CS代考 CS61B Fall 2018

CS61B Fall 2018
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Computer Science Division
Final Examination Solutions
P. N. Hilfinger

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

READ THIS PAGE FIRST. Please do not discuss this exam with people who haven’t taken it. Your exam should contain 10 problems on 18 pages. Officially, it is worth 46 points (out of a total of 200).
This is an open-book test. You have two hours and fifty minutes to complete it. You may consult any books, notes, or other non-responsive objects available to you. You may use any program text supplied in lectures, problem sets, or solutions. Please write your answers in the spaces provided in the test. Make sure to put your name, login, and TA in the space provided below. Put your login and initials clearly on each page of this test and on any additional sheets of paper you use for your answers.
Be warned: my tests are known to cause panic. Fortunately, this reputation is entirely unjustified. Just read all the questions carefully to begin with, and first try to answer those parts about which you feel most confident. Do not be alarmed if some of the answers are obvious. Should you feel an attack of anxiety coming on, feel free to jump up and run around the outside of the building once or twice.
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Final Exam Login: Initials:
1. [3 points] Fill in the blanks in the following to fulfill the comments. import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
class Args {
/** A Java pattern that matches a skeletal version of argument
* * * * * * * * * */
lists in Python, such as (A)
The arguments themselves and the keywords that appear
to the left of “=” must be non-empty sequences of A’s. Any keyword arguments (with =) must follow the positional (non-keyword) arguments, and there must be at least one positional argument. There will be no whitespace in the string.
static final String ARGS =
/** Group number KEYWORDS in the regular expression ARGS captures * the keyword arguments and the preceding comma. See comments * on main for an example. */
static final int KEYWORDS = 2 ; /** Prints the trailing keyword arguments in INPUTS[0],
if INPUTS[0] is a valid argument list. So java Args “(A,AA,AAA=A,AA=AAAA)”
prints the string “,AAA=A,AA=AAAA” and java Args “(AAA,A)”
prints a blank line. */
public static void main(String… inputs) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(ARGS).matcher(inputs[0]); if (matcher.matches()) {

Final Exam Login: Initials: 3
2. [3 points] These questions concern the bit operators & | ^ ~ << >> >>>
with the int operands x and y. Fill in the blanks so that the indicated equalities are true. a. x<0==(0!=x&0x80000000 == ( 1 == x >>> 31 ); // Another solution
b. Assume that x and y are integers of the form 0z0z0z0z0z0z . . . 0z (in binary) where each z can be 0 or 1. That is, each odd-numbered bit (counting from 0 at the right) is 0. For example, 0, 1, 5, 16, and 20 qualify, but not 2, 9, 36, or any negative number. Fill in the blank to make the equation true, using only integer literals, bit operators, the variables x and y, and parentheses:
x + y == (x ^ y) | ((x & y) << 1) Final Exam Login: Initials: 4 [7 points] Fill in the appropriate bubbles or provide short answers to the following. In a hash set that uses external chaining, one can replace the external chains with balanced binary search trees. Suppose we double the capacity of our set as needed so that the load factor does not exceed 3. What is the resulting worst-case cost of finding a key (as a function of N, the number of keys in the set)? Assume the hashing function takes constant time. ⃝ Θ(1) 􏰃 Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) Under the same conditions as part (a), what is the worst-case time for adding a key to the set? ⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) 􏰃 Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) Again, under the same assumptions as in part (a), what is the worst-case time for adding N keys to an initially empty set? ⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) 􏰃 Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) The representation of part (a) is seldom used; one usually uses simple linked lists for each bucket, and this choice is generally faster. Why? For decent hash functions, the buckets will remain small (near the load factor), so simple sequential search will be quite fast, since it avoids the overheads of constructing and manipulating the tree. One operation in Dijkstra’s algorithm is to examine a neighbor of a vertex in the graph and possibly update its estimated distance to the source. As a function of V , the number of vertices in the graph, how often does this operation occur in the worst case? ⃝Θ(1) ⃝Θ(lgV) ⃝Θ(V) ⃝Θ(VlgV) 􏰃Θ(V2) ⃝Θ(V3) ⃝Θ(2V) What is the answer to part (e) if the graph is required to be undirected and acyclic? ⃝Θ(1) ⃝Θ(lgV) 􏰃Θ(V) ⃝Θ(VlgV) ⃝Θ(V2) ⃝Θ(V3) ⃝Θ(2V) If a trie contains N keys whose combined length is B characters, how long does it take in the worst case to see if a string S of length M is a prefix of some string in the trie (that is, if some string in the trie begins with S)? ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(lgB) ⃝ Θ(lgM) ⃝ Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(B) 􏰃 Θ(M) Final Exam Login: Initials: 5 4. [6 points] In the following questions, notations such as A ⊆ B mean that every function in the set of functions A is also in the set of functions B. Likewise, A = B means that A and B are the same set of functions. Fill in the appropriate bubbles. a. True or false: O(f(N)) ⊆ Θ(f(N)). ⃝ True 􏰃 False b. True or false: Ω(f(N)) ⊆ O(f(N)). ⃝ True 􏰃 False c. Trueorfalse: Θ(2·3N +1000·2N lgN)=Θ(3N). 􏰃 True ⃝ False d. What is the worst-case running time of f(N) as a function of N? Assume that h is a constant-time function. int f(int N) { if (N <= 4) return N; else if (h(N)) return 1 + f(N - 1); else return 4 + f(N - 2); ⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) 􏰃 Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) e. What is the worst-case running time of merge(A,B) as a function of N , the sum of the lengths of A and B? public static int[] merge(int[] A, int[] B) { int[] C = new int[A.length + B.length]; inti,j; i=j=0; while (i < A.length || j < B.length) { while (i < A.length && (j >= B.length || A[i] <= B[j])) { C[i + j] = A[i]; while (j < B.length && (i >= A.length || B[j] < A[i])) { C[i + j] = B[j]; return C; } ⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) 􏰃 Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) Final Exam Login: Initials: 6 f. What is the worst-case running time of the call new Seq().llcs(A, B), as a function of N , where N is the maximum of the lengths of int arrays A and B? class Seq { private int[][] _val; private int[] _A, _B; public int llcs(int[] A, int[] B) { _val = new int[A.length + 1][B.length + 1]; _A = A; _B = B; return llcs(A.length, B.length); private int llcs(int lenA, int lenB) { if (lenA == 0 || lenB == 0) { return 0; } else if (_val[lenA][lenB] == 0) { if (_A[lenA - 1] == _B[lenB - 1]) { _val[lenA][lenB] = 2 + llcs(lenA - 1, lenB - 1); } else { _val[lenA][lenB] = 1 + max(llcs(lenA - 1, lenB), llcs(lenA, lenB - 1)); return _val[lenA][lenB] - 1; } ⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) 􏰃 Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) Final Exam Login: Initials: 7 5. [1 point] The following collection of measurements of fundamental physical constants has been proposed to define a certain set of quantities. What set is it? ∆v(133Cs)hfs = c = h = e = k = NA = 9,192,631,770 sec−1 299,792,458 m sec−1 6.62607015 × 10−34 kg m2 sec−1 1.602176634 × 10−19 A sec 1.380649 × 10−23 kg m2 K−1 sec−2 6.02214076 × 1023 mol−1 683 cd sr sec3 kg−1 m−2 They implicitly provide the new definitions of the SI base units (second, meter, kilo- gram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela) by reference to fundamental physical constants (hyperfine structure transition frequency of cesium 133, speed of light, Planck constant, elementary charge, Boltzmann constant, Avagadro constant, and luminous efficacy of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 × 1012 Hz.) Final Exam Login: Initials: 8 [6 points] a. Give two distinct (2, 4) trees containing the keys {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. 246 46 1357 12357 b. We’ll say that a red-black tree with exactly one key in it: 2 has two black nodes along each path from the root to the (empty) leaves (each path contains the root and an empty node, usually represented as null). Consider a red- black tree in which there are exactly three black nodes along each path from the roots to the (empty) leaves. What is the maximum number of keys it can contain? Assume that we consider all general red-black trees that correspond to (2, 4) trees. ⃝3 ⃝4 ⃝6 ⃝7 ⃝8 ⃝14 􏰃15 ⃝16 ⃝30 ⃝31 ⃝32 c. Again consider a red-black tree in which there are exactly three black nodes along each path from the roots to the (empty) leaves. What is the maximum number of keys it can contain if we restrict ourselves to red-black trees that correspond to (2, 3) trees? ⃝3 ⃝4 ⃝6 ⃝7 􏰃8 ⃝14 ⃝15 ⃝16 ⃝30 ⃝31 ⃝32 Final Exam Login: Initials: 9 7. [5 points] Below you will find some intermediate steps in performing various sorting algorithms on the same input list. The steps do not necessarily represent consecutive steps in the algorithm (that is, many steps are missing), but they are in the correct sequence. For each of them, select the algorithm (by filling in the appropriate bubble) from among the following choices: insertion sort, selection sort, mergesort, quicksort (first element of sequence as pivot), heapsort, LSD radix and MSD radix sort. In all these cases, the final step of the algorithm will be this: 900, 1741, 3134, 3689, 4344, 4766, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176 but it may not be shown. Input List: 5610, 8542, 8191, 1741, 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 a. ⃝ Ins. 5610, b. 􏰃 Ins. 5610, ⃝ Sel. ⃝ Mer. 8542, 8191, 1741, 8800, 8191, 7128, 8800, 8191, 7128, 8542, 8191, 7128, 8542, 8191, 7128, 3689, 3134, 1741, 3689, 3134, 1741, ⃝ Sel. ⃝ Mer. 8542, 8191, 1741, 8191, 8542, 1741, 5610, 8191, 8542, 1741, 4344, 4766, 1741, 3134, 4344, ⃝ Sel. 􏰃 Mer. ⃝ Qui. 􏰃 Heap. ⃝ LSD. ⃝ MSD. 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 8542, 4344, 900, 1741, 4766, 3134, 5610, 3689 8542, 4344, 900, 1741, 4766, 3134, 5610, 9176 5610, 4344, 900, 1741, 4766, 3134, 3689, 9176 5610, 4344, 900, 1741, 4766, 3134, 8800, 9176 900, 4766, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176 4344, 4766, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176 ⃝ Qui. ⃝ Heap. ⃝ LSD. ⃝ MSD. 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 5610, 8191, 8542, 8800, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 4766, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176, 3689 ⃝ Qui. ⃝ Heap. ⃝ LSD. ⃝ MSD. 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 4344, 8800, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 8542, 8800, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 8542, 8800, 900, 3134, 3689, 4766, 7128, 9176 4344, 4766, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176 5610, 8542, 8191, 1741, 5610, 8191, 8542, 1741, 1741, 4344, 5610, 8191, 1741, 4344, 5610, 8191, 900, 1741, 3134, 3689, Continued on next page. Final Exam Login: d. ⃝ Ins. ⃝ Sel. ⃝ Mer. 5610, 8542, 8191, 1741, 3689, 1741, 4344, 900, 3689, 1741, 4344, 900, 3134, 1741, 900, 3689, e. ⃝ Ins. ⃝ Sel. ⃝ Mer. 5610, 8542, 8191, 1741, 5610, 8800, 900, 8191, 8800, 900, 5610, 7128, Initials: 10 􏰃 Qui. ⃝ Heap. ⃝ LSD. ⃝ MSD. 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 4766, 3134, 5610, 8800, 7128, 8191, 9176, 8542 4766, 3134, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176 4766, 4344, 5610, 7128, 8191, 8542, 8800, 9176 ⃝ Qui. ⃝ Heap. 􏰃 LSD. ⃝ MSD. 8800, 4344, 900, 4766, 7128, 3134, 9176, 3689 1741, 8542, 4344, 3134, 4766, 9176, 7128, 3689 3134, 1741, 8542, 4344, 4766, 9176, 3689, 8191 Final Exam Login: Initials: 11 8. [4 points] We saw quite a variety of implementations of graphs and traversals in project 3. These questions concern some of these. For each, fill in the appropriate bubble. We assume that during the traversal, when a successor vertex, v, of a vertex, u, is given a new weight, w, we use the following code before v is added back into the fringe. _fringe.remove(v); setWeight(v, w); setPredecessor(v, u); [Reminder:P1? V1: P2? V2: V3hasthevalueV1ifP1,otherwiseV2ifP2,and otherwise, V3.] Assume the algorithm is given a connected graph with E edges. (The comment “// *CHANGED*” indicates lines that have changed from the previous part.) Important: In each question that follows, fill in only the first bubble that a. /* Representation of fringe: */ new TreeSet(new VertexComparator());
/* Comparator */
class VertexComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Integer v0, Integer v1) {
double d0 = getWeight(v0) + estimatedDistance(v0), d1 = getWeight(v1) + estimatedDistance(v1);
return d0 > d1 ? 1 : d0 < d1 ? -1 : v0 - v1; } This representation ⃝ Will not work, because items added to the fringe will disappear. ⃝ Will not work, because the fringe will be ordered incorrectly. 􏰃 Will work properly and allow the shortest-path algorithm to run in worst-case O(E lg E) time. ⃝ Will work properly, but will not allow the shortest-path algorithm to run in worst-case O(E lg E) time. Final Exam Login: Initials: 12 b. /* Representation of fringe: */ new PriorityQueue(new VertexComparator()); // *CHANGED*
/* Comparator */
class VertexComparator implements Comparator {
public int
Assume that the class PriorityQueue uses a heap, as we have done in class. This representation
⃝ Will not work, because items added to the fringe will disappear.
⃝ Will not work, because the fringe will be ordered incorrectly.
⃝ Will work properly and allow the shortest-path algorithm to run in worst-case O(E lg E) time.
􏰃 Will work properly, but will not allow the shortest-path algorithm to run in worst-case O(E lg E) time.
c. /* Representation of fringe: */
new TreeSet(new VertexComparator()); // *CHANGED*
/* Comparator */
class VertexComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Integer v0, Integer v1) {
double d0 = getWeight(v0) + estimatedDistance(v0), d1 = getWeight(v1) + estimatedDistance(v1);
returnd0>d1?1:d0 d1 ? 1 : d0 < d1 ? -1 : v0 - v1; Final Exam Login: Initials: 13 d. /* Representation of fringe: */ new TreeSet(new VertexComparator());
/* Comparator */
class VertexComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Integer v0, Integer v1) {
double d0 = getWeight(v0) + estimatedDistance(v0), d1 = getWeight(v1) + estimatedDistance(v1);
return d0 > d1 ? 1 : -1; // *CHANGED* }
This representation
⃝ Will not work, because items added to the fringe will disappear. 􏰃 Will not work, because the fringe will be ordered incorrectly.
⃝ Will work properly and allow the shortest-path algorithm to run in worst-case O(E lg E) time.
⃝ Will work properly, but will not allow the shortest-path algorithm to run in worst-case O(E lg E) time.

Final Exam Login: Initials: 14
9. [2 points] We saw variations on the following main loop in the algorithm for do- ing depth-first search with pre- and post-visiting (the code is organized differently from the project). Here, _fringe is initialized to a stack containing the starting vertex and _toBePostVisited and _marked are sets.
while (!_fringe.isEmpty()) {
int u = _fringe.pop();
if (_toBePostVisited.contains(u)) {
} else if (!_marked.contains(u))
_marked.add(u); visit(u);
if (shouldPostVisit(u)) {
for (int v : _G.successors(u)) { if (!_marked.contains(v)) {
Unfortunately, this implementation is incorrect. Consider a depth-first traversal of the following graph, starting from vertex 1.
What one edge can we add to this graph so that (for some orderings of G.successors(u)) the algorithm visits or postvisits nodes in the wrong order? There
may be more than one answer; pick all that apply.
􏰀6→6 􏰀2→1 􏰄2→3 􏰀5→6 􏰀Noneofthese.

Final Exam Login: Initials: 15
10. [10 points] The abstract type SearchTree on page 16 is intended to represent a general kind of search tree. If, for example, IntTree extends SearchTree, then the intent is that a client can write
System.out.println(S.contains(9) + ” ” + S.contains(6) + ” ” + S.contains(5));
and the program should print ”false true true”.
As you can see, the SearchTree class has been written so that the representation of its
children is left up to its subtypes. Furthermore, unlike an ordinary binary search tree, its nodes may have any number of children. The sentinel root node will always have at least one child and a null label.
a. Fill in the definition of contains (on page 17) to fulfill its comment. b. Fill in the definition of add (on page 17) to fulfill its comment.
c. Define the subtype IntTree (on page 18) to be a subtype of SearchTree— that is, an ordinary binary search tree.
It is not necessary to check for erroneous inputs. In particular, where a documentation comment says that a value is non-null, or in some range, it is not necessary to check for that condition.
sentinel node representing an empty IntTree. = new IntTree();

Final Exam Login: Initials: 16
/** A general search-tree class containing values of type T. */ public abstract class SearchTree {
/** A SearchTree node with empty children and label LAB. */ protected SearchTree(T lab) {
_label = lab;
public T label() { return _label;
/** Returns a new SearchTree containing the single non-null label LAB */ abstract protected SearchTree create(T lab);
/** Returns my K’th child, numbering from 0. Error if there are fewer * than K + 1 children. */
abstract protected SearchTree child(int k);
/** Sets child(K) to C. Error if node has fewer than K+1 children. */ abstract protected void setChild(int k, SearchTree c);
/** Returns an index, k, such that V must either be in my k’th child or * is not present. Must always return 0 if label() is null.
* Otherwise undefined if V equals label() (that is, if the value
* V is contained in this node). */
abstract protected int select(T v);
/** True iff this tree contains the non-null value V. */ public boolean contains(T v) {
// To be implemented in part (a). }
/** Insert the non-null value V into this tree (if necessary) so that * contains(V) is true afterwards. Does nothing if V is present. */
public void add(T v) {
// To be implemented in part (b).
final private T _label; }

Final Exam Login: Initials: 17
// Part a.
/** True iff this tree contains the non-null value V. */ public boolean contains(T v) {
if (v.equals(_label)) { return true;
int k = select(v);
return child(k) != null && child(k).contains(v);
// Part b.
/** Insert the non-null value V into this tree (if necessary) so that
* contains(V) is true afterwards. Does nothing if V is present. */ public void add(T v) {
if (!v.equals(_label)) { int k = select(v);
if (child(k) == null) {
setChild(k, create(v)); } else {
child(k).add(v); }

Final Exam Login: Initials: 18 // Part c.
public class IntTree extends SearchTre

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