程序代写 module RoverInterface where

module RoverInterface where

import Data.Word

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

The class `Wp` is the class of waypoint types.
Given a waypoint `x` of type `wp`, the expression
`navigableFrom x` returns the list of waypoints that
the rover can reach from waypoint `x`.
class Eq wp => Wp wp where
navigableFrom :: wp -> [wp]

TrackNo represents a track number on a floppy disk. Note that
the disk only has tracks 0-39, although in principle more
tracks could be supported.
type TrackNo = Word8

A file or directory unique identifier.
type UID = Word8

An element of a file system hierarchy.
E.g. `Dir 0 [File 1 (), Dir 5 [File 2 ()]]`
represents a file system whose root directory
contains a file called 1, and another directory
called 5. Inside 5 there is another file 2.
data FSH a
= File UID a
| Dir UID [FSH a]
deriving (Show, Eq)

`Monad`s that belong to the `MonadFloppy` class
let you write programs that control a floppy disk drive.
Apart from the usual monad operations (bind/return), it
has four additional operations:
headForward – moves the r/w head forward by 1 track.
headBackward – moves the r/w head back toward zero by 1 track.
readTrack – reads 2048 consecutive bytes from the current track.
writeTrack – writes the given list of bytes to the current track.
class (Monad m) => (MonadFloppy m) where
headForward :: m ()
headBackward :: m ()
readTrack :: m [Word8]
writeTrack :: [Word8] -> m ()

Types that belong to the Bytes class can be serialized
into a stream of bytes using `toBytes`, and converted
back using `fromBytes`. The latter function takes a
list of bytes, and tries to parse back the prefix of
this list into something of type `a`. If successful,
it returns both the parsed value of type `a`, and the
remaining bytes in the given list. I.e.
`fromBytes ((toBytes x) ++ ys)`
should return `(x,ys)`.
class Bytes a where
toBytes :: a -> [Word8]
fromBytes :: [Word8] -> Maybe (a, [Word8])

instance Bytes Word8 where
toBytes x = [x]
fromBytes [] = Nothing
fromBytes (x:xs) = Just (x,xs)

instance Bytes a => Bytes [a] where
toBytes xs = fromIntegral (length xs):concatMap toBytes xs
fromBytes [] = Nothing
fromBytes (l:xs) = consume (fromIntegral l) xs where
consume 0 xs = Just ([],xs)
consume n xs = do
(h,xs’) <- fromBytes xs (t,xs'') <- consume (n-1) xs' return ((h:t),xs'') instance Bytes a => Bytes (FSH a) where
toBytes (Dir uid cont) =
0:uid:toBytes cont
toBytes (File uid ts) = 1:uid:toBytes ts
fromBytes (0:uid:xs) = do
(cont,xs’) <- fromBytes xs return (Dir uid cont, xs') fromBytes (1:uid:xs) = do (ts,xs') <- fromBytes xs return (File uid ts, xs') fromBytes _ = Nothing 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com