return [2,0,7]. You may use any Haskell Prelude functions and types, but you cannot use any other libraries and you cannot define any new functions. You should assume that the variable x is already defined.
Question 3
Assume the variable x is bound to a number (an Int, Double, etc), and c is bound to a list of coefficients. Enter a single Haskell expression confined to a single line that will return the value of the polynomial defined by x and c. That is, it should result in the the first element of c plus the second element times x plus the third element times x squared plus the fourth times x cubed, etc. For example, if x is 2 and c is [1,3,5], your expression should return 1 + 3 * x + 5 * x * x = 27. You may use any Haskell Prelude functions and types, but you cannot use any other libraries and you cannot define any new functions. You should assume that the variables x and c are already defined.
map (\e -> e * e) x
reverse (dropWhile (==0) (reverse (dropWhile (==0) x)))
— or
reverse $ dropWhile (==0) $ reverse $ dropWhile (==0) x
sum $ zipWith (*) c $ map (x^) [0..]
— or
sum $ [c*x^e | (c,e) <- zip c [0..]]
Question 4
Design a type ChessPiece to represent a piece in the game of chess. Each chess piece is either black or white, and is either a king, queen, rook, bishop, knight, or pawn. Ensure that, if p is a ChessPiece, then show p returns a two-character string, where the first character is either B for black or W for white, and the second is one of: K for king, Q for queen, R for rook, B for bishop, N for knight, or P for pawn.
Also define a function
that takes a string as input and returns Just a chess piece if the string consists of a two character string matching the above specification, ignoring any space characters in the input string, and Nothing otherwise. So for example, toChessPiece " WN " should return Just the representation of a white knight, while toChessPiece " NW " should return Nothing.
Feel free to define as many helper types and functions as you like to assist your implementation.
You will be assessed both on the correctness of your implementation and the quality of your type definition. You should make your type robust, so that any program manipulating chess pieces will have compile-time (not run-time) errors if any invalid chess pieces or aspects of them are used in the program.
toChessPiece :: String -> Maybe ChessPiece
module ChessPiece (ChessPiece, toChessPiece) where
data ChessPiece = ChessPiece PieceColour PieceRank
data PieceColour = Black | White
data PieceRank = King | Queen | Rook | Bishop | Knight | Pawn
instance Show ChessPiece where
show (ChessPiece c r) = show c ++ show r
instance Show PieceColour where
show Black = “B”
show White = “W”
instance Show PieceRank where
show King = “K”
show Queen = “Q”
show Rook = “R”
show Bishop = “B”
show Knight = “N”
show Pawn = “P”
toChessPiece :: String -> Maybe ChessPiece
toChessPiece str =
case filter (/=’ ‘) str of
[c,r] -> do
colour <- toPieceColour c
rank <- toPieceRank r
Question 5
Write a Haskell function
such that divideList p lst splits the list lst into two parts: the initial elements of the list all of which satisify p, and then the remainder of the list. Thus if (front,back) = divideList p lst, then lst == front ++ back, and every element of front satisfies p, and if back is non-empty, then p (head back) is False. Note that front or back (or both) may be empty.
For example: divideList (<5) [2,4,6,1,3,9] should yield ([2,4],[6,1,3,9]).
Question 6
Given the Haskell type
representing a binary search tree, write a Haskell function isBalanced that takes a BST as input and returns a Bool indicating whether or not the input is balanced.
A BST is considered to be balanced if no path from the root of the tree to any leaf (that is, to an Empty constructor) is more than one node longer than any other path from root to leaf in that tree. In other words, the difference between the maximum and minimum depth of the tree is no more than one.
For example, these trees are balanced:
divideList :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
divideList :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
divideList p [] = ([],[])
divideList p lst@(x:xs)
| p x = let (front,back) = divideList p xs
in (x:front, back)
| otherwise = ([],lst)
data BST a = Empty | Node (BST a) a (BST a)
return $ ChessPiece colour rank
_ -> Nothing
toPieceColour :: Char -> Maybe PieceColour
toPieceColour ‘B’ = Just Black
toPieceColour ‘W’ = Just White
toPieceColour _ = Nothing
toPieceRank :: Char -> Maybe PieceRank
toPieceRank ‘K’ = Just King
toPieceRank ‘Q’ = Just Queen
toPieceRank ‘R’ = Just Rook
toPieceRank ‘B’ = Just Bishop
toPieceRank ‘N’ = Just Knight
toPieceRank ‘P’ = Just Pawn
toPieceRank _ = Nothing
Node (Node Empty 1 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 3 Empty)
Node (Node (Node Empty 1 Empty) 2 Empty) 3 (Node Empty 4 Empty) Empty
and these are not:
Node (Node (Node Empty 1 Empty) 2 Empty) 3 Empty
Node (Node Empty 1 (Node Empty 2 (Node Empty 3 Empty))) 4 (Node Empty 5 (Node Empty 6 (Node Empty 7 Empty)))
You may use any standard Haskell prelude functions you like in your implementation.
data BST a = Empty | Node (BST a) a (BST a)
depth :: BST a -> Int
depth Empty = 0
depth (Node l _ r) = 1 + max (depth l) (depth r)
minDepth :: BST a -> Int
minDepth Empty = 0
minDepth (Node l _ r) = 1 + min (minDepth l) (minDepth r)
isBalanced :: BST a -> Bool
isBalanced tree = (depth tree – minDepth tree) <= 1
Question 7
Consider this Prolog program:
p(a,b). p(b,c). p(c,d).
q(X,Y) :- p(X,Y).
q(X,Y) :- p(Y,X).
r(X,Z) :- p(X,Z).
r(X,Z) :- p(X,Y), r(Y,Z).
List all ground unit clauses that form the semantics for the above Prolog program, using proper Prolog syntax. Each correct clause is with an equal fraction of the available marks, and each extra (incorrect) clause is leads to a deduction of the same fraction of the available marks.
Question 8
p(a,b). p(b,c). p(c,d).
q(a,b). q(b,c). q(c,d).
q(b,a). q(c,b). q(d,c).
r(a,b). r(b,c). r(c,d).
r(a,c). r(b,d). r(a,d).
Consider the following Prolog predicates definining a database of companies, employees, and their relationships.
company(Name, N, Revenue) holds when Name is a company with N employees and an annual revenue of Revenue.
employee(E, C) holds when E is an employee of the company C. knows(X, Y) holds when person X knows person Y.
A sample of this database is shown below:
company('Babbling Books', 500, 10000000).
company('Crafty Crafts', 5, 250000).
company('Hatties Hats', 25, 10000).
employee(mary, 'Babbling Books').
employee(julie, 'Babbling Books').
employee(michelle, 'Hatties Hats').
employee(mary, 'Hatties Hats').
employee(javier, 'Crafty Crafts').
knows(javier, michelle).
Question 8.1
Write a Prolog query to find all the N such that N is the name of a company that employs between 50 and 2000 employees (2 marks).
Question 8.2
Write a Prolog query to find all N where N is the name of an employee who works (is employed) at two different companies (2 marks).
Question 8.3
Write a Prolog query to find a list L of employee pairs (in the form Name1-Name2), where each pair represents two employees that know each other but who work at different companies (2 marks).
Question 9
Write a Prolog predicate words/2 such that words(X, Y) holds when X is a list of characters and Y is a list of words, where each word is a list of characters not containing any space characters (' '), and X is the result of appending together all the words on Y, in the order they appear in Y, with a single space character between words.
company(N, X, _), X >= 50, X <= 2000.
employee(N, A), employee(N, B), A \= B.
setof(Name1-Name2, [A, B]^(employee(Name1, A), employee(Name2, B), A \= B,
knows(Name1, Name2)), L).
This predicate can be used to split a line of text into a list of words (as long as there is only one space between words), or to put a list of words together into a line of text. For example, these queries should produce these, and only these, solutions:
Your predicate should work in any mode in which at least one of the arguments is ground. It need not work with both arguments unbound. An implementation that works correctly, but only in the mode where the first argument is ground, will be eligible to receive 80% of the marks.
You may use any Prolog built-in or library predicates.
?- words([t,h,i,s,' ',i,s,' ',a,' ',t,e,s,t], X).
X = [[t,h,i,s],[i,s],[a],[t,e,s,t]]
?- words(X, [[t,h,i,s],[i,s],[a],[t,e,s,t]]).
X = [t,h,i,s,' ',i,s,' ',a,' ',t,e,s,t]
words(Line, [Word|Words]) :-
( append(Word,[' '|Line1],Line),
Words = [_|_]
; Word = Line,
Words = [],
Line1 = [] ),
\+ member(' ', Word),
words(Line1, Words).