CS计算机代考程序代写 AI algorithm ECE421 Final Exam First Name: Last Name:

ECE421 Final Exam First Name: Last Name:
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ECE 421S — Introduction to Machine Learning Final Examination
6 a.m. April 22nd – 6 a.m. April 23rd, 2020 Instructors: Ashish Khisti and Ben Liang
April 22nd, 2020
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5 marks
(a) Using the given data samples, write down a quadratic-programming problem to find the maximum- margin classifier. You should express your optimization as minimizing an objective function f(w,b) subject to constraints of the form gn(w,b) ≥ 1, for n = 1,2,…,6, and specify the functions f(⋅) and gn(⋅).
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020
1. (15MARKS)Considerbinarylinearclassifiersoftheformyˆ=sign(w1x1+w2x2+b),wherew=(w1,w2) is the weight vector and b is the bias, and data vectors x ∈ R2 and the labels y ∈ {−1, +1}. Our training dataset consists of the following labeled samples:
x1 =(1,0), x2 =(2,0), x3 =(0,1), x4 =(−1,0), x5 =(−2,0), x6 =(0,−1),
y1 =+1 y2 =+1 y3 =+1
y4 =−1 y5 =−1 y6 =−1
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5 marks
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020 (b) Find the maximum-margin classifier and specify the support vectors. It may help to first draw a
figure to observe the position of the data samples on the 2D plane.
5 marks
(c) Write the Lagrange function using αn , n = 1, 2, . . . , 6 as the Lagrange multipliers. Which Lagrange multipliers must be zero? Explain why.
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ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020
5 marks
2. (15 MARKS) Consider a quadratic learning model over data x ∈ R, with hypotheses of the form h(x) = a2x2 + a1x + a0, where ai ∈ {−1, 0, 1} for all i. The model is trained using N independent and identically distributed data samples.
(a) Given any arbitrarily chosen hypothesis h, suppose we wish to bound the generalization error such that ∣Eout(h) − Ein(h)∣ ≤ 0.1 with at least 95% probability. Use the Hoeffding bound (as given in the textbook) to compute the required number of training samples N.
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5 marks
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020 (b) Let g be the chosen hypothesis of a learning algorithm using a training dataset with N = 400. Use
the union bound to find a lower bound on the probability that ∣Eout(g) − Ein(g)∣ ≤ 0.1.
5 marks
(c) Suppose the training data samples were not independent. Which part(s) of your calculation in Parts (a) and/or (b) would need to be changed? (You do not need to explain how to change any part.)
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5 marks
3. (20 MARKS) Consider binary classification with data vectors x = (x1,x2) ∈ R2 and the labels y ∈ {−1,+1}. Let Hv be the hypothesis set that contains all vertical lines, such that each hypothesis is of the form yˆ = sgn(x1 − a), where a ∈ R. Let Hh be the hypothesis set that contains all horizontal lines, such that each hypothesis is of the form yˆ = sgn(−x2 + b), where b ∈ R. (Hint: note the subtle change of signs before x1 and x2.)
(a) Find the growth functions mHv (N ) and mHh (N ), for hypotheses sets Hv and Hh respectively.
5 marks
(b) Find the VC dimensions dVC(Hv) and dVC(Hh).
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020
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ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020
10 marks (c) Suppose we now merge the two hypotheses sets into one, such that H = Hv ∪ Hh. Find mH(N) and dVC(H).
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5 marks
Let gD(x) be the chosen hypothesis given D.
(a) For any given data sample x, find gD(x) and the average hypothesis, i.e., g ̄(x) = E [gD(x)].
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020
(15 MARKS) We wish to learn an unknown target function f(x), which in fact is cos(πx), within the domain −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. Suppose the training dataset has only two samples, represented by D = {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)}, where x1 and x2 are each independently drawn from a uniform distribution over the interval [−1,1], and y1 and y2 are the true labels corresponding to x1 and x2, respectively.
The hypothesis set consists of all constant functions of the form h(x) = b. For performance mea- surement, we consider the squared error. Therefore, our learning algorithm picks the hypothesis that minimizes the following in-sample error:
Ein(b)= 1((y1 −b)2 +(y2 −b)2). 2
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5 marks
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020 (b) For any given data sample x, compute the bias and variance components of the average squared
error ∆(x) = E [(gD(x) − f(x))2]. D
5 marks
(c) Compute the expected test error ED [Eout(gD(x))].
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ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020
(15 MARKS) Suppose we use leave-one-out cross-validation with SVM for binary classification. Our dataset contains N independent and identically distributed data samples, denoted by
D = {(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…(xN,yN)}.
Let en = I(gn−(xn) ≠ yn) be the cross-validation error due to (xn, yn), where I(⋅) is the indicator function and gn−(⋅) is the chosen hypothesis based on a training dataset with xn removed, i.e., the set D/{xn}. Then the overall cross-validation error is
1N ECV = N ∑ en.
(a) Explain why ECV ≤ K , where K is the number of support vectors. N
10 marks
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5 marks
ECE421 Final Exam April 22nd, 2020 (b) Explain why we have the following bound for the expected test error:
K ̄ ED [Eout(gD(x))] ≤ N + 1,
where K ̄ is the expected number of support vectors in a dataset with N + 1 independent samples each generated from the same distribution as a sample in D.
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