School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90042
Sample solutions: Week 7
1. What are contextual representations?
• The contextual representation of a word is a representation of the word based on a particular usage. It captures the different senses or nuances of the word depending on the context.
• Contextualised representations are different to word embeddings (e.g. Word2Vec) which gives a single representation for every word type.
• Contextual representations that are pre-trained on large data can be seen as a model that has obtained fairly comprehensive knowledge about the lan- guage.
2. How does a transformer captures dependencies between words? What advan- tages does it have compared to RNN?
• Transformer uses attention to capture dependencies between words.
• For each target word in a sentence, transformer attends to every other words
in the sentence to create its contextual embeddings.
• As the computation of the contextual embeddings of a target word is inde- pendent to other target words, we can parallelise the computation. This is an important distinction to RNN, which rely on sequential processing: the con- textual embedding of the current target word cannot be computed until we have processed the previous word.
• This allows transformer-based models to scale to very large data that is diffi- cult for RNN-based models.
3. What is discourse segmentation? What do the segments consist of, and what are some methods we can use to find them?
• In Discourse Segmentation, we try to divide up a text into discrete, cohesive units based on sentences.
• By interpretting the task as a boundary–finding problem, we can use rule– based or unsupervised methods to find sentences with little lexical overlap (suggesting a discourse boundary). We can also use supervised methods, by training a classifier around paragraph boundaries.
4. What is an anaphor?
• From the lectures: an anaphor is a linguistic expression that refers back to one
or more elements in the text (generally preceding the anaphor)
• These tend to be pronouns (he, she) but can also be determiners (which, the, etc.).
(a) What is anaphora resolution and why is it difficult?
• This is the problem of working out which element (generally a noun or noun phrase, but sometimes a whole clause) a given anaphor is actually referring to.
• For example:
Mary gave John a cat for his birthday. (i) She is generous. (ii) He was surprised. (iii) He is fluffy.
his [birthday] obviously refers to John; (i) (presumably) refers to Mary; (ii) (presumably) refers to John; and (iii) (presumably) refers to [the] cat.
(b) What are some useful heuristics (or features) to help resolve anaphora?
• The most obvious (but inherently unreliable) heuristic is the recency heuris- tic: given multiple possible referents (that are consistent in meaning with the anaphor), the mostly intended one is the one most recently used in the text.
• A better heuristic is that the most likely referent (consistent in meaning with the anaphor) is the focus of the discourse (the “center”).
• We can also build a supervised machine learning model, usually based around the semantic properties of the anaphor/nearby words and the sentence/discourse structure.
1. In the iPython notebook 10-bert, we provide an example on how we can use a pre-trained BERT model and fine-tune it for a sentiment analysis task. As we’ll need a GPU to train BERT, we’ll be running the notebook on colab, which pro- vides one free GPU. So the first step is to go to: https://colab.research. google.com/ and sign up or login to a Google account. Next go to ”File > Up- load Notebook” and upload the notebook (10-bert.ipynb) to colab.
• Fine-tune the model with more epochs (e.g. 4), and take the best model (based on development performance) and measure its performance on the test set.
• Modify the code so that you can freeze the BERT parameters from updating during fine-tuning. What performance do you now get?
• If you’re interested in using TPUs (which stands for tensor processing units, hardware designed specifically for neural network models) on colab, we’ve also provided 10-bert-tpu.ipynb which modifies the code to use TPU.
Get ahead
• Extend the notebook 10-bert for other tasks:
– Sentence similarity (STS 2017): http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2017/
– Question answering (SQuAD v1.1): https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD- explorer/