CS计算机代考程序代写 python School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90042

School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90042
Sample solutions: Week 6
1. Give illustrative examples that show the difference between:
(a) Synonyms and hypernyms
• Two words are synonyms when they share (mostly) the same meaning, for example: snake and serpent are synonyms.
• One word is a hypernym of a second word when it is a more general instance (“higher up” in the hierarchy) of the latter, for example, reptile is the hypernym of snake (in its animal sense).
(b) Hyponyms and meronyms
• One word is a hyponym of a second word when it is a more specific in- stance (“lower down” in the hierarchy) of the latter, for example, snake is one hyponym of reptile. (The opposite of hypernymy.)
• One word is a meronym of a second word when it is a part of the whole defined by the latter, for example, scales (the skin structure) is a meronym of reptile.
2. Using some Wordnet visualisation tool, for example,
http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn and the Wu & Palmer definition of word similarity, check whether the word information is more similar to the word retrieval or the word science (choose the sense which minimises the distance). Does this mesh with your intuition?
• The word information has five different senses in Wordnet; I’ve reproduce the fragment of the hierarchy above these senses below:
entity statement entity abstraction…
abstraction… abstraction… pleading abstraction… measure communication psychological… charge… group… system of meas… message… cognition… accusation… collection… information meas…

• Here’s the corresponding fragment of the three senses above retrieval:
entity entity
physical… abstraction…
process… psychological… entity processing cognition… abstraction…
data process… process… operation basic cog… computer op… memory…
• To find the Wu & Palmer similarity, we need to find the lowest common subsumer — the lowest node in the hierarchy shared by the two senses, and then apply the following formula:
sim(c1, c2) = 2 × depth(LCS(c1, c2)) depth(c1) + depth(c2)
• The question asks us to choose the senses which minimise the distance, so we need to check them all.
• The “message” sense of information lies at depth 5; the “data retrieval” sense of retrieval is at depth 8; the lowest node in the hierarchy that they share is entity (the root node) so the similarity is:
• What about the “message” sense of information with the other senses of re- trieval?
– The “memory” sense of retrieval is at depth 8, and the lowest node shared
is abstraction, abstract entity (at depth 2); this means that the
similarity is 2×2 ≈ 0.308. 8+5
– The “event” sense of retrieval is at depth 6, and the lowest node shared is also abstraction, abstract entity, so the similarity is 2×2 =
• Let me summarise these results in a table, where I’ve numbered the senses
according to the Wordnet ordering (left-to-right above):
1 0.154 0.154 0.118 0.154 0.143 retrieval 2 0.308 0.615 0.235 0.308 0.286 3 0.364 0.545 0.267 0.364 0.333
• The maximum similarity (in bold in the table above) is 0.615, for the second sense of information — “knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction” — and the second sense of retrieval — “the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory” (because they are both cognitive pro- cesses).
sim(information, retrieval) =
= 2≈0.154
2×1 5+8

• I will leave science as an exercise (there are only two senses this time), but the maximum similarity is 0.727 for the “knowledge acquired…” sense of information, and the “ability to produce solutions in some problem domain” sense of science.
• science is clearly the more similar word. This does match with my personal expectations, however, this probably isn’t the sense of science I had in mind!
3. What is word sense disambiguation?
• Word sense disambiguation is the computational problem of automatically determining which sense (usually, Wordnet synset) of a word is intended for a given token instance with a document.
4. For the following term co-occurrence matrix (suitably interpreted):
cup not(cup) world 55 225
not(world) 315 1405
(a) Find the Point-wise Mutual Information (PMI) between these two terms in
this collection.
• To evaluate PMI, we need the joint and prior probabilities of the two event (in this case, probably w: document contains world and c: document contains cup.
• We estimate these based on their appearance out of the total number of instances in the collection (2000), and then substitute:
P (w) = P (c) = P (w, c) =
280/2000 = 0.14 370/2000 = 0.185 55/2000 = 0.0275 log P(w,c)
PMI(w,c) =
= log 0.0275
2 P(w)P(c)
2 0.14 × 0.185
≈ 0.0865
(b) What does the value from (a) tell us about distributional similarity?
• This value is slightly positive, which means that the two events occur to- gether (in documents) slightly more commonly than would occur purely by chance. There is some possibility that world and cup occurring to- gether is somehow meaningful for documents in this collection.
5. In the 09-distributional-semantics iPython notebook, a term–document matrix is built to learn word vectors.
(a) What is the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method used for here? Why is this helpful?
• We are using the SVD method to build a representation of our matrix which can be used to identify the most important characteristics of words.
• By throwing away the less important characteristics, we can have a smaller representation of the words, which will save us (potentially a great deal of) time when evaluating the cosine similarities between word pairs.

6. What is a word embedding and how does it relate to distributional hypothesis?
• We’re going to have a representation of words (based on their contexts) in a
vector space, such that other words “nearby” in the space are similar
• This is broadly the same as what we expect in distributional similarity ( “you
shall know a word by the company it keeps.”)
• The row corresponding to the word in the relevant (target/context) matrix is known as the “embedding”.
(a) What is the difference between a skip-gram model and a CBOW model?
• The element in the condition of the posterior probability: skip–gram mod- els analyse the probability of the context words given the target word; CBOW models analyse the probability of the target word given the con- text words.
(b) How are the above models trained?
• The probabilities here are more complicated than just counting some events in a collection; they are based around taking the dot product of the rel- evant vectors (or average of vectors, in the case of CBOW), and then marginalising. To improve efficiency, we can also use a negative sam- pling objective.